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Battle for Dream Island Wiki

This is a list of recommended characters that are different versions of Coiny and Nickel.

5 Yen Coin[]

5 Yen Coin is a character recommended by lyxon which appeared in "Enter the Exit". They are a green-colored coin with a hole in the middle. They also uniquely lack a mouth similar to Donut. Though they have never spoken, this may mean the hole acts as their mouth.

Baby Coiny[]

Main article: Baby Coiny

Baby Coiny is a character recommended by simondomino. Baby Coiny is a version of Coiny with a diaper and pacifier, resembling a human baby. He appeared in the audience for Cake at Stake in "Bowling, Now with Explosions!" and "The Reveal".

Beep fusion[]

Beep fusion is a recommended character who appeared in "B.F.B. = Back From Beginning". It is a mix of the eight Beep members. Consisting of most noticeably:

  • David's face
  • Cloudy's, & Nickel's color
  • Balloony's string
  • Rocky's & Woody's shape
  • Leafy's midrib
  • Roboty's body structure

Big Nickel[]

Big Nickel is a character recommended by Mæx. It is a variation of Nickel, but very big. They appeared in "Chapter Complete" during the credits.

Blue Coiny[]

Blue Coiny is a recommended character recommended by jamalioHabbo14. Blue Coiny is a blue-colored variation of Coiny. Their first appearance was in "Gardening Hero" as one of the gaspers (in this episode they had no legs, probably due to an animation error). Blue Coiny was also recommended by Peaflock in "The Glistening", being one of the many recommended characters to vote for Ice Cube.

Blue Shiny Coiny[]

Blue Shiny Coiny is a character recommended by EdyDude. It is a blue variation of Coiny with a shine. They appeared in "The Game Has Changed", and in "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?" during the credits.


Coint is a character recommended by chipen. Coint is a gold-colored coin wearing a baseball cap. They appeared in the credits of "Fashion For Your Face!".

Coiny Plush[]

Coiny Plush is a character recommended by Fivestuff and AnimationMattAdams. It is a plushie of Coiny. It appeared in "The Game Has Changed".

Chocolate Coin[]


Count is a character recommended by C0inCreature. Count is an orange-coloured coin wearing white headphones and white goggles with red shades. Their goggles & headset are a reference to Gumi Megpoid from the VOCALOID franchise. They appeared in "B.F.B. = Back From Beginning".


Dime is a character recommended by englishcreamcakes (BFDI 17) and AnimationMattAdams (BFB). Dime is a silver-colored variation of Coiny (In BFB the design is Naily's head). Dime's first appearance was in "The Reveal". He was seen in the audience for Cake at Stake. In "Return of the Rocket Ship", he appeared underground while A Better Name Than That was digging straight down to find the treasure. He also appeared in "Don't Dig Straight Down", "The Four is Lava", and "A Taste of Space".


Euro is a character that appeared in "Lick Your Way to Freedom" and "Catch These Hands". Euro has Coiny's asset with Nickel's colors in the center. They were recommended by Hugheseyboy 103 and the hi guy.


Fireoiny is a character that first appeared in "This Episode Is About Basketball" and was recommended by Papiomike. It is a fusion of Coiny and Firey.

Gratitude Token[]

Gratitude Token is a character recommended by Ilyas A. who first appeared in "Fashion For Your Face!". They appear to be a gratitude token with a blue coloring. They also have sharp teeth.

Human Coiny[]

Human Coiny is a character recommended by Sillybox777. Human Coiny is a fusion of Coiny and David.

Mud Coiny[]

Mud Coiny is a character recommended by 049ba. They has a Covered with a mud, and They appeared in Spore Day

Line Coin[]

Line Coin is a character recommended by TYIER I. They are an orange-coloured coin with a symbol line on it. Their design is reminiscent to that of the coins in the popular video game series Super Mario. They appeared in "B.F.B. = Back From Beginning".

Lose Token[]

Lose Token is a character recommended by pokpower8. They are a turquoise-colored version of Coiny and Nickel without arms. Lose Token appeared in "Lick Your Way to Freedom" and "Four Goes Too Far".


Penny is a recommended character by TDIReloaded, they first appeared in "Gardening Hero". They were recommended again in "Lick Your Way to Freedom" by Sammyknifati.

They are similar to Coiny, but darker in color, and they appear to have an engraving of Abraham Lincoln.


Quarter is a recommended character by Blocky Cuzco, they first appeared in BFDI 12. They were recommended again in BFB 15 by Lorenz. In their original state, they were just a copy of Nickel's original asset. In BFB 15, their asset is taller with a slight pink tint.

Rusty Coin[]

Rusty Coin Vector
Main article: Rusty Coin

Soldier Coiny[]

Soldier Coiny is a character recommended by Unknown1337s. It is an exact duplicate of Coiny, looking surprised. It appeared in "Don't Pierce My Flesh" as one of the characters who died after The Volcano erupted.

Square Coiny with Rounded Edges[]


Square Coiny with Rounded Edges is a recommended character that appeared in "Insectophobe's Nightmare 2". It is a rounded rectangle that is copper-colored, and like its name suggests, meant to resemble Coiny (but is slightly darker). It was recommended by beanme100. It was one of the many recommended characters who got eaten by the bugs.

Star Coin[]

Star Coin is a character recommended by Jacob Fairclough, the creator of Object Multiverse. They are an bright coin with a Star symbol on it. They appeared in "The Hidden Contestant". This could be a reference to the secret coins in Geometry Dash.

Sun Coin[]

Sun Coin is a character recommended by Civvv. They are a coin with multiple pointy edges, to better resemble the sun. They appeared in "Today's Very Special Episode".


Token is a character recommended by InfernoSlayer. They are similar in appearance to Nickel, though gold with many stars on them, and with arms. They appeared in "This Episode Is About Basketball".


Toonie is a character recommended by ZeroGD. They are a Nickel asset with a gold center and with a Bear symbol on it. They appeared in "Lick Your Way to Freedom"

Waterhand Coiny[]

Waterhand Coiny is a character recommended by MetalBladeMan. It is a variation of Coiny with a differently drawn asset, and as its name implies, water-infused hands. Waterhand Coiny is seen slapping and extinguishing Firey with its left hand. It appeared in "Insectophobe's Nightmare 2" as one of the characters who got eaten by the swarm of bugs.

Win Token[]

Win Token is a recommended character that first appeared in "Don't Dig Straight Down" recommended by Crackerz. It is a variation of Coiny that is green. Another Win Token with different design in "Let's Raid The Warehouse" and "Fashion For Your Face!" recommended by Dook.


  1. CountIsADemiboy