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Remember the rules: light armor and machetes only. And, of course, to the death.Otho

The Legion arena is an unmarked location within the Fort in the Mojave Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas.


Situated between the gate to the lower area of the Fort and Caesar's tent, the Legion arena is comprised of a small pit with walls of scrap metal and an entrance gate.

Here a male Courier can fight opponents to the death for the amusement of Caesar's legionaries; a female Courier will be told they are not allowed to fight in the arena and will not have this option.


Speaking to Otho, standing to the right of the arena gate, will provide the option to participate in arena matches. When entering a contest, weapons and equipment will be confiscated, replaced with gladiator armor and a machete. All arena opponents will be either unarmed or equipped with machetes by default. Battling in the arena will increase the player character's reputation with Caesar's Legion.

Opponent List
  • Round 1: A fight against two slaves with machetes.
  • Round 2: A fight against Sergeant Andrews, a captured male NCR trooper armed with a machete.
  • Round 3: A fight against Ranger Stella, a captured female NCR Ranger.
Optional List


  • When fighting in the arena, all non-quest items (even keys) will be removed from the inventory and deposited in the equipment storage case outside. After winning, each item in the case is returned with its own popup message, similar to Mojave Express dropboxes and New Vegas casinos. To avoid minutes of popups, storing the items in the footlocker of any nearby tents will circumvent the issue.
    • Note that even though the footlockers are marked as owned, retrieving items from them does not count as stealing.
    • If the Courier turns around quickly as the fight starts, the footlocker can be opened and all items can be retrieved and used.
  • Since quest items can't be removed from the inventory, Motor-Runner's helmet and the rebreather can both be worn during fights.
  • The machete and the gladiator armor can be kept by running out of the gate as the fight starts.
  • If any companions are given ranged holdout weapons and ammo, they have a clear shot at the arena (e.g. at Caesar's tent) and will attack the enemy combatants.
  • A female Courier will be allowed to participate in the three optional fights above due to them occurring via special circumstance rather than going through Otho.
  • After winning in the arena, Legion guards around the Fort will remark on the Courier's bouts with the slaves and Ranger Stella, claiming that they didn't think anyone could defeat a ranger in one-on-one combat.
    • The presence of Ranger Stella in the arena is not a contradiction to Otho's policy of no female fighters, as she is not there to earn respect by combat; she is there to die.


The Legion arena appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


PCPC Xbox 360Xbox 360 Sometimes choosing the dialogue to initiate a fight in the arena will result in the game crashing. [verified]

