Groundramon is a dragon-like Digimon and one minor villain in the reboot of Digimon Adventure. The Chosen Ones faced it when they arrived on the new continent.
Digimon Adventure (2020)[]
When the Chosen arrive on a new continent, they encounter Groundramon, who attacks children and eats Tortomons to become stronger. MetalGreymon, WereGarurumon, Garudamon, MegaKabuterimon, Lillymon, and Zudomon faced Groundramon in battle, and while it was a tough opponent, they eventually defeated and destroyed it.
Groundramon is a Dragon-like Ultimate Level Digimon with giant arms that can turn into wings, and by them it is able to dig deep underground. In addition, its teeth are very sharp and can bite any Digimon to death.
- Scrap Claw
- Megaton Hammer Crush
- Giga Crack