Amphibia Wiki

Flipwart is a game played in Amphibia, that is similar to chess on Earth and played by both Marcy and King Andrias. It is first mentioned in the episode "Reunion", and first seen in the episode "The First Temple", as well as mentioned in the Marcy Theme Song Takeover.


While the rules of the game are never explicitly explained, we can glean some information about how the game is played based on the Flipwart scene in "The First Temple". Marcy says that each team has one "Wart," and the object of the game is to "flip" (presumably equivalent to capturing in chess) the other team's Wart. Each team is also comprised of two Archers, two toad-shaped pieces, one tower-shaped piece (the one Polly plays as), one piece wielding a scepter (the one Hop Pop plays as), one piece riding a heron (the one Anne plays as), and eight Pawns. The game is played on an 8x8 board. Archers can only attack in a straight line and have a long-range attack, which they can use on any piece that is directly in front of them after moving on their turn. The toad-shaped pieces, similar to Knights in chess, can jump over other pieces.



  • Marcy considers Flipwart to be chess "to the max."
  • Marcy gets vulnerable while playing Flipwart and was constantly reminded by Andrias that the Core use it to choose the host.
  • King Andrias is the best Flipwart player and uses it to plan.
  • In "Reunion", Grime also mentions a game called Bogjump. Bogjump is likely similar to checkers.
  • Marcy mentions a "hard mode", but it's uncertain whether this is an actual method of gameplay or if Marcy is simply theorizing about modifying the game to make it harder for herself.