Wielding explosive power and incredible stamina, Atlas strengthens his insurmountable durability through battle. Atlas possesses various passive mechanics highlighted in the tabs below:
Rubble is a pickup item unique to Atlas that drops from petrified enemies and Rumblers on death. Rubble restores Health to Atlas if he is injured; if Atlas is at full health, Rubble instead grants additional Armor that decays over time.
A piece of Rubble
Each petrified enemy and each Rumbler will drop 1 piece of Rubble that restores 50 health or provides 50 armor. Rubble will remain on the ground for 30 seconds before crumbling away if left untouched.
Enemies petrified by Path of Statues' rock trail, Petrify's flash, and the summoning of Rumblers are eligible to drop Rubble.
Petrified enemies killed by Landslide grant 75 health or armor from their dropped Rubble.
Rumblers that sustain damage to their health will grant less health points or bonus armor from their dropped Rubble.
Rubble will not grant armor if at least 1 health point is missing from Atlas' maximum health pool. Excess health points gained will not overflow into bonus armor points.
Rubble armor is displayed in a circular gauge on the HUD above the ability icons.
The current number of bonus armor is shown below the gauge and will visibly subtract as bonus armor decays or add as Atlas picks up new Rubble.
Armor bonus is capped at 1,500 points.
Bonus armor decays at a rate of 5 armor points per second.
Decay rate is doubled when Atlas is inside a Nullifier Crewman's bubble or inside a Fog or Nul Comba and Scrambus's nullification field.
Upon picking up Rubble to gain bonus armor, bonus armor decay is paused for 2 seconds. Picking up Rubble to restore health points will not pause armor decay.
Bonus armor will not be lost if the player falls out of bounds, but will be lost in the event of a host migration.
The stone icon in the center of the gauge will enlarge or shrink depending on the amount of bonus armor stored. At 0 bonus armor, it remains a pebble; at 1,500 bonus armor, it becomes a large boulder.
Rock formations will appear on Atlas' body as he accumulates bonus armor.
Rubble pickups resemble a piece of stone encased in a translucent layer of reflective rock-shaped metal, which is tinted in Atlas' chosen Warframe energy color.
Rubble pickups spawned when a petrified enemy or Rumbler dies while airborne will fall to the ground.
Rubble Heap is a Warframe Augment Mod for Atlas' passive that makes Landslide cost no energy, increases its damage, and increases its speed when his Rubble count is above a threshold of 1400.
This calculator feature is sunsetted on the wiki. It may not see further updates, but will be present on articles for the time being since some people still find use for them. See User blog:Cephalon Scientia/Sunsetting of Maximization Calculators for more details.
Bash enemies with an exploding sliding punch, and repeat for a devastating combo. Petrified enemies take extra damage, and drop Rubble when destroyed. Rubble can heal Atlas and bolster his armor.
Atlas expends 25energy to charge forward to punch a target enemy up to 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 meters away. The target and enemies within 1.5 / 1.6 / 1.7 / 2 meters are dealt 100 / 200 / 300 / 350Impact damage as a melee strike with a 2xcritical damage multiplier, 5% critical chance, and 5%status chance.
AoE damage bypasses obstacles in the environment and does not diminish with distance.
If the target dies before Atlas lands his punch, energy used for Landslide will be refunded.
Casting distance is NOT effected by range, only the level of the skill.
Landslide can be recast within a 1 second window to perform a repeating combo chain. Each successive hit in the chain deals increasing damage with a larger impact radius and reduced energy cost up to a cap:
200% damage, 200% impact radius, and 50% cost reduction for the second hit
400% damage, 300% impact radius, and 75% cost reduction for the third and all subsequent hits in the chain
This reduction in energy cost modifies Landslide's activation cost and is afterward affected by Ability Efficiency as normal.
Atlas ragdolls enemies with an uppercut on every third successive strike in the chain. All other strikes stagger enemies.
Combo window is affected by Ability Duration and can not fall below 0.5 seconds.
The duration of the combo window and the respective damage multiplier for the next cast are displayed underneath the HUD's targeting reticle.
If no casts are performed within the combo window, the damage and energy cost will reset.
Landslide gains 25% additional damage for each combo multiplier, up to a 3.75x damage multiplier at 12x combo, or 4.0x with Venka Prime equipped at 13x combo.
