Loudred is a purple, bipedal Pokémon with a square build. It has a large mouth with yellow lips and peg-like teeth in each corner. When its mouth is open, its large tongue and throat are visible. Above its prominent mouth is a stubby nose. On top of its head are two short stalks that support its circular ears. The inside of its ears have alternating black and purple rings, but there is only a single black ring on the back. There are yellow stripes on its back in a pattern that resembles sound waves. It has arms with three fingers and short legs with two peg-like toes. On the sole of each foot is a yellow circle.
Loudred is able to shout at high volumes by inhaling, then exhaling using powerful stomach muscles. Additionally, its round ears serve as loudspeakers and it will stomp its feet to build power. Its powerful voice can tip trucks, splinter wooden houses, and blow away its opponents, but it will be temporarily deaf when it finishes shouting. Loudred can be found in caves.
Loudred shouts while stamping its feet. After it finishes shouting, this Pokémon becomes incapable of hearing anything for a while. This is considered to be a weak point.
Loudred shouts while stamping its feet. After it finishes shouting, this Pokémon becomes incapable of hearing anything for a while. This is considered to be a weak point.
Loudred first appeared in A Hole Lotta Trouble, where it ran by and stepped on Jessie as she was climbing up to the next floor of Granite Cave. In the next episode, Jessie accidentally stepped on Loudred as it was sleeping. Loudred then sent her, James, and Meowth flying with an extremely loud Screech attack.
In Turning Over a Nuzleaf, Ash's Corphish pinched Loudred's ear, which made the wild Pokémon go berserk. In its rage, Loudred caused Silcoon to roll out of May's arms and down into a cave system. The group's other Pokémon followed after Silcoon, but ended up becoming separated from their Trainers. Later, Wobbuffet emerged from its Poké Ball and stood on Loudred as it slept. It subsequently woke up and promptly sent Team Rocket flying.
Professor Birch became startled by an angry Wingull while looking at its nest and fell directly on Loudred in A Three Team Scheme!. Loudred angrily screeched at him before leaving by digging underground.
In Gotta Dance!!, a Loudred would keep showing up whenever the Poké-Baton was activated, along with a Ludicolo. Unlike Ludicolo, who seemingly disappeared into thin air every time the Poké-Baton was deactivated, Loudred would stare blankly for a brief time before finally leaving. When the Poké-Baton finally shorted out, Loudred went mad.
In Exploud and Clear, Guy owns a Loudred. When Ash challenged Guy to a Pokémon battle, both Loudred and Treecko evolved at the same time.
In the Hoopa's Surprise Ring Adventures short Wake Up, Hoopa summoned a Loudred to use its sound-based attacks to wake Ash, but to no avail.
In Goodbye, Friend!, three Loudred had a dance battle with a Lombre and its two subordinate Zigzagoon over territory. However, Goh's Raboot intervened and help Lombre's group win the dance battle.
Loudred, the Big Voice Pokémon. A Normal type. Loudred suck in lots of air and use their highly developed abdominal muscles to produce a very loud vocal sound.
Loudred and its pre-Evolution were designed by Takao Unno.[1]
Loudred seems to be based on a boombox (a portable music system that can play music at a relatively high volume) with ears resembling loudspeakers. It may also be based on a megaphone or an electronic amplifier since its tail resembles an input/output port. The curved yellow markings on its back resemble the stylized sound waves on a volume icon. Its mouth and teeth are reminiscent of the jaws of a hippopotamus.
Name origin
Loudred may be a combination of loud and dread (great fear).
Dogohmb may be a combination of 怒号 dogō (angry roar) and bomb.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.