Final Fantasy Wiki

The following is a list of items from Final Fantasy Legend III.

Curative items[]

Curative items are bought or found in chests, and can be used during battle and on the field. The player can hold up to nine of each item.

Name Effect Price Location
FFLIII CurativeCure1 Recovers HP by 40 points. 50 Buy: Buzi (Talon), Dharm (Present), Dwelg Town (Underworld), Elan (Present), Knaya (Pureland), Zhakal (Pureland)
FFLIII CurativeCure2 Recovers HP by 100 points. 150 Buy: Buzi (Talon), Dwelg Town (Underworld), Elan (Past), Elan (Future), Floatland Town (Floatland), Knaya (Pureland), Lae (Past), Muu (Past), Muu (Present), Muu (Future), New Dharm (Future), Porle (Pureland), Viper City (Future), Zhakal (Pureland)
FFLIII CurativeCure3 Recovers HP by 250 points. 300 Buy: Buzi (Talon), Cave near Talonsburg (Pureland), Cirrus (Pureland), Darius (Pureland), Donmac (Pureland), Dwelg Town (Underworld), Knaya (Pureland), Zhakal (Pureland)
FFLIII CurativeMagic Recovers 100% of MP. 1500 Buy: Buzi (Talon), Dwelg Town (Underworld), Knaya (Pureland), Mushrooms (Underworld), Zhakal (Pureland)
FFLIII CurativeElixir Recovers 100% of HP, MP, and full status restoration. 3500 Buy: Buzi (Talon), Darius (Pureland), Dwelg Town (Underworld), Floatland Town (Floatland), Knaya (Pureland), Muu (Past), Muu (Present), Muu (Future), New Dharm (Future), Zhakal (Pureland)
FFLIII TentTent Recovers 100% of HP and MP of entire party, can't be used during battle. 2000 Buy: Buzi (Talon), Dwelg Town (Underworld), Knaya (Pureland), Zhakal (Pureland)
FFLIII CurativeRelax Recovers "Para". 200 Buy: Elan (Present), Lae (Past), Porle (Pureland), Viper City (Future)
FFLIII CurativeThroat Recovers "Mute". 200 Buy: Darius (Pureland), Floatland Town (Floatland), Knaya (Pureland), Muu (Past), Muu (Present), Muu (Future), New Dharm (Future)
FFLIII CurativeEyeDrop Recovers "Dark". 200 Buy: Cirrus (Pureland), Darius (Pureland), Dharm (Present), Donmac (Pureland), Elan (Past), Elan (Future), Floatland Town (Floatland), Knaya (Pureland), Muu (Past), Muu (Present), Muu (Future), New Dharm (Future)
FFLIII CurativeAntedot Recovers "Pois". 200 Buy: Cirrus (Pureland), Darius (Pureland), Dharm (Present), Donmac (Pureland), Elan (Past), Elan (Future), Floatland Town (Floatland), Knaya (Pureland), Muu (Past), Muu (Present), Muu (Future), New Dharm (Future)
FFLIII CurativeSoft Recovers "Petri". 200 Buy: Cirrus (Pureland), Darius (Pureland), Dharm (Present), Donmac (Pureland), Elan (Past), Elan (Future), Floatland Town (Floatland), Knaya (Pureland), Muu (Past), Muu (Present), Muu (Future), New Dharm (Future)
FFLIII CurativeAwake Recovers "Sleep". 200 Buy: Elan (Present), Lae (Past), Porle (Pureland), Viper City (Future)
FFLIII CurativeCalm Recovers "Conf". 200 Buy: Elan (Present), Lae (Past), Porle (Pureland), Viper City (Future)

Robotic parts[]

Robotic parts gives a permanent stat increase, but are only applied when the character is in robot form. If a character changes forms, they'll lose the stats gain through these items.

Name Effect Price Location
FFLIII CapsuleHP Increases Robot's max HP by 24 to 40. 1500 Buy: Cirrus (Pureland), Dharm (Present), Donmac (Pureland), Elan (Past), Elan (Future), Knaya (Pureland)
FFLIII CapsuleAttack Increases Robot's Attack by 3. 1500 Buy: Cirrus (Pureland), Dharm (Present), Donmac (Pureland), Elan (Past), Elan (Future), Knaya (Pureland)
FFLIII CapsuleDefense Increases Robot's Defence by 3. 1500 Buy: Cirrus (Pureland), Dharm (Present), Donmac (Pureland), Elan (Past), Elan (Future), Knaya (Pureland)
FFLIII CapsuleSpeed Increases Robot's Agility by 3. 1500 Buy: Elan (Present), Knaya (Pureland), Lae (Past), Porle (Pureland), Viper City (Future)

Magical stones[]

Magical stones are ingredients for spells, weapons, and armor that can't be gotten any other way.

