Seeking the Su Jindan
Wu Kong: *pant* *wheeze* According to the info I got my hands on, the Su Jindan is somewhere in this mountain range...
Wu Kong: Too bad this place is FREAKIN' HUGE! Where the heck IS this stupid relic?!
Yulong: *sigh* Did you truly believe you would randomly stumble upon a fated hidden relic if you simply nosed about?
Wu Kong: No one invited you, Yulong! ...Uh oh. Did my master tell you to come here and bring me back?
Yulong: The opposite, in fact: Xuan Zang ordered me to assist you in your search.
Yulong: She is presently occupied performing a duty in Master Fa Ming's place, and so cannot lend aid in the matter herself.
Yulong: Thus, she sent me to keep watch. She is...terribly worried about you.
Wu Kong: Oh man. If I'm making her sweat, I've REALLY gotta hurry up and find this thing. Anyway, thanks for the help.
Yulong: Indeed, I hope my ability to sense the presence of Qilin relics will prove useful.
Wu Kong: Hey, so while we're looking, how about you let me ride on your back? I've been hoofin' it for days now, and I'm beat.
Yulong: Xuan Zang's command was to ascertain the Su Jindan's whereabouts—she said nothing about allowing foolish boys to ride me like a common mule.
Wu Kong: Yeah, but SHE always gets to ride around on your back!
Yulong: But of course! It is my supreme pleasure and delight to bear Xuan Zang across the skies!
Wu Kong: Uh, you say some weird stuff sometimes. You know that, right?
Wu Kong: *sigh* We've been going around these mountains for three days, and still no sign of the relic.
Yulong: It is strange. I have patrolled from the peaks of the mountains to the deepest valley depths, and yet sense nothing.
Wu Kong: Say, what about that mountain waaaay over there? You haven't looked at that one yet, have you?
Yulong: *sigh* Why do I feel like you became a sealer without knowing one whit of your chosen profession's history?
Yulong: That is a cursed mountain of impurities, a site that has been taboo since the era of the ancient Qilin.
Yulong: No sealer would dare set foot there.
Wu Kong: Which means no one has ever checked it out before, right?! Riiiiiight?
Yulong: Wu Kong, you cannot mean to... No, boy! Wait!
Yulong: Do you truly mean to enter this place?
Wu Kong: Yep! I mean, yeah, I'm sure I'll get a lecture about it or whatever, but if the Su Jindan could be here, I have to look.
Yulong: Hold!
Yulong: This mist... This presence...
Yulong: Take care, Wu Kong! This mist... ...people's...dangerous...
Wu Kong: Did you say something, Yulong? ...Huh? Yulong?
Wu Kong: He's gone! Did he go back because he didn't want to get scolded? Sheesh, talk about your obedient little lapdogs...
Wu Kong: Welp, nothing to do about it now. Looks like I'm searching on my own.
Wu Kong: (Just wait, old man—I WILL save you!)
Wu Kong: (And then I'll MAKE you acknowledge me!)
Wu Kong: *cough* The mist's getting thicker... I can't see two feet in front of me... And I'm getting...kinda tired...
Wu Kong: Nnnngh...
Qilin Youth: Are you awake, human child?
Wu Kong: Huh...? Did I pass out? Where am I?
Qilin Youth: You did—and only by the luckiest thread do you still cling to the mortal coil.
Wu Kong: But hey, what are you even DOING here? I thought Qilin all avoided this place.
Qilin Youth: I've no choice but to hide myself away in a place none will ever dare enter.
Wu Kong: Oh? Why's that?
Qilin Youth: Enough. I know not your circumstances, but you must make from this place with all haste.
Qilin Youth: Else you will be swallowed by the mist released by the Su Jindan.
Wu Kong: Wait, THAT jewel is the Su Jindan?!
Qilin Youth: You know of this relic?
Wu Kong: Funny story. See...
Qilin Youth: ...Mmm. So in order to save the life of a great sealer, you need this relic?
Wu Kong: Yeah, so I don't know all the details, but apparently great sealers have been risking their lives for hundreds of years to keep the Ling Xuan Dan in check.
Wu Kong: But it'd all be fine if we had the Su Jindan, so maybe I can just...borrow it?
Qilin Youth: I would be happy to lend it to you. And based on what you have told me, it seems this method might also serve to nullify the power of THIS relic as well.
Wu Kong: Wait, huh? I'm not sure I follow.
Qilin Youth: It's likely that the Ling Xuan Dan's yin chi and the Su Jindan's yang chi will mutually nullify each other.
Qilin Youth: So if the two were to be brought together, there is a high possibility of BOTH loathsome mists being eradicated.
Wu Kong: You're talking about this mist that's around us right now, right?
Qilin Youth: Yes, and it is a most bothersome thing. Spending an extended period in its presence will cause one's essence to be absorbed into the Su Jindan.
Qilin Youth: Its victims live on as part of the mist, cursed with a sort of sham immortality.
Wu Kong: Well, THAT sounds freaky! How'd you end up in charge of this little beauty?
Qilin Youth: When I was a journeying sealer, I found the relic about to run wild near a human village.
Qilin Youth: I could not let this happen, and so took up the relic at once, and ended up trapped within its terrible thrall.
Qilin Youth: Once this happened, I knew I had to find a place where I could exist in solitude so as not to threaten the lives of others.
Qilin Youth: How long has it been? A century? More? Time no longer has meaning for me.
Qilin Youth: All I know is that my very existence is now tied to the Su Jindan.
Wu Kong: So you've been alone here for all that time just to keep this thing contained?
Qilin Youth: Like you, I am a sealer; duty demanded that I do what was necessary.
Qilin Youth: But now, having heard of the existence of this Ling Xuan Dan, that burden has been removed from my mind.
Qilin Youth: I will entrust my relic to you; I have faith you will do what is right.
Wu Kong: Er, but we just met.
Qilin Youth: Is that a problem?
Wu Kong: Of course not! I'll fulfill my sealer duty.
Wu Kong: But listen. I'm a human, right? So I don't really "get" this resolve you Qilin have to take responsibility for your ancestors' actions.
Qilin Youth: Though you may not grasp it fully, you have taken it on nonetheless.
Wu Kong: I have?
Qilin Youth: Yes. Whatever may happen, you will save the sealer called Fa Ming. That is the resolve that guides you to act now.
Qilin Youth: I know this because you have not fled this place even knowing the fearsome power that resides here.
Wu Kong: Okay, yeah. I think I understand now— and you can absolutely count on me!
Qilin Youth: Be swift, Wu Kong. Bring the Su Jindan to its opposite before the mist fells you.
Wu Kong: Er, aren't you coming?
Qilin Youth: As I said, my handling of the relic did no more than grant me a false survival.
Qilin Youth: Without its power, dissolution awaits me. Or perhaps I should say...release.
Qilin Youth: Please, human sealer. Do this for me.
Wu Kong: W-wait!
Wu Kong: He's gone...
Yulong: THERE you are, you fool child!
Wu Kong: Hey, Yulong.
Yulong: Th-that relic! Wu Kong, it is...?
Wu Kong: Yeah, I found it. Er, or I was entrusted with it, I guess.
Yulong: What happened in there?
Wu Kong: I'll explain on the way. Let's go!