Casting Landslide while wielding Xoris or a weapon that pauses melee combo counter while holstered, such as Tenet Livia or Tenet Grigori will reset the combo counter.
Elemental bonuses do not improve status proc damage. Toxin, Heat and Electricity procs will always deal 50% of landslide's damage (before +elemental and +impact bonuses) per tick.
Ability Synergy: Using Landslide to kill petrified enemies frozen by Path of Statues, Petrify, and by casting Rumblers grants 50% more health and armor points, from the enemies' dropped Rubble.
Helminth Synergy
Roar applies to Landslide and applies twice for status proc damage such as Gas procs, despite being unaffected by faction mods.
As Landslide benefits from Incarnon evolution perks, it is advisable to use an Incarnon melee weapon if one is available. Evolutions that increase Critical Chance or Status Chance can be extremely beneficial, as they increase the base stats of the ability.
Landslide builds combo with the Hawk Momentum perk of the Innodem allowing for quick combo build up
Reshaping the surrounding terrain, Atlas expends 50energy to erect a Bulwark made of stone with a base health of 2850 / 3150 / 3450 / 3750 and additional health equal to 500% of Atlas' modded armor. Upon activation, the bulwark is Invulnerable for 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 seconds; incoming damage that is absorbed during the invulnerability period is converted and added to the bulwark's health. After the invulnerability phase, whenever the Bulwark receives damage, the amount of health lost multiplied by 1 times is converted into Slash damage and inflicted on all enemies within ? meters from the Bulwark. Atlas can maintain only 1 bulwark at a time.
The bulwark's health uses the following expression when accounting for Ability Strength: Modified Health = (Base Health + 5 × (Atlas' Base Armor × (1 + Armor Mods)) × (1 + Strength Mods) + Additive Armor) + Absorbed Damage.
For example, with a maxed Steel Fiber and Intensify, rank-3 Tectonics will produce a bulwark with an initial health of (3750 + 5 × 450 × 2.1) × (1 + 0.3) = 11,017.5 before converting absorbed damage.
While active, a health counter becomes visible on the ability icon that tracks the bulwark's health percentage from 100% to 0%. Placing the HUD's targeting reticle over the bulwark will also display its health bar.
Atlas and his allies do not contribute to a bulwark's health gain by shooting it during the invulnerability period.
Reactivating the ability will cause the bulwark to compact into a Boulder that rolls towards the current direction of aim, dealing 150 / 300 / 450 / 600Impact damage per second to enemies that are dragged along its path. After rolling 15 meters or hitting an environmental object, the boulder will explode and inflict 250 / 300 / 350 / 500Puncture damage to enemies within a radius of 3 / 3 / 4 / 5 meters.
Enemies affected by the rolling damage are ragdolled.
The explosion damage does not bypass obstacles in the environment and diminishes with distance.
Ability Synergy: Casting Petrify on the Bulwark hardens it into a Petrified Bulwark. Boulders created from Petrified Bulwarks gain 200% rolling velocity and have their rolling distance increased to 30 meters. They also inflict 200% bonus damage on rolling and explosion damage.
Bulwarks and Boulders become silver-colored and metallic when petrified.
As the 3 bulwarks created by Tectonic Fracture cannot become boulders, Petrify has no effect on them.
Casting Petrify on a moving boulder will not grant it bonuses.
While the bulwark is capable of blocking most hostile gunfire, it does not provide cover from area of effect damage, including the explosive attacks of Grineer Bombards and Napalms.
Bulwarks and Boulders have collision detection for enemies only. Atlas and allies can move through Tectonics' objects unobstructed.
Enemies will attack the Bulwark if it obstructs their path. Though some enemies may simply run up against it.
Upon transforming the Bulwark into a Boulder, Tectonics can be recast immediately to create a new Bulwark.
The Bulwark will spawn on the same elevation as Atlas, but the bulwark does have gravity and will fall down if created in the air or without a surface directly underneath it.
Tectonic Fracture is a Warframe Augment Mod for Atlas that modifies Tectonics to allow additional simultaneous walls, but sacrifices the ability to turn them into offensive boulders.
Can completely block off narrow enough areas or chokepoints from enemies without limiting the movement of allies.
