Eldegoss (UNITE)

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ワタシラガ Watashiraga
Role Supporter
Attack type Ranged
Damage type Sp. Atk
Difficulty Novice

Evolves at Lv. 4

License availability:
Aeos coin 6,000 Aeos Coins / Aeos gem 345 Aeos Gems
Complete Tutorial (Basics 2) (choice of 5) (pre

Eldegoss (Japanese: ワタシラガ Watashiraga) is a playable Pokémon in Pokémon UNITE. It was available as part of the base game when it released on July 21, 2021

It is a Supporter who focuses on lowering the speed of opposing Pokémon and increasing its speed.




Passive Ability

Cotton Down
わたげ Cotton Down

When receiving a certain amount of damage, recover HP, deal revenge damage, and decrease the enemies movement speed for a short time. This ability has a 10s cooldown.

Basic Attack

Damage category: Physical (as a basic attack)
Damage category: Special (as a boosted attack)

Becomes a boosted attack with every third attack, attaching a bit of cotton fluff to the enemy. The user's basic attacks against an enemy with cotton fluff on it deal increased damage and decreases the enemies movement speed for a short time.


Move slot 1

Learned at Lv. 1 or 3
Cooldown: 4.5 seconds
Upgrades into Pollen Puff or Leaf Tornado
 Ranged Description
Pelts the target with leaves, decreasing the movement speed of opposing Pokémon for a short time when it hits
Pollen Puff
Pollen Ball
Learned at Lv. 4
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Upgrades into Pollen Puff+ at Lv. 10
 Ranged Description
Throws a Pollen Puff, which attaches to a Pokémon. The Pollen Puff restores HP for ally Pokémon and deals damage to opposing Pokémon.

Upgrade: If a Pollen Puff attaches to opposing Pokémon, it also deals them damage over time. If a Pollen Puff attaches to ally Pokémon, it also reduces the damage they receive.

Effect: If the Pollen Puff does not immediately get attached to a Pokémon, it floats on the ground for a short time and attaches to the first Pokémon that enters its radius. This move does not lock-on to ally Pokémon. After a short period, the Pollen Puff explodes, healing ally Pokémon within the radius and damaging opposing Pokémon within the radius.

Leaf Tornado
Grass Mixer
Learned at Lv. 4
Cooldown: 9 seconds
Upgrades into Leaf Tornado+ at Lv. 10
 Ranged Description
Attacks with a tornado of sharp leaves, leaving a path in its wake that increases ally Pokémon movement speed for a short time.

Upgrade: Also decreases the accuracy of opposing Pokémon for a short time when this move hits.

Move slot 2

Learned at Lv. 1 or 3
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Upgrades into Cotton Guard or Cotton Spore
 Recovery Description
Restores the HP of the user and nearby ally Pokémon
Cotton Guard
Cotton Guard
Learned at Lv. 6
Cooldown: 10.5 seconds
Upgrades into Cotton Guard+ at Lv. 12
 Buff Description
Protects the user and nearby ally Pokémon with cotton. The cotton absorbs damage, and when the move ends, the cotton restores some HP.

Upgrade: Increases the user's movement speed while using this move.

Effect: This move creates shields.

Cotton Spore
Cotton Spore
Learned at Lv. 6
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Upgrades into Cotton Spore+ at Lv. 12
 Area Description
Gathers spores around the user, increasing the user's movement speed while this move is in effect. The spores burst after a short time, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon in the area of effect, throwing them, and decreasing their movement speed for a short time.

Upgrade: Also increases the user's Defense and Sp. Def while using this move.

Effect: The user is unable to score while this move is in effect. The user is unable to use this move while this move is in effect. (Only relevant in Panic Parade.)

Unite Move

Cotton Cloud Crash
Cotton Down Dance
Learned at Lv. 9
 Area Description
Float into the air and become invincible. If used again, pound the ground, attacking and shoving enemies while restoring HP to allies in the radius.

Effect: Automatically used for the second time if enough time passes.


Name Holowear Release Date Unlock Method Audio/Visual FX
Fashionable Style August 18, 2021 Aeos Gem 350 / Holowear Ticket 18 Appearance only
Purple Unite Style September 22, 2021 Aeos Gem 350 / Holowear Ticket 18 Appearance only
Orange Unite Style September 22, 2021 Aeos Gem 350 / Holowear Ticket 18 Appearance only
Space Style October 27, 2021 Aeos Gem 400 / Holowear Ticket 20 Appearance only
Big Ribbon Style November 3, 2021 Aeos Gem 350 / Holowear Ticket 18 Appearance only
Pastel Style April 1, 2022 Aeos Gem 1,200* KO
Pokébuki Style April 28, 2022 Special event missions* Movement
Blue Unite Style February 27, 2023 Aeos Gem 350 Appearance only
Sailor Style November 16, 2023 Aeos Gem 400 Appearance only


  • Cotton Cloud Crash may be based on Eldegoss's abilty to drift through the air. One example of this occuring is an encounter with an Eldegoss on Route 5 in Galar.

In other languages

Cotton Cloud Crash

Language Title
Japanese わたげのまい Watage no Mai (Cotton Down Dance)
Chinese Cantonese 棉絮之舞 Mìhnséuih jī Móuh (Cotton Down Dance)
Mandarin 棉絮之舞 Miánxù zhī Wǔ (Cotton Down Dance)
French Danse Cotonneuse (Cotton Dance)
German Flaumflug (Fluff Flight)
Hindi कॉटन क्लाउड क्रैश Kŏṭan Klāuḍ Kraiś (Cotton Cloud Crash)
Indonesian Tarian Bulu Kapas (Cotton Feather Dance)
Italian Danza di Lanugine (Fluff Dance)
Korean 솜털의춤 Somteol-ui Chum (Cotton Down Dance)
Brazilian Portuguese Dança Felpuda (Fluffy Dance)
Russian Удар Ватного Облака Udar Vatnovo Oblaka (Cotton Cloud Impact)
Spanish Danza Pelusa (Fluff Dance)
Thai ระบำปุยฝ้าย Rabam Puifai (Cotton Fluff Dance)
Turkish Bulut Çarpması (Cloud Crush)

Related articles

For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Gossifleur and Eldegoss.

Playable characters in Pokémon UNITE
Attacker Alolan NinetalesAlolan RaichuArmarougeChandelureCinderaceCramorantDecidueyeDelphoxDragapultDuraludonEspeonGardevoirGlaceonGreninjaInteleonMewMewtwo (Y)MiraidonPikachuSylveonVenusaur
All‑Rounder AegislashAzumarillBlazikenBuzzwoleCeruledgeCharizardDragoniteFalinksGarchompGyaradosLucarioMachampMetagrossMewtwo (X)MimikyuScizorSuicuneTinkatonTsareenaTyranitarUrshifuZacian
Speedster AbsolDarkraiDodrioGalarian RapidashGengarLeafeonMeowscaradaTalonflameZeraoraZoroark
Defender BlastoiseCrustleGoodraGreedentHo-OhLaprasMamoswineSlowbroSnorlaxTrevenantUmbreon
Supporter BlisseyClefableComfeyEldegossHoopaMr. MimePsyduckSableyeWigglytuff
This article is part of Project Sidegames, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Sidegames.