Lady Starfall VS The General
Highway to Closeheide
Imperial Soldier 1: Y'know, I'm fine with guard duty and all, but I can't imagine who'd be dense enough to try and sneak into Closeheide right now.
Imperial Soldier 2: Nobody, that's who. And plus, the general's here right now, so they'd have to be EXTRA— Wait. Somebody's coming.
Dragonyule Malora: Well, hello there, you studly soldier boys. I've just got some quick little errands to take care of in town, so if you don't mind...
Imperial Soldier 1: No entry beyond this point! Begone immediately or you will be cut down where you stand!
Dragonyule Malora: That's no way to talk to a lady! Won't you pleeease let me through?
Imperial Soldier 2: Hmph. Spare me the sweet talk. You aren't getting through here, ma'am.
Several minutes later...
Imperial Soldier 1: Weeell, what can you do? Oh, you ARE a naughty little kitten. Heh heh heh...
Dragonyule Malora: And you REALLY won't let this naughty little kitten pass? Even after she's been sweeter than a saucer of warm milk?
Imperial Soldier 2: A-all right, I guess it's fine. It's not like you're a complete stranger, after all. But no causing trouble! You hear me, kitten?
Dragonyule Malora: (Whoever said Closeheide was "impossible to infiltrate" clearly hadn't met Lady Starfall!)
Dragonyule Malora: Why, thank you EVER so much, my big, strong soldier boys. Bye-bye, now!
Imperial Soldier 2: Hey, come on! Don't kiss and run! Let's have a little more fun together!
Dragonyule Malora: We will have PLENTY of quality time soon, believe me. I simply can't put these errands off any longer, darling.
Imperial Soldier 2: Who cares about errands?! You've lit a fire in me, and it's not goin' out anytime soon! You have to—
???: Just what EXACTLY does she have to do, soldier?
Imperial Soldier 2: Why, of course we'd— Wait, hold up! Y-you're...
Valyx: Dereliction of duty. Debauchery. Indolence. This is a stain on your honor as soldiers. You should be ashamed.
Dragonyule Malora: (He...he's Valyx! What's an imperial general doing out in a backwater 'burb like this?!)
Valyx: ......
Dragonyule Malora: (His presence is fearsome indeed. There's no way I can take him in a head-on fight. Bluff, Malora, bluff...)
Valyx: Further, I can scarcely believe you'd be charmed by this woman, an ally of the Halidom, and not realize your indiscretion! Am I mistaken, woman?
Dragonyule Malora: (Urk! The jig is up! He's not just strong— he's sharp, too! Nothing's going to get past him.)
Valyx: Are you deaf, soldiers? Arrest this woman. Immediately.
Dragonyule Malora: Urk...
Valyx: Will you not resist? You've some backbone. Or perhaps it's something else. Well, it matters not. Come.
Imperial Soldier 1: S-sir, if there's to be an interrogation, we wouldn't want to trouble you. We will carry it out for y—
Valyx: You wouldn't be able to handle it. I will question her myself.
Dragonyule Malora: ......
Valyx: You're as docile as a lamb. What are you plotting, woman?
Dragonyule Malora: Nothing at all. Tied up as I am, I hardly think myself capable of anything, much less mustering up some grand scheme.
Dragonyule Malora: What I want to know is what you plan to do with me.
Valyx: Following your interrogation, I'll be sending you to prison in the capital. Look well upon the light of day, for you will never see it again.
Dragonyule Malora: My, you underestimate me. You think you can keep ME under lock and key?
Dragonyule Malora: Did you not see your soldiers? It would be a simple task for me to bewitch my jailers and see myself whisked far away from your prison.
Valyx: Indeed it would. A strong case for dealing with you right here and now, in fact.
Dragonyule Malora: I can do you one better. A great and powerful general needs a partner, does he not? In public...and in private, I daresay?
Valyx: Speak plain, woman.
Dragonyule Malora: If you spare me, I will spy on your behalf. I will bring you any information you desire, no matter how classified.
Dragonyule Malora: And I will obey all of your orders without question, whether they pertain to work or matters more...discreet.
Valyx: You think these honeyed words will sway me? I am quite sure you've already sworn fealty to my brother.
Dragonyule Malora: That I found myself in the employ of Euden is mere happenstance. And what's more, he... does not truly understand me.
