Umbreon (UNITE)

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Reason: Can these moves get through Mean Look?: Hoopa: Phantom Force. Ceruledge: Phantom Force. Talonflame: Fly.

Also, can a Pokémon warp with Rings Unbound portal while affected by Mean Look?

ブラッキー Bracky
Role Defender
Attack type Melee
Damage type Atk
Difficulty Novice

Evolves at Lv. 4

License availability:
Aeos coin 12,000 / Aeos gem 575

Umbreon (Japanese: ブラッキー Bracky) is a playable Pokémon in Pokémon UNITE. It became available as a playable character on May 25, 2023.




Passive Ability

As Eevee
きけんよち Danger Premonition

When the Pokémon would be shoved, thrown, or left unable to act, that effect is negated. This Ability goes on cooldown after it's triggered.

As Umbreon
Inner Focus
せいしんりょく Force of Will

When the Pokémon would be shoved, thrown, or left unable to act, that effect is negated. For a short time, the Pokémon also becomes immune to hindrances, and its Defense and Sp. Def. are increased. This Ability goes on cooldown after it's triggered.

Basic Attack

Damage category: Physical (as a basic attack)
Damage category: Physical (as a boosted attack)

Becomes a boosted attack with every third attack, lunging at an opposing Pokémon and dealing damage. This boosted attack also restores the user's HP. The lower the user's remaining HP, the more HP is restored.


Move slot 1

Speed Star
Learned at Lv. 1 or 2
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Upgrades into Mean Look or Foul Play
 Buff Description
Has the user shoot star-shaped rays, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon and applying a mark to them. The user's movement speed is increased when it is near marked opposing Pokémon. When the user deals damage to marked opposing Pokémon, its next basic attack becomes a boosted attack.
Mean Look
Dark Look
Learned at Lv. 4
Cooldown: 9 seconds
Upgrades into Mean Look+ at Lv. 10
 Hindrance Description
Has the user pin an opposing Pokémon with a dark, arresting look. For a short time, the opposing Pokémon becomes surrounded by a black zone, which it cannot leave. While the user is in the black zone, its basic attacks become boosted attacks, and it deals increased damage.

Upgrade: Increases the black zone's duration. Notes: Hyperspace Hole can be used to exit the black zone, but if the Pokémon tries to warp back, it will not work.

Foul Play
Foul Play
Learned at Lv. 4
Cooldown: 7 seconds
Upgrades into Foul Play+ at Lv. 10
 Dash Description
Has the user charge, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon it hits and decreasing their movement speed. If the charge hits an opposing Pokémon, this move can be used again. If this move is used again, the user sweeps in front of itself with its tail, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon it hits, decreasing their movement speed, and shoving them. The second stage of this move deals increased damage based on the Attack of the opposing Pokémon hit in the first stage. The higher their Attack, the higher the damage.

Upgrade: The user's next basic attack after using this move becomes a boosted attack.

Move slot 2

Fake Tears
Fake Crying
Learned at Lv. 1 or 2
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Upgrades into Wish or Snarl
 Area Description
Has the user feign crying, dealing damage to nearby opposing Pokémon and decreasing their Defense and Sp. Def. Also grants the user a shield.
Learned at Lv. 6
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Upgrades into Wish+ at Lv. 12
 Recovery Description
Has the user make a wish for an ally Pokémon. For a set amount of time, that ally Pokémon receives reduced damage, then afterward, the wish comes true and restores HP to that Pokémon. If the targeted ally is knocked out before the wish comes true, a different ally Pokémon near it takes the wish instead.

Upgrade: Further reduces the damage received by the targeted ally Pokémon. Also increases the amount of HP restored when the wish comes true.

Bark Out
Learned at Lv. 6
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Upgrades into Snarl+ at Lv. 12
 Debuff Description
Has the user yell as if ranting about something, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon in the area around it and decreasing their Attack, Sp. Atk., and movement speed. Also grants the user a shield. The user continues to yell for a set amount of time, then it lets loose a final shout, leaving opposing Pokémon in the area around it unable to act and further decreasing their Attack and Sp. Atk. The Attack and Sp. Atk decreases can stack.

Upgrade: Increases the length of time the final shout leaves opposing Pokémon unable to act.

Unite Move

Moonlight Prance
Moonlight Serenade
Learned at Lv. 8
 Debuff Description
Has the user continually recover HP when it is not in combat. Also has the user leap up and absorb the shield of opposing Pokémon in the area around it, taking them for itself. Then, the user lands, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon in the area of effect and leaving them unable to act. For a short time afterward, when an opposing Pokémon in the area of effect is granted a shield, the user absorbs a portion of it and takes it for itself.


Name Holowear Release Date Unlock Method Audio/Visual FX
Checkered Style May 25, 2023 Aeos Gem 1,050 Movement
Noble Style October 26, 2023 Aeos Gem 1,050 Movement
Graceful Style April 17, 2024 Premium Battle Pass - Season 23* Unite Move
Ninja Style August 8, 2024 Aeos Gem 400 Appearance only


In other languages

Moonlight Prance

Language Title
Japanese ムーンライトセレナーデ Mūnraito Serenāde (Moonlight Serenade)
Chinese Cantonese 月光小夜曲 Yuhtgwōng Síuyehkūk (Moonlight Serenade)
Mandarin 月光小夜曲 / 月光小夜曲 Yuèguāng Xiǎoyèqū (Moonlight Serenade)
French Clair-Obscur (Chiaroscuro)
German Mondlichtsprung (Moonlight Leap)
Hindi मूनलाइट सॉन्ग Mūnlāiṭ Sŏng (Moonlight Song)
Indonesian Tembang Rembulan (Song of the Moon)
Italian Balzoscuro Lunare (Dark Lunar Leap)
Korean 문라이트세레나데 Mullaiteu Serenade (Moonlight Serenade)
Brazilian Portuguese Ascensão do Luar (Moonlight Ascension)
Russian Лунный Скачок Lunnyj Skačok (Lunar Leap)
Spanish Pirueta del Eclipse (Eclipse Pirouette)
Thai มูนไลท์เซเรเนด Munlai Serenet (Moonlight Serenade)
Turkish Ay Işığında Sıçrayış (Leap in the Moonlight)

Related articles

For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Eevee and Umbreon.

Playable characters in Pokémon UNITE
Attacker Alolan NinetalesAlolan RaichuArmarougeChandelureCinderaceCramorantDecidueyeDelphoxDragapultDuraludonEspeonGardevoirGlaceonGreninjaInteleonMewMewtwo (Y)MiraidonPikachuSylveonVenusaur
All‑Rounder AegislashAzumarillBlazikenBuzzwoleCeruledgeCharizardDragoniteFalinksGarchompGyaradosLucarioMachampMetagrossMewtwo (X)MimikyuScizorSuicuneTinkatonTsareenaTyranitarUrshifuZacian
Speedster AbsolDarkraiDodrioGalarian RapidashGengarLeafeonMeowscaradaTalonflameZeraoraZoroark
Defender BlastoiseCrustleGoodraGreedentHo-OhLaprasMamoswineSlowbroSnorlaxTrevenantUmbreon
Supporter BlisseyClefableComfeyEldegossHoopaMr. MimePsyduckSableyeWigglytuff
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