Advertising Alex
Nina: Welcome! Right this way, ladies!
Summer Amane: Oh, Elisanne and Alex! Come in and take a load off.
Summer Alex: So this is the cafe I've heard about.
Summer Elisanne: It's the perfect seaside hideaway. Cold drinks and scrumptious snacks abound.
Summer Alex: I'll take your word on that. We might have another problem on our hands, though...
Beach Cafe Customer: Hey, that woman there... Is that...?
Beach Cafe Customer: Yeah, the special winner of the contest.
Summer Alex: People are staring at me.
Summer Elisanne: My apologies. I suppose it was foolish to hope we'd escape notice someplace this populated.
Summer Alex: My kingdom for a place we can relax without a million eyes on us. *sigh*
Nina: I'd heard the rumors, but wow. You really are the name on everyone's lips, Alex.
Nina: I bet if you were to be our barker, we could DOUBLE our sales!
Summer Amane: Excuse you! What am I, chopped liver?
Nina: Huh? No, that's not what I—
Summer Amane: I can't believe this! I have my pride! Are you forgetting who worked her tail off last summer to help this place thrive?
Summer Amane: You know what? Let's make a little game out of this, Alex. You and I will compete to prove which of us makes a better barker!
Summer Alex: Hey, I didn't consent to—
Nina: Two ladies stand before me, but only ONE can take home the title of the Best Barker in the Business!
Nina: Oho ho ho! My business senses are telling me we're sitting on a gold mine here! Alex, will you rise to Amane's challenge?
Summer Alex: You're on board with this too?!
Nina: There's something in it for you, naturally. If you win, I'll let you borrow my villa.
Nina: And said villa comes with a private beach! We're talking 24-hour access to surf and turf without any pesky rubberneckers!
Summer Alex: Okay, NOW I'm interested.
Summer Alex: Let's do this.
Summer Elisanne: Are you sure, Alex? This sounds like a surefire way to attract even more attention.
Summer Alex: You're not wrong... But I'm ready for it.
Summer Alex: I came to the beach specifically so you and I could have a vacation together.
Summer Alex: I can conquer this particular mountain if it means you and I actually get to do that!
Summer Elisanne: ...Okay, Alex. Go get 'em.
Nina: The rules are simple: whoever brings in more customers within the time limit wins the title of Best Barker in the Business!
Nina: And with that...BEGIN!
Summer Alex: (I'll need to devise a strategy here...)
Contest Host: Well, if it isn't our winner, Alex! What are you up to?
Summer Alex: Hello. I remember you from the contest. I'm, er, working as a barker for the cafe over there for...reasons.
Contest Host: Well, fancy that. Sounds like I'd better drop by!
Passerby: You serious?! Alex is working at that cafe? I don't need much more convincing than that to check it out!
Nina: That's fame for ya. She's bringing folks in by the boatload just by standing here.
Nina: Now, let's have a look at her competition...
Summer Amane: Aha, you're here! This way, everyone!
Summer Amane: Hee hee hee. All my dragon buds turned out for me!
Nina: Good hustle, Amane, but I'm afraid it's not valid if you just call in friends as a favor.
Nina: You need to attract customers like a proper barker would.
Summer Amane: I'm well aware of that. My plan doesn't end there. Look closely!
Summer Amane: Welcome, welcome, one and all! Come on down and dine with DRAGONS while you beat the summer heat!
Passerby: Whoa, Siren's there? You're tellin' me I could kick back while gazing at that beautiful idol dragon?! That RULES!
Passerby: Look how cute that round white dragon is! I wanna eat here, big sis!
Passerby: Well, would you look at that? Okay. Let's check it out.
Nina: A bold strategy! No complaints from me, then. Lots of points for you, Amane!
Summer Amane: You see that, Alex? That's what EXPERIENCE in this biz gets you!
Summer Alex: I'm going to lose at this rate... I need a new plan of attack, and fast!
Nina: Let me give you some insider advice, Alex.
Nina: The key to turning things around is ADDED VALUE. You know, fanservice with a smile!
Nina: Entertain the customers who come to visit. Word of mouth will get around, and even more folks will start showing just for you!
Summer Alex: I follow the logic, but, er... I don't exactly have the sunniest disposition, you know?
Summer Alex: ...Actually, wait. This is no time to hem and haw. Nothing to it but to do it.
Summer Alex: I swore I'd get through this, so I could spend my vacation with Elisanne!
Nina: That's the spirit, Alex! Knock 'em dead out there! Just...not so dead they can't reach their wallets.
Beach Cafe Customer: Oh, my fork!
Summer Alex: Close one there. I managed to catch it before it hit the ground.
Beach Cafe Customer: Whoa, you are FAST! Thank you.
Summer Alex: I'm just glad I could help.
Beach Cafe Customer: ...!
Summer Alex: Do take your time and enjoy your meal.
Summer Alex: *sigh* Entertaining people like this is hard. Did I smile right...?
Nina: You were PERFECT, Alex. Take a look at what your customers are out there saying!
Beach Cafe Customer: Get this, people: Alex served me here at this cafe, and she knocked my socks off! Which is crazy, because I'm wearing sandals!
Beach Cafe Customer: She has this whole stoic-meets-stylish vibe going, but she also gave me a shy smile! The girl's multitalented as heck!
Customer's Acquaintance: Seriously? I have GOT to get in on that. 'Scuse me, pardon me, coming through!
Nina: Welcome, WELCOME! Table for one? Right this way!
Summer Alex: Well, that seems good. I'll keep this up, then!
Nina: Well done today, both of you. You had crowds coming in droves!
Nina: Now, to announce the winner of our little contest for Best Barker in the Business...
Nina: I've tallied the number of customers you each brought in, and survey says... it's a draw!
Summer Alex: A draw? But then what happens with the villa you said you'd let me borrow?
Nina: Yes, well, the condition was whether or not you WON in the competition...
Summer Alex: Hrk...
Nina: But both of you did splendid work—so much that I couldn't possibly say which of you is better as a barker.
Nina: And as such, today, you're BOTH winners!
Summer Amane: Yep, that checks out. I run this joint, after all!
Summer Amane: But you gave some seriously wonderful service to those customers, Alex. I'm more than okay with this outcome!
Nina: Amane's right. You worked really hard, Alex, so as promised, my villa is yours!
Summer Alex: Really? I truly owe you, Nina!
Summer Alex: Finally, we can get this trip back on track!