Vulcan Blitz is a
Rank | Flat Damage | Percent Health | Radius | Cost |
0 | +50 | +10% | +1m | 4 |
1 | +100 | +20% | +2m | 5 |
2 | +150 | +30% | +3m | 6 |
3 | +200 | +40% | +4m | 7 |
4 | +250 | +50% | +5m | 8 |
5 | +300 | +60% | +6m | 9 |
Drop Locations[]
Mission Drop Tables
Mission Type | Source | Rotations or Drop Table |
Chance[1] | Quantity[2] | Avg. per roll[3] | Star Chart Nodes |
Enemy Drop Tables
Enemy | Drop Table Chance[4] | Item Chance[5] | Chance[6] | Expected Kills[7] | Quantity[8] | Avg. per roll attempt[9] |
Kela De Thaym | 100% | 11.11% | 11.11% | 9 | 1 | 0.1111 |
Sourced from the official drop table repository. See Module:DropTables/data to edit on the wiki.
- Explosion has linear damage falloff from 100% to 0% from the central enemy.
- Explosion requires line of sight. Enemies can directly block other enemies from being affected.
- Explosion damage is affected by Faction Damage Mods and stealth's 8x damage bonus
- Explosion radius cannot be modified outside of increasing Vulcan Blitz's mod rank.
- The explosion is silent, though nearby enemies that survive the explosion will be alerted to your presence.
- The explosion's colors will use the Jat Kittag's energy color, and thus can be modified.
- This mod, along with the other Executioner mods, are the second set mods to feature non-generic enemies on the mod card, the first being
Vengeful Revenant.
Patch History[]
Hotfix 19.3.2 (2016-12-14)
- Explosions on enemy death caused by Vulcan Blitz mod will now properly alert enemies.
Update 18.10 (2016-04-29)
- Introduced.
- ↑ Chance to roll item within drop table
- ↑ Amount rewarded on successful roll
- ↑ (Quantity × Chance)
- ↑ Chance to roll drop table
- ↑ Chance to roll item within drop table
- ↑ (Drop Table Chance × Item Chance)
- ↑ (1 / Chance), see WARFRAME Wiki:Expected & Nearly Guaranteed Numbers for more details
- ↑ Amount rewarded on successful roll
- ↑ (Quantity × Chance), average item quantity on a roll attempt (successful or not)