Dragonyule Malora: He is much too soft. He has not once given me a task that utilizes my ample talents. He coddles me like a pitiful hatchling.
Dragonyule Malora: He never so much as steals a sidelong glance at me. His impertinence has sent me into a crisis of self-esteem.
Valyx: ...What is your point?
Dragonyule Malora: I wish to serve one who will both understand and make ample use of my considerable talents. I care not the form that arrangement takes.
Dragonyule Malora: YOU would certainly not show amnesty to a former enemy, would you? That's the kind of man I'd like to serve—one unafraid to raise a stern hand.
Valyx: ...These are your true feelings?
Dragonyule Malora: If you do not believe me, then test them for yourself. We are alone right now. Give me any order at all, and I will obey.
Valyx: Hmph. You allowed yourself to be captured without a fuss because you were confident you could bewitch me.
Dragonyule Malora: !
Valyx: You planned to find an opening and escape, or to win me over. Whichever it is, you have grossly underestimated me.
Dragonyule Malora: D-did you really see through me so easily?
Valyx: Discipline is the cornerstone of any prudent military man. Do not insult me so.
Valyx: I will ask you this one time: What secret orders has my brother sent you here to carry out?
Dragonyule Malora: I am here by no order of Euden's.
Valyx: Then you come to distinguish yourself of your own volition. What is your aim? Speak honestly, for if you do not...
Dragonyule Malora: *sigh* You truly are the real deal. I can ply you with neither raw might nor feminine allure. I will tell you everything, so lower your weapon.
Dragonyule Malora: My objective is a necklace, stolen from my client by a deceitful lover. I'm told that it was sold to one Count Delchi.
Valyx: You infiltrated enemy territory to retrieve a trinket? You might consider a better lie.
Dragonyule Malora: What?
Valyx: Putting your life on the line for a tangle of foolish passions is laughable. Keep your secrets, then. I'll have you take them to your grave.
Dragonyule Malora: You are a far more tedious man than the reports would suggest, Valyx.
Valyx: ...What?
Dragonyule Malora: The necklace I speak of was given to my client by her mother as a keepsake. It's not the sort of thing whose importance can be measured against sovereign duty.
Dragonyule Malora: And what's more, I absolutely cannot abide the theft of something so precious at the hand of false love.
Valyx: Hmph. You risk your life out of pity, then? Naught but naive sentiment.
Dragonyule Malora: Unfortunately for you, I am not nearly so saccharine a woman as you take me for.
Dragonyule Malora: I'm also here for my own sake. My pride would never allow me to forsake a love scorned.
Valyx: Your "pride"? You are so arrogant that you spit in the face of death? Or is that end precisely what you have desired all along?
Dragonyule Malora: I-it is assuredly not! Only a fool would rush headlong into the hereafter!
Dragonyule Malora: Nonetheless, I have no regrets. Where love is concerned, I will never yield.
Dragonyule Malora: If you're going to kill me, Valyx, then do it.
Valyx: I see. In that case— HAAAAH!
Dragonyule Malora: (Urk!)
Dragonyule Malora: ...You've cut my bonds? What are you playing at, Valyx?
Valyx: Even I have heard of Count Delchi's fraudulent financial activities.
Valyx: If your aim in this city is to exact justice for his misdeeds, then I have no reason to stop you.
Dragonyule Malora: What, so I'm free to move about the city?
Valyx: I will not impede you, so long as your movements concern that necklace. That said, I cannot well allow an enemy to run about my territory completely unchecked.
Valyx: As such, I restrict you thus: You have until sunset. If you cannot accomplish your objective by then, I will come to deliver final judgment myself.
Valyx: Nowhere in this city is beyond my sight. Should you fail, I WILL find you. Remember that.
Dragonyule Malora: I have until sunset, and if I cannot achieve my objective by then, I will meet my end. Heh... You drive quite a tough bargain.
Valyx: If your outlandish pride is genuine, then I am certain you will accomplish your goal. Now go, and show me what your words are worth.
Dragonyule Malora: Phew. Talk about a close call. I'm working with quite a handicap now... I need to get that necklace back before sunset.
Dragonyule Malora: These Alberian royals certainly are a stubborn bunch, aren't they?