

Wielding explosive power and incredible stamina, AtlasIcon272 Atlas strengthens his insurmountable durability through battle. Atlas possesses various passive mechanics highlighted in the tabs below:

Strong as the mountain, Atlas is immune to Knockdown b Knockdown while in contact with the ground.

  • Knockdown immunity does not apply while in the air.
  • Does not apply to pushback effects.
  • Does not prevent the recoiling effect from firing powerful Archguns such as Corvas Corvas, Velocitus Velocitus, and Larkspur Larkspur in non-Archwing missions.

Rubble is a pickup item unique to Atlas that drops from petrified enemies and Rumblers130xWhite Rumblers on death. Rubble restores Health to Atlas if he is injured; if Atlas is at full health, Rubble instead grants additional Armor that decays over time.


A piece of Rubble

  • Each petrified enemy and each Rumbler will drop 1 piece of Rubble that restores 50 health or provides 50 armor. Rubble will remain on the ground for 30 seconds before crumbling away if left untouched.
    • Enemies petrified by Mod TT 20px Path of Statues' rock trail, Petrify's flash, and the summoning of Rumblers are eligible to drop Rubble.
    • Petrified enemies killed by Landslide130xWhite Landslide grant 75 health or armor from their dropped Rubble.
    • Rumblers that sustain damage to their health will grant less health points or bonus armor from their dropped Rubble.
    • Rubble will not grant armor if at least 1 health point is missing from Atlas' maximum health pool. Excess health points gained will not overflow into bonus armor points.
  • Rubble armor is displayed in a circular gauge on the HUD above the ability icons.
    • The current number of bonus armor is shown below the gauge and will visibly subtract as bonus armor decays or add as Atlas picks up new Rubble.
    • Armor bonus is capped at 1,500 points.
    • Bonus armor decays at a rate of 5 armor points per second.
    • Upon picking up Rubble to gain bonus armor, bonus armor decay is paused for 2 seconds. Picking up Rubble to restore health points will not pause armor decay.
    • Bonus armor will not be lost if the player falls out of bounds, but will be lost in the event of a host migration.
    • The stone icon in the center of the gauge will enlarge or shrink depending on the amount of bonus armor stored. At 0 bonus armor, it remains a pebble; at 1,500 bonus armor, it becomes a large boulder.
    • Rock formations will appear on Atlas' body as he accumulates bonus armor.
  • Rubble pickup can be Mod TT 20px vacuumed by Sentinels or the Warframe's innate vacuum radius, or Mod TT 20px fetched by Companions.
  • Rubble pickups resemble a piece of stone encased in a translucent layer of reflective rock-shaped metal, which is tinted in Atlas' chosen Warframe energy color.
  • Rubble pickups spawned when a petrified enemy or Rumbler dies while airborne will fall to the ground.

Main article: Rubble Heap

Rubble Heap is a Warframe Augment Mod for AtlasIcon272 Atlas' passive that makes Landslide130xWhite Landslide cost no energy, increases its damage, and increases its speed when his Rubble count is above a threshold of 1400.

Rank Damage & speed multiplier Cost
0 1.25x 6
1 1.5x 7
2 1.75x 8
3 2x 9

Abilities []

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This section is transcluded from Landslide . To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
LandslideModx256 Landslide130xWhite

Bash enemies with an exploding sliding punch, and repeat for a devastating combo. Petrified enemies take extra damage, and drop Rubble when destroyed. Rubble can heal Atlas and bolster his armor.

Introduced in Update 17.5 (2015-10-01)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:[1 hit] 100 / 200 / 300 / 350 (DmgImpactSmall64 Impact damage)
[2 hits] 200 / 400 / 600 / 700 (DmgImpactSmall64 Impact damage)
[3+ hits] 400 / 800 / 1200 / 1400 (DmgImpactSmall64 Impact damage)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:1 s (combo window)
AbilityRangeBuff Range:[1 hit] 1.5 / 1.6 / 1.7 / 2 m (impact radius)
[2 hits] 3 / 3.2 / 3.4 / 4 m (impact radius)
[3+ hits] 4.5 / 4.8 / 5.1 / 6 m (impact radius)

Misc: 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 m (dash range)
2.0 x (crit multiplier)
5 % (crit and status chances)
0.5 s (min combo window)
50% (bonus Rubble health/armor)

This section is transcluded from Tectonics . To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
TectonicsModx256 Tectonics130xWhite

Summon a rock-wall, activate again to send the rocks crashing towards the enemy.

Introduced in Update 17.5 (2015-10-01)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:2850 / 3150 / 3450 / 3750 (base health)
1 x (health multiplier to DmgSlashSmall64 Slash damage)
250 / 300 / 350 / 500 (explosion DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture damage)
150 / 300 / 450 / 600 (roll DmgImpactSmall64 Impact damage)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:N/A
AbilityRangeBuff Range:3 / 3 / 4 / 5 m (explosion radius)

Misc: 5 x (armor multiplier)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 s (invulnerability duration)
? m (shrapnel damage radius)
1 (max bulwarks active)
15 m (roll distance)
200 % (petrified rolling speed)
30 m (petrified roll distance)
200 % (petrified damage bonus)

This section is transcluded from Petrify . To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
PetrifyModx256 Petrify130xWhite

Atlas' hardened gaze will fossilize foes, heal Rumblers, and create Petrified Bulwarks. When shattered, petrified enemies drop healing Rubble for Atlas.

Introduced in Update 17.5 (2015-10-01)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:100% (Rumbler heal)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:5 / 10 / 15 / 20 s
AbilityRangeBuff Range:10 / 11 / 12 / 14 m (cone length)

Misc: 60° (FOV)
+50% (damage type vulnerability)
1 (Rubble dropped per enemy)

Subsumable to Helminth
This section is transcluded from Rumblers . To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
RumblersModx256 Rumblers130xWhite

Summon two elemental stone brawlers to the melee. Summoning petrifies enemies in close proximity to Atlas. When finished, Rumblers collapse into a pile of healing Rubble.

Introduced in Update 17.5 (2015-10-01)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:50 / 150 / 250 / 500 (armor)
500 / 750 / 1000 / 1250 (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast damage)
500 / 750 / 1000 / 1200 (health)
800 / 1000 / 1400 / 2000 (melee DmgImpactSmall64 Impact damage)
200 / 250 / 350 / 500 (rock DmgImpactSmall64 Impact damage)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:15 / 20 / 30 / 45 s (Rumbler duration)
AbilityRangeBuff Range:3 / 4 / 5 / 6 m (stone radius)
3 / 4 / 5 / 6 m (DmgBlastSmall64 Blast radius)
1 (speed multiplier)

Misc: 2 (number of Rumblers)
10 s (stone duration)
0.5 to 1.5 m/s (min-max speeds)
1 (Rubble dropped on death per Rumbler)
≤ 50 (Rubble health/armor given)


Strength Mods


Duration Mods


Range Mods


LandslideIcon LandslideIcon LandslideIcon
TectonicsIcon TectonicsIcon
PetrifyIcon PetrifyIcon PetrifyIcon
RumblersIcon RumblersIcon RumblersIcon