The Sand Golem is a Giant Humanoid with a Clay Golem class identifier. They are found during the Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn, and the Throne of Bhaal and the Enhanced Edition versions of the game.
They are potential enemy spawns during Baldur's Gate II Chapter 7 in Suldanessellar.
They may spawn in Watcher's Keep Final Seal or when selecting the "I wish to be more experienced" option of the Limited Wish choice.
The Sand Golem is a slightly less combat capable and robust version of the Clay Golem, although they share the same AI script and animation.
This particular category of Golem is 100% resistant to magic; however, this can be overcome by casting Lower Resistance first or by using spells that ignore magic resistance (Melf's Minute Meteors, Imprisonment...).
Weapons-wise, they can only be harmed by magical weapons. The only elemental effects that can harm this golem are Fire damage (although at only 50%) and Acid damage. Additionally, Sand Golems are completely invulnerable to Poison and Poison damage. They are the same general size as the Stone Golem, Flesh Golem, and Brain Golem.
The golem's melee attack dishes out 3d10 Crushing damage and it is modified by their superior strength. The fist attack counts as a +4 enchanted item for the purpose of what it can strike. They typically only strike once per round, but under the effects of their innate Golem Haste ability, their Attacks per round increase to 2.
Sand Golems normally empower themselves at the beginning of combat with a Golem Haste innate ability. This bestows them with a "normal" Haste effect. It should last for 72 seconds, but it can be dispelled. The haste effect can also be applied to the golem's allies (if there are any) in a 15' radius around the creature when the ability is initiated (possibly hasting other nearby golems or allies). The golem's movement rate will also double while hasted.
Mod content[]
This section is about unofficial content that is only available via fan-made mods.
The Sword Coast Stratagems mod and the installation of the "AI Enhancement's" component improves many aspects of creatures encountered in the game. In regard to golems, the mod implements the following:
Improved Golems (BG2, BG2EE, BGT/EET)
This component doesn't really make golems smarter (they're supposed to be stupid) But it streamlines their scripts a bit, gives their weapons a sensible range, makes them immune to Lower Resistance and to poison, and tries to prevent situations where golems get stuck behind barricades. It also fixes an animation glitch in the Iron Golem animation - this hopefully makes iron golems a bit prettier when they attack and blow clouds. As of SCS version 22, it also gives clay golems a cursed-wound weapon, as in PnP Dungeons & Dragons.
SCS revises the typical Clay Golem fist melee weapon GOLCLA.ITM. When the golem hits a target, it applies an instant "Cursed Wound" effect (DW#CURSE.spl). The golem hit inflicts its rolled damage, but that damage is now Cursed.
Upon a hit, a lighting animation will play over the target, the combat log will show a text display "Cursed" and another one that says "Unable to Heal". This means that any damage incurred by this weapon cannot be healed by normal means (such as a Potion of Healing, or a Cure Light Wounds (spell). However, a Regeneration effect can heal this damage.
With this component the clay golem is immune to all the status effects in the unmodified version, plus the following spells and additional status effects: Web, Entangle, Plant Growth, Paralyze, Poison damage, Poison, Lower Resistance, Pierce Magic, and Pierce Shield.
Sand Golems with SCS do not have any innate spells or the Golem Haste ability.
This golem now has a melee attack range reach of 2, instead of the unmodified creature's range of 1.