The Boulder can be used to push down long corridors, but care should be taken when aiming as the Boulder will detonate when it hits a side wall or standing obstacle.
The Bulwark's cover can assist in reviving allies who have fallen to a frontal threat.
Note that Bulwark's protection is less effective against enemy AoE attacks.
Enemies will not change their motion to sidestep a rolling Boulder. This makes the boulder very effective against lines of charging foes.
Although it does not boast above average threat level, The Bulwark can be used to draw fire away from the player as long as it is closer to the enemy than the player is.
This is most effective against fast and threatening melee attackers like Thrax Centurions or many infested, which can often force the player into the air to avoid them. Placing a Bulwark can completely halt this attack provided these enemies get close enough to start attacking it instead.
Thrax Centurions specifically can be completely neutralized by placing a wall as, for unknown reasons, they will focus on the wall but not attack it. This potentially means they can be indefinitely taken out of the fight as long as the wall is not destroyed or recast.
Atlas' hardened gaze will fossilize foes, heal Rumblers, and create Petrified Bulwarks. When shattered, petrified enemies drop healing Rubble for Atlas.
Atlas expends 75energy to unleash his hardened gaze in a conical burst of energy 10 / 11 / 12 / 14 meters long within a 60° field of view. All enemies caught within the cone are instantly turned into stone. Petrified enemies have their damage type modifiersincreased by +50% and are incapacitated for 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 seconds.
Petrify will not solidify enemies behind obstacles in the environment unless Atlas has line of sight.
Damage type modifier works by increasing modifiers by +50%, up to +100%. This is additive with existing values, for example: Cloned Flesh is 75% weak (+75%) to Viral and 50% resistant (-50%) to Gas. Once petrified, it becomes 100% weak (+100%) to Viral and 0% resistant (+0%) to Gas; a 14.3% increase in Viral damage, and a 100% increase in Gas damage.
More effective on resistant enemies, less effective on already vulnerable enemies.
Does not apply to armor, where it would have a multiplicative effect.
Killing petrified enemies will drop 1 piece of Rubble for Atlas to pick up, restoring 50 health or provides 50 bonus armor.
Tectonics's Bulwark hardens into a Petrified Bulwark that gains increased rolling velocity, rolling distance, and bonus damage when launched as a boulder.
Rumblers' health pool is instantly restored to 100%.
Petrified enemies are not immune to new status effects.
Any duration-based status effect, such as a Slash proc, that is applied before an enemy is petrified will run its normal duration.
If enemies are unaware once hit by Petrify, they will retain their unaware status upon being petrified.
Enemies protected by Overguard can not be petrified, and will not have their damage type modifiers increased.
Frozen enemies can not be petrified.
Enemies will turn a darker tone and obtain a stone texture upon being petrified.
Using Petrify on an enemy that is currently solidified will not refresh the stone duration. Once the enemy breaks free, it can be petrified once again.
Casting Petrify will interrupt Atlas' actions and movement.
Subsuming Atlas to the Helminth will offer Petrify and its augments to be used by other Warframes.
However, enemies petrified by other Warframes do not drop Rubble.
Ore Gaze is a Warframe Augment Mod for Atlas that modifies Petrify to cause enemies turned to stone to be scanned into the Codex and have a chance to make them drop extra loot.
Since Petrify's cone is created at the end of the casting animation, Natural Talent and/or Speed Drift can speed up the process to produce a nearly instant flash.
While the default casting animation is playing, the player can move the aiming reticle to reorient Atlas to keep moving enemies in his field of view before the flash occurs.
Petrify enemies to amplify all damage dealt to them, including damage from weapons and abilities. This can further empower damage dealt by Landslide punch combos, Tectonics' boulder rolling and explosion, and Rumblers' punch, rock throw, and detonation.
Although Bulwark can block line of sight to enemies, casting Petrify directly after creating a Bulwark will freeze enemies behind it due to line of sight mechanic rules. Enemies within a few seconds of being seen by Atlas or have noticed Atlas in that time are considered still in sight.
Petrify gives Atlas an effective form of crowd control and also allows him to heal himself with Rubble.
Use Petrify on Tectonics to create a Petrified Bulwark that rolls faster, rolls farther, and deals more damage when launched as a boulder.
