Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Battle for Dream Island Wiki

This is a list of recommended characters that are different variations of Four.


-4 is a recommended character that appeared in "A Taste of Space". They were recommended by Piers.

Birthday Four[]

Birthday Four is a recommended character that appeared in "Let's Raid The Warehouse". They were recommended by Piers. They are a birthday version of Four with a lit candle on top of them.

Demon Four[]

Demon Four is a recommended character that appeared in "X Marks the Spot" and "Take the Tower". It is a black coloured Four with orange outlines and facial assets, with two wings on the sides. Because of their name, they are most likely evil. They were recommended by Icey.


Four-y is a recommended character that appeared in "Let's Raid The Warehouse".They were recommended by AloeMineralWater. They are a lighter version of Four with a yellow scarf.

Four and x put together[]

Four and x put together is a recommended character that appeared in every episode from "A Taste of Space", except for "The Tweested Temple". They are a fusion of Four and X, with periwinkle on their body where it transitions into Four and X’s colors at the bottom with peach colored limbs. They were recommended by Emma H.


  • As episodes progress, they seem to get more crudely drawn each episode, but this only applies to BFB 20, 21 and 22.
  • They have the most appearances out of any RC algebralien.

Four with bfdi limbs[]

Four with bfdi limbs is a recommended character that appeared in Meaty. It is Four-shaped with Battle for Dream Island limbs (see Assets).


Fourn is a recommended character that appeared in "The Four is Lava". They are a lime-green colored Four with thorns covering it. They were recommended by Brian H.


  • Like Seven, they appear in different poses.

Four Jr.[]

Four Jr. is a recommended character in "SOS (Save Our Show)". They are a small version of Four.

Four Plush[]

Four Plush, first appeared in "B.F.B. = Back From Beginning", where when as to makeover Four in some way, shape, or form, Teardrop ended up crafting up the Four Plush and put it on the table, in front of her, later Flower and Gelatin, pick up the plush and put it back down, to advance to the next themed challenge.

Four Speakerbox[]

Four Speakerbox is a recommended character that appeared in "Chapter Complete", recommended by KMation. It is a crudely drawn speaker box with a 4 on it.

Four Statue[]

Four Statue is a recommended character (technically Four) that appeared in "The Four is Lava", when Saw was trying to make him save her teammates, though he wakes up when Dora talks to him. They look identical to Four, being a statue. They were recommended by Blixer.

Four two and x mixed together[]

Four two and x mixed together is an unused recommended character that was meant to appear in "Meaty". They were recommended by Twoshusband. They are a fusion of Four, Two and X.


Frex is a recommended character that appeared in "The Hidden Contestant". They were recommended by AloeMineralWater. They are a fusion of Four and X. (Possibly Two as well, because of the green)

Frog Four[]

Frog Four is a recommended character that appeared in "Fashion For Your Face!" and "The Tweested Temple". In the latter episode, they have a similar design to Kermit the Frog from The Muppets. They were recommended by Dat Duck.

Ghost Four[]

Ghost Four is a recommended character that appeared in "Uprooting Everything". They were recommended by The Oofer Head.

puffball four[]

puffball four is a recommended character who appeared in "The Four is Lava". They are a limbless collection of blue-coloured Puffball assets into a shape of Four. Unlike most other Four variants, they use normal face assets. They were recommended by NeonTehWolf.

Red Four[]

Red Four is a recommended character that appeared in "The Hidden Contestant". They are a red colored number Four with poorly drawn limbs and arms. They were recommended by Chris.

Robot Four[]

Robot Four is a character recommended by Codie S. that appeared in "This Episode Is About Basketball". His is a piece of blue metal shaped like a four. He has white rhombuses on his face that are meant to be his eyes and mouth. His eyes and mouth glow red when angered.

the number 3[]

the number 3 is a character recommended by Laddion that appeared in "Meaty". They are a limbless and faceless version of Four that's coloured like Three.


Timmy is a recommended character that appeared in "A Taste of Space". They were recommended by Cameron E. They originate from an offscreen joke in one of the BFB .fla files.


Uncertainty is a recommended character that appeared in "The Four is Lava". They aren't actually a character, as just used to represent the uncertainty as to who would be eliminated. They were recommended by JenningsAsYetUntiled.

Vibe check 4[]

Vibe check 4 is a recommended character that appeared in "B.F.B. = Back From Beginning". Not much is known about them, but we know they were recommended by X_xslaviator.

Species: IntegersVariablesPolygonsIrrationalsOperatorsFractionsPolyhedrons

Integers: Zero (Zero (character)) • OneTwoThreeFour (variations) • FiveSixSevenEightNineTenElevenTwelveThirteenFourteenFifteenSixteenTwenty-FourSixty-ThreeTwo Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty-ThreeEquation characters
Variables: aNX (variations) • yZEanVrrrpt
Polygons: TriangleQuadrilateralRectanglePentagonHexagonOctagonNonagonUndecagon
Irrationals: PiPhiEuler's ConstantSquare Root of TwoTau
Operators: PlusMinusTimesDivideSquare Root
Polyhedrons: CubeTetrahedronOctahedronIcosahedronDodecahedron
Fractions: One-QuarterOne-ThirdOne-HalfThree Quarters
Other: Imaginary NumberCubeyInfinityScared/DumbList of fusions and splits of AlgebraliansDonut
Recommended Algebralians: AsteriskbDdeEmfFour and X put togetherGhijaysillyboy (j)NintySixObelusOne MillionPositiveSquare BracketTWwhY (Y)
