- "I have good news and bad news, Colonel. The bad news is, scans are picking up giant ice formations commonly called 'comets' heading straight for us."
- ―WAC-47, to Meebur Gascon
Comets were chunks of rock and ice floating through space.
Eons before the Battle of Endor, a comet named Kinro was predicted to destroy several Core planets. The comet was destroyed before it reached the Mid Rim, and its destruction was attributed to the Jedi Order.[2]
During the Clone Wars, Colonel Meebur Gascon and D-Squad encountered a comet storm near the planet Abafar.[1]
A cometary cloud was located in the Ilum system.[3]
A class of mining ships that mined comets for thorilide were called Comet Chasers. A fleet of them returned to the Calcoraan Depot in 11 ABY after exhausting a fresh supply of thorilide bearing comets.[4]
Non-canon appearances[]
- LEGO Star Wars: All-Stars — "Dealing with Lando"
- LEGO Star Wars: All-Stars — "Han and Chewie Strike Back"
- "A Sunny Day in the Void" Episode Gallery on StarWars.com (backup link)
- Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 42 (Guide to the Galaxy: Planets and Moons)
- Nexus of Power
- Star Wars Helmet Collection 19 (Databank A-Z: GA-97–Geonosis)
- Star Wars Helmet Collection 22 (Highlights of the Saga: The Battle of Geonosis)
- Star Wars Helmet Collection 33 (Highlights of the Saga: The Unlikely Heroes)
- Star Wars: X-Wing Second Edition — Never Tell Me the Odds Obstacles Pack (Card: Comet Tail)
- Sinta Glacier Colony in the Databank (backup link)