- For the EPICFEST counterpart, see Kasli the Bane (Uber Rare Cat).
Kasli the Scourge is an Uber Rare Cat that can be unlocked by playing the Rare Cat Capsule during the UBERFEST event. She was added in Version 9.2. Similar to most other UBERFEST exclusives, Kasli the Scourge has very different stats between forms, providing different usage in various situations.
Cat Unit # 529 |
Uber Rare Cat |
Evolves into Ritual Saint Kasli at level 10.
+ 100% chance to create a level 1 Surge Attack (level 2 in Evolved)
+ (20% in Normal Form, 50% in Evolved Form) Chance to knockback traited enemies
+ Long Distance attacks (Effective range 200~500 in Normal Form, 275~675 in Evolved Form)
+ Immune to waves, weaken and curse [Evolved]
- Multi-hit [Normal]
- Very fast attack rate [Evolved]
- Very high DPS [Evolved]
- Cheap cost [Normal]
- Short standing range
Class |
Sniper & Crowd-Controller |
A very interesting unit, Kasli's defining gimmick is her Surge Attack ability, which adds an extra attack on top of her main attack, at a random spot within its own defined range. Her Knockback ability, combined with Surge, gives Kasli a lot of pushing power as you don't even need to sufficiently damage an enemy if it gets too close. Just remember that, like most Long Distance units, she will need protection with meatshields.
Normal Form[]
Kasli the Scourge can be used like an Ultra Souls unit in their first forms, but is not suited for general use due to range issues, low health, lack of immunities and only 20% knockback chance. However, she can be useable in early-mid-game as her Surge Attack can deal with weaker peons. It is typically preferred to use her second form.
Evolved Form[]
Ritual Saint Kasli has more health and damage, a higher Surge level and longer range. The knockback chance is also increased to 50%, becoming more reliable as a pusher than her first form. Her DPS is very powerful when considering her Surge Attack, jumping to an outstanding 9,000 DPS.
Unlike Mizli, Kasli will not push your army into backliners' range, as her Knockback ability affects all the enemies within the Surge, with the only exception being backliners that outrange Kasli such as Director Kurosawah or Sunfish Jones. Her immunity to waves, weaken and curse are very essential to keeping her relevant in Uncanny Legends, allowing her to consistently make use of her powerful DPS without getting sniped or paralyzed.
However, keep in mind that when her knockback activates, her effective DPS is reduced due to it causing the enemy's hitbox to despawn for 12 frames (a little more than 1/3 of a second).
Cat Unit # 529 | Uber Rare Cat | |||||||
Kasli the Scourge | ||||||||
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EN Description | |||||||
Young wanderer whose soul is a prison to 1000 vengeful ghosts. Trifle with her at your peril. Long-range Surges might Knockback Traited! | ||||||||
Ritual Saint Kasli | ||||||||
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EN Description | |||||||
Having at last encountered kindness and love, she now commands her wraiths for the cause of light! Long-range Surges w/ chance to Knockback Traited! |
Cat Unit # 529 | Uber Rare Cat | |||||||
厄災の子キャスリィ (Yaku Wazawai no Ko Kyasurī, Disaster Child Kasli) | ||||||||
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JP Script | |||||||
千の呪いに蝕まれ、行く当てもなく彷徨う少女 自分の中に眠るチカラをまだ知らない(遠方範囲) 属性を持つ敵をごくたまにふっとばし、必ず烈波を放つ | ||||||||
EN Translation | ||||||||
A girl who is under the influence of a thousand curses and wanders with nowhere to go She does not yet know the power that lies within her (Long Distance Area) Occasionally knocks back Traited enemies, guaranteed to fire an Intense Wave | ||||||||
祝祭の聖女キャスリイ (Shukusai no Seijo Kyasurī, Festival Saint Kasli) | ||||||||
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JP Script | |||||||
人の優しさに触れることで愛される温もりを知り 呪いを祈りに昇華させ、人々を救う聖女(遠方範囲) 属性を持つ敵をたまにふっとばし、必ず烈波を放つ | ||||||||
EN Translation | ||||||||
Learned the warmth of being loved by being touched by the kindness of others A saint who sublimates curses into prayers and saves people (Long Distance Area) Occasionally knocks back Traited enemies, guaranteed to fire an Intense Wave |
Normal Form[]
- Chapter 1: 520¢
- Chapter 2: 780¢
- Chapter 3: 1040¢
Evolved Form[]
- Chapter 1: 3,200¢
- Chapter 2: 4,800¢
- Chapter 3: 6,400¢
Upgrade Cost
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ||
0x | 0 | 9,800 | 14,800 | 21,800 | 42,500 | 64,300 | 93,200 | 118,000 | 197,400 | 513,500 | 1,075,300 |
1x | 15,600 | 19,600 | 29,600 | 43,600 | 85,000 | 128,600 | 186,400 | 236,000 | 394,800 | 1,027,000 | 2,166,200 |
2x | 23,400 | 29,400 | 44,400 | 65,400 | 127,500 | 192,900 | 279,600 | 354,000 | 592,200 | 1,540,500 | 3,249,300 |
3x | 27,300 | 34,300 | 51,800 | 76,300 | 148,750 | 225,050 | 326,200 | 413,000 | 690,900 | 1,797,250 | 3,790,850 |
4x | 31,200 | 39,200 | 59,200 | 87,200 | 170,000 | 257,200 | 372,800 | 472,000 | 789,600 | 2,054,000 | 4,332,400 |
5x | 35,100 | 44,100 | 66,600 | 98,100 | 191,250 | 289,350 | 419,400 | 531,000 | 888,300 | 2,310,750 | 4,873,950 |
Total XP Cost | 19,488,000 |
- Level 30-59 upgrades cost Catseyes: 30-44 and 50-54 = 1 Catseye, 45-49 and 55-59 = 2 Catseyes
Kasli the Scourge | |||||||||
Health | Attack Power | Attack Range | Attack Frequency | Movement Speed | Knockback | Attack animation | Recharge Time | ||
750 HP | 600 damage (81.08 DPS) |
275 | 222f 7.4 seconds | 6 | 4 times | 48f 1.6s (155f 5.17s backswing) |
21.33 ~ 12.53 seconds | ||
Health (Lv.30) | Attack Power (Lv.30) | Attack Type | Special Ability | ||||||
12,750 HP | 10,200 damage (1,378.38 DPS) |
Area Attack | Multi-Hit (3,400 at 48f 1.6s, 6,800 at 67f 2.23s) Long Distance (Effective range: 200~500) | ||||||
Ritual Saint Kasli | |||||||||
Health (Lv.30) | Attack Power (Lv.30) | Attack Range | Attack Frequency | Movement Speed | Knockback | Attack animation | Recharge Time | ||
49,300 HP | 17,000 damage (2,982.46 DPS) |
375 | 171f 5.7 seconds | 10 | 5 times | 55f 1.83s (116f 3.87s backswing) |
126.67 ~ 117.87 seconds | ||
Lv.MAX | Attack Type | Special Ability | |||||||
Lv.60+70 | Area Attack | Long Distance (Effective range: 275~675) 50% chance to knockback traited enemies |
- *First stats are 1st form's initial; other stats include 300% Empire of Cats Treasures; recharge time may vary.
