Bullmon is a Digimon that resembles a bull and one minor villain in Digimon Fusion and the reboot of Digimon Adventure.
Bullmon is Armor Digimon, which is armor-digivolved due to the "Digi-Egg of Hope". Its appearance is that of a fighting bull, and it possesses tremendous charging and destructive power. However, due to the fact that it is only capable of charging forward, and that it always charges forth at full speed, it is incapable of reversing or turning. Not only that, it has a fairly short temper, and a weakness in that it gets agitated the moment it sees anything red.
Digimon Fusion[]
Bullmon served in the Bagra Army, serving one Dark General, Apollomon.
Digimon Adventure (2020)[]
Bullmon is released by Minotarumon inside Bulbmon to defeat Taichi, Yamato and Leomon. In battle it is ultimately beaten by Greymon and Garurumon, who took it on while Leomon fought Minotarumon.
- Matador Dash
- Tail Whipping