Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Battle for Dream Island Wiki

This page lists recommended characters that are variations of Ice Cube.

Red Ice Cube[]

Acid Ice Cube[]

Acid Ice Cube first appeared in "Gardening Hero". They look like a green ice cube. It was shown as one of the gaspers in the episode. It was recommended by marioluigi3128.

Baby Ice Cube[]

Baby Ice Cube was first seen in "The Reveal". She is a smaller ice cube with a diaper and a pacifier. She also has arms.

Bronze Ice Cube[]

Bronze Ice Cube is a bronze version of Ice Cube. BIC is a recommended character from BFDI 22, but the actual appearance was in BFDI 23. BIC was shown standing in front of Evil Shadow, who is behind BIC, although it is currently unknown if Evil Shadow is actually Bronze Ice Cube's shadow or not. BIC was recommended by Knowe386.

Cola Ice Cube[]

Cola Ice Cube was a recommended character in "The Reveal". It was submitted by paviaedwin. They are a brown Ice Cube made of cola.

Electric Ice Cube[]

Electric Ice Cube is a recommended character from "Zeeky Boogy Doog". Its face is similar to Roboty's.

Evil Ice Cube[]

Evil Ice Cube is a recommended character and an evil version of Ice Cube. In "The Glistening", they wanted Ice Cube to be eliminated. They were recommended by DeeandEd.

She also appears in BFDI Episode 24, but now she was recommended by TheHEARTGOLD10.


Icey is a recommended character in "B.F.B. = Back From Beginning". They were recommended by JayFlamestar.

Ice Ball[]

Ice Ball is a recommended character in "The Reveal" and "Meaty". They were recommended by worldsubways13 in BFDI and Earth in BFDIA.

Metal Ice Cube[]

Metal Ice Cube is a recommended character recommended by mojoguy109. They were seen watching the Cake at Stake in "Return of the Hang Glider".

Robot Ice Cube[]

Robot Ice Cube is a character recommended by jaggerbug that appeared in "Insectophobe's Nightmare 2", and was eaten by bugs. It is a robot version of Ice Cube.

Soul Cube[]

Soul Cube is a character recommended by alexlion0511 that appeared in "Insectophobe's Nightmare 4", and was not only eaten by Golf Ball, but also killed by the bug poison.

Tubular Ice Cube[]

Tubular Ice Cube is a recommended character by GDNacho that appeared in "Uprooting Everything", "SOS (Save Our Show)", and "Chapter Complete".