When Rumblers have taken damage, use Petrify on them to fully heal them to maximum health. Fully healed Rumblers ensure that their dropped Rubble provide the highest healing or bonus armor possible.
Petrify enemies to keep them in place for Rumblers to beat down, since Rumbler's punch or stone throw will stagger or ragdoll enemies backward.
Petrified enemies that are killed cannot be broken into multiple pieces even with +100% Gore chance from Amalgam Ripkas True Steel. This means Nekros can only desecrate an enemy that was killed while petrified once.
Summon two elemental stone brawlers to the melee. Summoning petrifies enemies in close proximity to Atlas. When finished, Rumblers collapse into a pile of healing Rubble.
2 (number of Rumblers) 10 s (stone duration) 0.5 to 1.5 m/s (min-max speeds) 1 (Rubble dropped on death per Rumbler) ≤ 50 (Rubble health/armor given)
Atlas expends 100energy to summon his 2 earthly elemental golems as he instantly petrifies all enemies into stone within a 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 meter radius for 10 seconds. Once summoned, the Rumblers will roam the battlefield seeking nearby enemies to attack. They last for 15 / 20 / 30 / 45 seconds unless they are killed or manually detonated.
Petrifying occurs instantly when Atlas begins his casting animation.
Each Rumbler possesses 500 / 750 / 1000 / 1200Health, 50 / 150 / 250 / 500Armor, and a speed multiplier of 1. Rumblers inflict 800 / 1000 / 1400 / 2000Impact damage and stagger the target backwards with each melee attack; they can occasionally throw stones that home in on enemies to inflict 200 / 250 / 350 / 500Impact damage and ragdoll enemies hit.
Physical size of each Rumbler along with their health, armor, and all sources of damage are affected by Ability Strength. Health and armor are also affected by Warframe health, shield, and armor mods.
Rumbler health uses the following expression when accounting for Ability Strength: Modified Health = Health × (1 + Health Gain From Leveling + Health Mods + Shield Gain From Leveling + Shield Mods + Strength Mods).
For example, with Vitality, Redirection, Intensify, and Atlas all at max rank, rank-3 Rumblers will have a modified health of 1200 × (1 + 2 + 4.4 + 2 + 4.4 + 0.3) = 16,920.
Atlas' rank influences Rumbler health as the "Health Gain" and "Shield Gain" in the expression are referring to bonuses applied to Atlas' respective base stats. As Atlas at max rank will have 300 health and 300 shields (from 100 health and shields at rank 0), the +200% health and shield increase will also apply to the Rumblers' health.
Rumbler armor uses the following expression when accounting for Ability Strength: Modified Armor = Armor × (1 + Armor Multiplier + Ability Strength) + Additional Armor.
For example, with a maxed Steel Fiber and Intensify, rank-3 Rumblers will have a modified armor value of 500 × (1 + 1.1 + 0.3) = 1,200.
Speed multiplier can not fall below 0.5 or exceed 1.5 under any circumstances.
If the ability is reactivated or if Atlas becomes incapacitated, active Rumblers will self-destruct and inflict 500 / 750 / 1000 / 1250Blast damage to enemies within 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 meters.
Damage does not bypass obstacles in the environment and diminishes with distance.
Ability Synergy:
Killing petrified enemies or self-destructing Rumblers will drop 1 piece of Rubble for Atlas to pick up, restoring 50 health or provides 50 bonus armor.
Rumbler Rubble provides reduced amounts of health or armor if Rumblers sustained damage to their health before expiring.
Casting Petrify on injured Rumblers will instantly restore their health to 100%.
While melee kills by the Rumblers are considered melee kills by Atlas, they do not contribute to the Melee Combo Counter.
Rumblers have collision detection for enemies only. Atlas and allies can move through Rumblers unobstructed.
The number of active Rumblers is displayed in the HUD beside Atlas' shield and health indicators, and waypoints are displayed onscreen for each active Rumbler.
If a Rumbler enters a Nullifier bubble, it will have its health drained.
Titanic Rumbler is a Warframe Augment Mod for Atlas that modifies Rumblers to make one larger Rumbler with more health, damage, and melee range, and will occasionally increase its Threat Level, instead of the normal two Rumblers. The recast ability to remove Rumblers is replaced by the taunt and a slam attack that knocks down all enemies within 15 meters.