The Search for Royalty
Delphi has resolved to perform a forbidden ritual that will banish his inherited power from the world for good.
But in order to perform the ritual, he needs the cooperation of a royal family member Thus, he sets out on a journey to find just such a person...
Delphi: I thought Emile might be persuaded to aid me, but it was a fool's errand.
Delphi: But giving up? Not an option. I yet need someone to... Hmm?
Bandit Boss: Well, lookit what we got 'ere, boys! This one smells proper rich, so 'e do.
Bandit Boss: What say ya spare a few coppers for us poor starvin' lads, friend?
Euden: That's clearly a threat dressed up as a request. You really should reconsider some of your life choices.
Bandit Boss: Oy! I'll show ya what 'appens to folks what question me life choices!
Bandits: HAAAAAH!
Delphi: That's the youngest prince of Alberia!
Delphi: I know not his purpose in this place, but it works to my great advantage. I must ensure he wins the day!
Delphi: Stay back, Your Highness! These rabble are mine!
Euden: Huh? Who are you?
Delphi: Perhaps not the greatest time for the sharing of pleasantries? No. Not at all. Now pray stand aside as I work.
Delphi: I call forth the power of the Tutelary! Restrain these villains! Purgatorial Cage!
Bandits: Aaaaargh!
Euden: Wow. That was Who ARE you?
Delphi: *pant* Nnngh...
Euden: Uh, are you all right? ...Hello?
Euden: Uh oh. He's passed out. And he's running a fever. I need to get him back to Cleo.
Delphi: ...Wh-where am I?
Euden: Glad to see you up and around. Oh, and you're in our castle.
Euden: I brought you here after you collapsed.
Delphi: Apologies. Many of them, and most keen. I meant no burden to you.
Euden: I'm happy to help. But if you feel up to it, could you tell me a bit about yourself? You seemed to recognize me earlier.
Delphi: My name is Delphi, and I am a member of the Tutelary tribe. We guard the ruins where the Shards sleep.
Euden: Tutelary tribe? That sounds familiar...
Delphi: Some 300 years ago, King Alberius charged us with creating and maintaining seals on the Binding Ruins. This we did unfailingly, until the recent past.
Euden: That's right, now I remember. Er, but what happened recently?
Delphi: The seals? Broken. The Shards? Purloined. Thus have I left the ruins and come in search of a royal family member.
Delphi: As our tribe now lacks a purpose, I seek to use my power to conduct a final ritual.
Delphi: But said ritual? It requires the cooperation of a royal family member.
Euden: That's a very specific requirement.
Delphi: Our power is sworn to the Alberian royal family; thus do we require your consent.
Delphi: This boon. Will you grant it?
Euden: Yes, of course.
Delphi: ...I'm sorry?
Euden: It sounds like our family owes a great deal to you and your kin.
Euden: Repaying that service is the least I can do.
Delphi: ......
Euden: There's also the little matter of you saving my own life back there with those bandits. Anyway, you're welcome to stay here and prepare for the ritual as long as you need.
Delphi: No. That imposition? Too great.
Delphi: You must let me aid you in return.
Euden: Well, if you're dead-set on pitching in around here, you could use that power you demonstrated. Frankly, I've never seen anything like it.
Delphi: You speak of the power of the Tutelary tribe. This emblem? On my forehead? It permits the wielding of that power.
Euden: So the emblem is a blessing of sorts? That's quite fascinating.
Delphi: Blessing? No. A curse.
Euden: How so?
Delphi: Apologies—my mouth ran where it should have come to heel.
Euden: Er, okay? Anyway, it should be nice to have you around. I'm guessing we're pretty much the same age, right?
Delphi: I am ten years your senior, at least.
Euden: Wait, really? I had no idea. You look
Delphi: Boyish? Youthful? Green? I am not. The power gives all who wield it the mien of a younger self.
Delphi: This power has been mine for as long as I have been me, such that my chronology and appearance are increasingly at odds.
Euden: Huh. Okay then. Well, maybe it'll be more of an older-brother thing, then.
Delphi: Brother?!
Euden: Well, an older-brother figure, at least. Honestly, there are a lot of folks here who I think of in that kind of way.
Euden: Anyway, now that you're going to be one of us, I should introduce you to everybody. Hang on—I'll be right back.
Delphi: Your Highness, wai...
Delphi: *sigh* I've no right to be called a brother by him.
Delphi: But his dragonblood? Essential. So I will do as I must!