WaruMonzaemon is a minor antagonist in Digimon Adventures 01, Digimon Frontier, Digimon Fusion and Digimon Ghost Game. He is one of Machinedramon's henchmen, and is Machinedramon's right-hand. He was a Monzaemon that was infected with a virus, but was redeemed when Tommy showed kindness and played with him. He had hundreds of Numemon for his slaves.
He was voiced by Hiroki Takahashi (who also voiced Mysterio in the Japanese dub in Spider-Man: Far From Home) in the original Japanese version and by Dan Lorge in the English dubbed version.
WaruMonzaemon is an Ultimate Level Digimon that resembles a darker version of Monzaemon, except WaruMonzaemon's an old, roughed-up, evil teddy bear with a stitched mouth, cape, and with claws on his left paw.
In Digimon Fusion, WaruMonzaemon's appearance looks the same, with the only difference is that he's wearing a chef's uniform, because he's Matadormon's chef.
Digimon Adventures 01[]
When the Sora, T.K., and Kari encountered WaruMonzaemon, they saw him torturing a huge amount of Numemon, as well as making them Machinedramon's slaves. When he saw Kari glowing, he chased after the Digidestined. The Numemon then turned on WaruMonzaemon and attacked him, allowing the Digidestined Digimon to blow him away with their combined attacks. Later, WaruMonzaemon now injured, came crying to Machinedramon to tell him the Digidestined defeated him, but Machinedramon didn't care and shot off WaruMonzaemon's right arm for failing him. In the Japanese version, however, Machindramon killed WaruMonzaemon at this moment.
Digimon Frontier[]
The leader of the ShadowToyAgumon turned a Monzaemon into WaruMonzaemon, who kidnapped Tommy. After Agunimon and Lobomon defeated and purified the ShadowToyAgumon back into ToyAgumon, Takuya and Koji found Tommy playing a video game with the now purified Monzaemon, who revealed that because of the kindness Tommy showed him for wanting to play with him, the evil virus was vanquished.
Digimon Fusion[]
A WaruMonzaemon was a henchman of Matadormon and he serves as his head pastry chef. He absorbed 11 of the Monzaemon soldiers to become GigaWaruMonzaemon.
Digimon Ghost Game[]
WaruMonzaemon and ExTyrannomon are the main antagonists of Episode 30 in Digimon Ghost Game. They first appeared at Kayono, a girl who doesn't want to go to school's home, inviting her to play with them together. Kayono was scared at first, but their relations become more intimate as ExTyrannomon turns her father into a plushie doll by using "Black Matter". They turned everyone they've seen, especially the ones Kayono deemed "annoying" into plushie dolls. When Hiro, Ruli and their partners encounters the duo, they fights against the evolved forms of the partner Digimon. Meanwhile Ruli become remorseful after she finds out she was alone, then Monzaemon appears and cures her. Monzaemon then teams up with Canoweissmon to fight against the duo, Monzaemon cures the duo with his "Lovely Attack". The duo finally understands that they were doing the wrong thing after purified by Monzaemon.