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"Sprig Vs. Hop Pop" is the first segment of the sixth episode of the first season of Amphibia, and the eleventh episode overall.

It premiered on June 25, 2019 alongside "Girl Time".[2]


Angry with how the Plantar farm is being run, Sprig decides to overthrow Hop Pop and causes a wreck doing it.


Anne, Sprig, and Polly are doing chores on the farm during a hot day, while Hop Pop sits back and watches them comfortably from the porch. When Sprig suggests that they train the cowapillars to eat the weeds for them, Hop Pop tells him to place a note in the suggestion barrel. Polly states that he never reads the notes in the barrel, as she had asked for a swimming pool that never got made. After Sprig knocks over the barrel, they discover that there is a fire pit below the barrel that burns the suggestions. Upset over how things are being run, Sprig rings the Plantar Family Challenge Bell, to challenge Hop Pop to a test of strength to see who will become the new head of the farm. As Polly explains to Anne, "they push each other until someone falls off a lily pad. It's dumb, but fun to watch." Despite losing numerous times in the past, Sprig manages to beat Hop Pop this time, and Anne and Polly celebrate while Hop Pop solemnly wanders off, feeling that he is no longer needed.

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Anne and Polly watch Sprig and Hop Pop fighting for the match.

Hop Pop heads to the Wartwood Cemetery where he encounters an upside-down beetle who he helps up. Taking a liking to the beetle, Hop Pop names him Jeremy. He then gets "taken" into Jeremy's society. Meanwhile, Sprig delightfully takes over the farm and begins implementing suggestions such as Polly's swimming pool, setting the cowapillars onto the weeds and throwing dance parties complete with clowns. However, they quickly discover that they are running out of food, and that insects have started draining the pool and laying eggs (the exact reason why Hop Pop did not want a pool). With everything falling apart, Anne and Polly demand they get Hop Pop back, but Sprig becomes tyrannical causing the girls to flee.



Anne and Polly find Hop Pop among the beetles, where he claims that he has changed and has learned about community. As a result, he does not want to return, only to change his mind when he learns that Sprig is sleeping in his bed. He challenges Sprig to a rematch and they have a much more even fight. Hop Pop tells Sprig how he has changed and Sprig admits that his ideas were dumb and the kids may have "caused permanent damage to the Eco-system". Sprig forfeits the challenge and Hop Pop returns to running the farm with him now taking suggestions seriously; even adding a mini-pool for Polly. Hop Pop continues to read suggestions with Jeremy and the beetles' help.


Title in other languages

Language Title Translation Notes
Argentina Latin American Spanish Sprig versus Abu Hop Sprig Vs. Hop Pop
Bulgaria Bulgarian Сприг или Хоп Поп Sprig or Hop Pop
Czech Republic Czech Sprig vs. Hop Pop Sprig Vs. Hop Pop
Germany German Sprig an die Macht Sprig to Power
Spain European Spanish Sprig contra Papá Hop Sprig Vs. Hop Pop
France French Sprig versus Hop Pop Sprig versus Hop Pop
Indonesia Indonesian Sprig Melawan Hop Pop Sprig Vs. Hop Pop
Italy Italian Sprig contro Hop Pop Sprig Vs. Hop Pop
Japan Japanese リーダーはどっち? Who is the Leader?
South Korea Korean 스프리그 대 합팝 Sprig Vs. Hop Pop
Netherlands Dutch Sprig tegen Hop Pop Sprig Vs. Hop Pop
Portugal European Portuguese Sprig Contra Hop Pop Sprig Vs. Hop Pop
Poland Polish Skrzek kontra Hopek Sprig Vs. Hop Pop
Thailand Thai สปริ๊กปะทะฮ้อปป๊อป
Vietnam Vietnamese Sprig Đối Đầu Với Ông Sprig Vs. Hop Pop


For a full transcript of "Sprig Vs. Hop Pop", click here.


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  • Viewership: This episode was watched by 0.39 million viewers on its premiere.[1]
  • This is the first episode to have Sprig and Hop Pop's names in the title, and the first episode to have a name in the title that isn't Anne's.

Revelations and significant events

  • Hop Pop doesn't want to listen to the ideas of others and sticks with his own ways.
  • Members of the Plantar family can call out challenges to each other where the winner takes it all.
    • Sprig and Hop Pop have undergone challenges against each other before, with Sprig losing all of them up until now.
  • Hop Pop doesn't like others to sleep in his bed.


  • Sprig's disorder to go (too) far and lose his sense of reason just to keep people together and for family members to like or listen to each other is seen again.
  • Sprig's rebellious nature towards Hop Pop is also seen again and plays a big role in the episode.
  • Anne is helping on the farm doing chores.
  • Hop Pop's mindset that his ways are always better is seen again.
  • Anne wears her swimming attire for the second and final time after "Best Fronds". However she still wears the same tank top for her Muay Thai outfit in "Ivy on the Run", but never wears the same swim trunks or flip flops.


  • On Disney+, when Hop Pop challenges Sprig to a rematch, the captions misspelled Plantar as Planter.


  • The word "heck" was cut during the Southeast Asia broadcast.


ve Episodes
Season 1 Anne or Beast?Best FrondsCane CrazyFlood, Sweat & TearsHop LuckStakeoutThe Domino EffectTaking ChargeAnne Theft AutoBreakout StarSprig Vs. Hop PopGirl TimeDating SeasonAnne Vs. WildContagi-AnneFamily ShrubLily Pad ThaiPlantar's Last StandToad TaxPrison BreakGrubhog DayHop Pop and LockCivil WartHop-PopularCroak & PunishmentTrip to the ArchivesSnow DayCracking Mrs. CroakerA Night at the InnWally and AnneFamily Fishing TripBizarre BazaarCursed!Fiddle Me ThisThe Big Bugball GameCombat CampChildren of the SporeAnne of the YearReunion
Season 2 Handy AnneFort in the RoadThe Ballad of Hopediah PlantarAnne HunterTruck Stop PollyA Caravan Named DesireQuarreler's PassToadcatcherSwamp and SensibilityWax MuseumMarcy at the GatesScavenger HuntThe Plantars Check InLost in NewtopiaSprig Gets SchooledLittle FrogtownHopping MallThe Sleepover to End All SleepoversA Day at the AquariumNight DriversReturn to WartwoodThe Shut-In!Ivy on the RunAfter the RainThe First TempleNew WartwoodFriend or Frobo?Toad to RedemptionMaddie & MarcyThe Second TempleBarrel's WarhammerBessie & MicroAngeloThe Third TempleThe DinnerBattle of the BandsTrue Colors
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Teen Girl in a Frog World No SignalWhack-A-MoleScenic RouteHop PopcornCattail Catastrophe
Chibi Tiny Tales Mantis BowlingQuit Bugging MeBird AttackBucket BluesFamily PhotoQuicksandSelfie SafariFrogs in SpacePirates of the Caribbean x AmphibiaThe Amphibia HouseBack to the Swamp
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