Name Effect Price Location
FFLIII StoneEarth Makes Lost Magic. — Find: Castle of Chaos (Present), Central Shipwreck (Future), Maitreya's Tower (Floatland), Northeastern Shipwreck (Future), Northern Ruins (Floatland)
FFLIII StoneWater Makes Lost Magic. — Find: Muu (Present), Northern Ruins (Floatland), Southern Shipwreck (Past), Viper City (Future)
FFLIII StoneFire Makes Lost Magic. — Find: Cave near Eitar's Village (Pureland), Cave near Donmac (Pureland), Cave near Mt. Goht (Pureland), Southwest Ruins (Pureland), West Towers (Underworld)
FFLIII StoneAir Makes Lost Magic. — Find: Mountain (Floatland), Muu (Future), Northeastern Shipwreck (Future), Northern Shipwreck (Past), South Tower (Present)
FFLIII StoneLight Makes weapons and armor. — Find: Cave near Donmac (Pureland), Cave near Knaya (Pureland), Cave near Talonsburg (Pureland), Eastern Ruins (Pureland), Mt. Hasbid (Pureland), Northern Ruins (Floatland), Southwest Ruins (Pureland), Shedding of Jorgandr (Underworld), Xagor's Castle (Pureland)
FFLIII StoneDark Makes weapons and armor. — Find: Cave near Donmac (Pureland), Cave near Knaya (Pureland), Cave near Mt. Goht (Pureland), Eastern Ruins (Pureland), Eitar's Village (Pureland), Mushrooms (Underworld), West Towers (Underworld), Shedding of Jorgandr (Underworld)

Talon units[]

Talon units are automatically installed when approaching the control panel in the cockpit.

Name Effect Location
FFLIII UnitPast Warps to Past. Find: Elan (Present)
FFLIII UnitFlushex Changes lead party member to original form. Find: Lae (Past)
FFLIII UnitHover Allows flight over land and water. Find: Castle of Chaos (Present), Talonsburg (Pureland)
FFLIII UnitRover Allows flight over land. Find: Southeast Cave (Past)
FFLIII UnitFuture Warps to Future. Find: Castle of Chaos (Present)
FFLIII UnitBerth Recovers party's HP, MP, and status. Find: Viper City (Future)
FFLIII UnitX-Plane Warps to Pureland. Find: Maitreya's Tower (Floatland)
FFLIII UnitCannon Attacks all enemies. Already Installed
FFLIII UnitMissile Attacks all enemies. Find: Mt. Hasbid (Pureland)
FFLIII UnitLaser Attacks all enemies. Find: Cirrus (Pureland)
FFLIII UnitE-Ray Attacks all enemies. Find: Crevasse (Underworld)
FFLIII UnitSoar Allows flight over land, water, and mountains. Find: Eastern Ruins (Pureland)
FFLIII UnitShield Prevents enemy attacks. Find: Talonsburg (Pureland)

Event items[]

Event items are either found or given by NPCs and are used automatically under the correct circumstances.

Name Effect Location
FFLIII RadioRadar Detects Units from the Talon. Find: Palace (Present)
FFLIII SeedIfram Seed Grows into the Ifram Tree. Find: Muu (Past)
FFLIII KeyTower Key Opens South Tower door. Find: Elan (Present)
FFLIII KeyChaos Key Opens Castle of Chaos door. Find: South Tower (Present)
Password Allows entry to the Rebel's HQ. Find: New Dharm (Future)
FFLIII RadioRocket Allows entry to Floatland from the pier near the Palace. Find: Viper City (Future)
FFLIII RadioRadio Allows communication with the Rebels from Floatland. Find: Undersea Shelter (Future)
FFLIII RadioRemote Calls the Talon. Find: Northern Ruins (Floatland)
FFLIII SeedCatnip Puts BlackCats to sleep. Find: Eitar's Village (Pureland)
FFLIII KeyPrison Key Unlocks Faye's prison cell. Find: North Maze (Pureland)
FFLIII TabletTablet Needed to convinces Shar to join the group. Find: Southwest Ruins (Pureland)
FFLIII KeyPass Allows passage to the underworld from Porie. Find: Cirrus (Pureland)
FFLIII TabletEmblem Makes the Mystic Sword "Emperor" when joined with "Katana" and "Crystal". Find: Mushrooms (Underworld)
FFLIII TabletOil Makes the Aegis Shield when joined with "Metal". Find: Crevasse (Underworld)
FFLIII TabletCrystal Makes the Mystic Sword "Emperor" when joined with "Katana" and "Emblem". Find: West Towers (Underworld)
FFLIII TabletKatana Makes the Mystic Sword "Emperor" when joined with "Crystal" and "Emblem". Find: Donmac (Pureland)
FFLIII TabletMetal Makes the Aegis Shield when joined with "Oil". Find: Cave near Mt. Goht (Pureland)

Special items[]

Name Effect Location
Trash Can Items can be discarded by moving them to the Trash Can. It's always present in the inventory.

Unused items[]

These items are dummied and they do not have known effects. They can be found within the game's data, but many of these are blank in the English version.

Name Information
Warp 2 Listed at the end of the Unit digits within the game's data. It cannot be installed onto the Talon, so its function, if any, is a mystery.
Password Unknown.
Pureland Keys Unknown.
Plutonium Unknown.
Buji One of four items named after the crew members. Players must have been able to "install" the crew members like units in an earlier version of the game, but this has been removed in the final version. Note that he's actually called Buzi in the English version.
Shar One of four items named after the crew members. Players must have been able to "install" the crew members like units in an earlier version of the game, but this has been removed in the final version.
Juba One of four items named after the crew members. Players must have been able to "install" the crew members like units in an earlier version of the game, but this has been removed in the final version.
Masa One of four items named after the crew members. Players must have been able to "install" the crew members like units in an earlier version of the game, but this has been removed in the final version.