The Rule of the Mountains
Euden: Let's see. We've got the groceries, herbs, lumber... I think that's all the shopping.
Cleo: Oh dear, Euden. Look.
Rex: Hoo-ee! That the goin' rate these days?
Rex: Last time I sold, I got me twice as much.
Merchant: Well then, you sold to a lunatic! We pay the fair market rate here.
Merchant: If anything, I'm overpaying!
Rex: Really? Heck, thanks, buddy! Much appreciated.
Cleo: Firewood, quality lumber, tanned leather...
Cleo: The poor season has sent prices for all of that man's goods through the roof, and yet the merchant is giving him pennies.
Cleo: He is clearly being taken.
Cleo: Any reputable shop would pay 10 times what he just accepted.
Euden: That's criminal, and I won't stand for it.
Euden: You! Stop this transaction! You're cheating this man!
Merchant: Get lost, pal! I don't need do-gooders telling me how to run my operation!
Euden: ...You there.
Euden: If you value your livelihood, take your wares to another shop.
Euden: I think you'll find their prices to be far more agreeable.
Merchant: N-no! Wait! I can't have goods of this quality go to the competi...
Merchant: Rats.
Merchant: Good sir, I believe my abacus hand slipped. What clumsy fingers I have! Ah ha ha ha ha...yes.
Cleo: What sort of idiot would believe—
Rex: Aw, heck, buddy. I know how that goes.
Rex: Don't worry about it none! Everybody makes mistakes.
Cleo: ...He's not even angry.
Merchant: Er, uh...yes, well, thank you. My apologies again.
Rex: Heck, I'm just glad you're givin' me such a humdinger of a price!
Rex: Ain't never got this much before!
Euden: You're really not upset by all this?
Euden: You were moments away from being fleeced out of your livelihood.
Rex: Yessir, that's true—but part of that's m'own fault. I never did have a head for numbers.
Rex: Still, ain't every day someone's kind enough to step in, so thanks.
Rex: Say, you gotta let me pay ya back!
Euden: That's not necessary.
Euden: We eavesdropped on your business, then bull-rushed right into it.
Rex: Aw, that's just silly. 'Sides, it's the rule of the mountains, so it is!
Rex: Cut a tree down, put a sapling to ground. Take a tree's fruit, water up the root!
Rex: Gotta give back what ya get.
Cleo: You live in the mountains, then?
Rex: That's right, ma'am. Built m'self a little cottage where I cut wood and hunt, then I sell the lumber and skins for coin.
Rex: Hey, now there's an idea!
Rex: I'm pretty good with m'hands and such, so maybe I could help out with any home repairs ya need done.
Euden: Well, I suppose the Halidom could use a bit of love here and there...
Euden: No, that's too much. I can't ask for manual labor in return for a few words.
Rex: Gotta give back what you get, buddy! Rule of the mountains.
Rex: Now lead the way!