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Jean Sky Diving is a location in the Mojave Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas.


By 2281, the building and other ruins in the surrounding area are all that remain of the pre-War skydiving school and its namesake town, Jean. This is evidenced by a small plane still sitting behind the main building, slowly rusting into the ground.[Non-game 1]


Situated north of Powder Ganger camp west and northeast of the Goodsprings source, the location consists of a small shack, sitting at the intersection of Nevada State Route 160 and Interstate 15. A pickup truck is parked to the right of the front door, with a suitcase in the bed. Just behind the shack is an airplane, down a set of stairs. A crate of explosives can be found nearby along with a pair of Powder Gangers are typically found wandering near the east side of the building. The interior is simple, equating to a small room with a desk and some lockers.

Notable loot[]

Related quests[]

  • I Fought the Law: Eddie will ask the Courier to prove their loyalty to the Powder Gangers by investigating a traveling merchant suspiciously hanging around near Jean Sky Diving.


  • The explosive crates in the area are marked as owned and looting them will incur Karma loss.
  • The Powder Gangers will sometimes fight with the bloatflies flying around the area.
  • Cut content The wasteland adventurer was set to appear just outside of the area but was cut from the game.


Jean Sky Diving appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.

Behind the scenes[]

The in-game Jean Sky Diving is based on the real-world location of Jean Sport Aviation Center, a small airport utilized for recreational aviation, such as gliding and skydiving in Jean, Nevada. The airport is located at the same highway interchange, with the exception of Interstate 15 meeting Nevada State Route 161 instead of Nevada State Route 160 like in the game.




  1. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.385: "[4.12] Jean Sky Diving
    At the junction of the Long 15 and the road that winds into Goodsprings [4.05] are the remains of an old skydiving school, now overrun by a few Powder Gangers. The small plane still sits, slowly rusting into the ground. The nearest you can get to the skies is up on the roof, allowing views of the scrubland, and Bloatflies you can shoot. Inside the shack are the following items:
    * Weapon Repair Kit
    * Sunset Sarsaparilla Cap [56/100]"
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition Tour of the Mojave Wasteland)