- *Time between attacks is the time from the attack's execution to the start of the next attack (includes backswing).
- *For units with multi-hit attacks, attack animation is the part of the animation leading up to the first hit.
- *Fruit Treasures not included.
- *See this section to calculate Kasli the Scourge's stats.
- HP = Health ; AP = Attack Power ; DPS = Damage Per Second ; 2 Movement Speed = 1 Range/f
- f = frame ; 30f = 1 second ; Attack Animation = Idle + Foreswing + Backswing (f)
- Catseye, User Rank and game progress are essential to achieving max level, see here for details.
- See here to understand Treasure effects.
- Normal Form: A small girl with feline traits, blue eyes, wild, long hair, wearing a dress and an amulet. She wields a staff twice as tall as her with the representation of a snake biting its tail as the top. She also has a Cat stuck in her hair.
- Evolved Form: Same person, but as an adult; her hair is now longer, she is taller and she wears a mantle that also covers her chest and some sort of loincloth. The amulet she wears is now bigger with some more detail on it. The staff is unchanged, except for being longer, and the Cat is now on top of it.
Existence Elsewhere[]
Princess Punt Sweets[]
Ritual Saint Kasli appears as both a recruitable member and a 9★ Dress in Princess Punt Sweets, both of which can be obtained by rolling the collab's gacha.
Usage description:
- 祝祭の霊砲
- 祝祭の聖女キャスリィさ前方へ向かって爆発攻撃を行うよ!爆発はキ
- ャスリィに近いほご威力が高いよ!この攻撃には次の特性がつくよ!
- 1オーバークリティ↑i 2会心軽減無効 3属性バトルの時、有利な
- 属性で攻撃 4シールド解除 5対復活能力 6復活能力を持つ敵の
- 10回分きでダメージ貫通 7エレメントを持つ敵ヘダメージを与えた
- 時の軽減を無効 8反射無効 その後、最大10体の敵に衝撃波で追
- 加攻撃!この攻撃には次の特性がつくさ! 1オーバークリティカル
- 2会心軽減無効 3属性バトルの時、有利な属性で攻撃 4:対復活
- 能力 5復活能力を持つ敵の5回分きでダメージ賞通 6エレメント
- を持つ敵へダメージを与えた時の軽減を無効 7反射無効
- 祝祭の聖々キャスリィをパーティに入れていると、祈橋の効果で素材袋
- のドロッス確率でッフとステージクリア画面で敵がドロップした宝石箱
- を1つ増やしてくれるよ!きに、敵の攻撃を高い確率で回避するよ!
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Dress Icon | Model |
- The name Kasli may be derived from the mythical cat Cath Palug, which has a similar pronunciation and spelling in Japanese:
- キャスパリーグ Kyasuparīgu (Cath Palug) → キャスリィ Kyasurī (Kasli)
- The serpent depicted on Kasli the Scourge's staff is most likely based on Ouroboros, an ancient symbol of a serpent or dragon devouring its own tail, symbolizing the cycle of life, death and reincarnation, or virility and fertility. However, it may be specifically based on the Jishin-no-ben, a 19th century map illustration of an Eastern dragon devouring its tail, symbolizing the danger of earthquakes in the lands encircled by its body. This is possibly represented in-game by her Surge Attack ability. The last thing this may reference is Aes Sedai from the novel series The Wheel of Time, who wear rings with serpents biting their own tail. Aes Sedai are benevolent witch-like women with the ability to manipulate the One Power, who pull the strings of rulers in the series.
- "Here be dragons" is a phrase for dangerous and/or unexplored territories, imitating the medieval practice of illustrating dragons or other monsters in uncharted areas of maps as a warning of potential danger. The Jishin-no-ben is a more recent example of the practice. Although the second Uncanny Legends sub-chapter is named Here Be Dragons, this is most likely a coincidence, as its Japanese name is entirely different.
Related to Cat Units | |
Full Cat List • Cat Release Order • Cat Filter • Special Abilities • True Form • Ultra Form • Cat Capsule • Cat Combo • Upgrade Menu • Level-up • User Rank • Catseye • Catfruit • Talents • Talent Orbs |