Darkrai (UNITE)

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ダークライ Darkrai
Role Speedster
Attack type Melee
Damage type Special
Difficulty Expert

Does not evolve
License availability:
Aeos coin 13,000 / Aeos gem 790
Nightmare Periphery Exchange
(October 17th, 2024 to November 12th, 2024)

Darkrai (Japanese: ダークライ Darkrai) is a playable Pokémon in Pokémon UNITE. It became available as a playable character on October 17, 2024.

Darkrai is a Speedster who fights by constantly putting opponents to sleep, hiding in the shadows, and taking advantage of its Bad Dreams ability to do large amounts of damage.




Passive Ability

Bad Dreams
ナイトメア Nightmare

The Pokémon deals damage over time to nearby sleeping opposing Pokémon.
The damage dealt by this Ability will not wake the opposing Pokémon.
Opposing Pokémon affected by this Ability take increased damage from the next attack.

Basic Attack

Damage category: Physical (as a basic attack)
Damage category: Special (as a boosted attack)

Basic attacks made against sleeping opposing Pokémon will become boosted attacks with increased range.
Boosted attacks deal damage to opposing Pokémon with an attack from a void and restore the user's HP.


Move slot 1

Learned at Lv. 1 or 3
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Upgrades into Dark Void or Shadow Claw
 Ranged Description
Has the user employ hypnotic suggestion in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon it hits and making them fall asleep after a short time.
Dark Void
Dark Hole
Learned at Lv. 5
Cooldown: 4 seconds
Upgrades into Dark Void+ at Lv. 11
 Sure Hit Description
Has the user deal damage with a dark power to the designated opposing Pokémon and Pokémon near it and mark them.
When the user deals damage to marked opposing Pokémon, the marks are removed and the opposing Pokémon fall asleep.

Upgrade: Applies a slowing effect when applying a mark an opposing Pokémon.
Shadow Claw
Shadow Claw
Learned at Lv. 5
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Upgrades into Shadow Claw+ at Lv. 11
 Area Description
Has the user slash in the designated direction with sharp claws made from shadows, dealing damage, applying a slowing effect, and marking opposing Pokémon it hits
When the user deals damage twice to marked opposing Pokémon, the mark is removed and the opposing Pokémon falls asleep.
When the move hits, this move can be used again, and the user deals damage to the designated opposing Pokémon with huge claws.
This damage increases if there are opposing Pokémon that activated Bad Dreams around the user.

Upgrade: Increases the damage dealt by this move.

Move slot 2

Calm Mind
Learned at Lv. 1 or 3
Cooldown: 9 seconds
Upgrades into Nasty Plot or Dark Pulse
 Buff Description
Has the user quietly focus its mind and increases its Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and movement speed for a short time.
Nasty Plot
Learned at Lv. 7
Cooldown: 3 seconds
Upgrades into Nasty Plot+ at Lv. 13
 Dash Description
Has the user gain 1 Nasty Plot counter while moving in the designated direction.
A maximum of 2 Nasty Plot counters can be stored.
When the user uses its next basic attack or boosted attack, the user consumes all Nasty Plot counters and deals additional damage based on the number of counters consumed.
A maximum of 2 uses can be kept in reserve for this move.

Upgrade: Keeps 1 use of this move in reserve when a opposing Pokémon falls asleep.
Dark Pulse
Evil Pulse
Learned at Lv. 7
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Upgrades into Dark Pulse+ at Lv. 13
Has the user hide in a shadow and create additional shadows around itself.
The user can freely move between the shadows.
When this move is used again, the user appears from a shadow, deals damage to opposing Pokémon it hits, then returns to the shadow. At this time, if the move button is held down, the move ends without the user returing to the shadow.
If this move is used again after returning to the shadows, the user attacks opposing Pokémon one more time.
While the user is hiding in a shadow, it can use Shadow Claw to attack with claws from that shadow and deal damage to opposing Pokémon.

Upgrade: Grants the user a shield when this move hits.

Unite Move

Worst Nightmare
Invitation to the Deep Nightmare
Learned at Lv. 9
 Sure Hit Description
Has the user send the designated opposing Pokémon into a nightmare. The user then suddenly appears in the nightmare.
Pokémon inside the nightmare take damage over time.
When the user deals damage to the opposing Pokémon inside the nightmare, damage is also dealt to that same opposing Pokémon outside of the nightmare.
When this move is used, all of the user's move cooldowns are reset.


Name Holowear Release Date Unlock Method Audio/Visual FX
Costume Party Style October 17, 2024 Darkrai's Nightmare Periphery Challenge
Aeos Gem 1,290



  • Darkrai is the first:
    • Mythical Pokémon since Mew to be released in the game, spanning 776 days.
      • It is also the first Mythical Pokémon to appear in the dice event.
    • Speedster with Special attack damage to be released since the game first launched with Gengar.
    • Pokémon to not include a background with a Pokémon for Unite Snapshots with its release (or after its release like Ho-Oh) since the introduction of commemorative events for new Pokémon releases, which started with Ceruledge's release.
    • Pokémon to be added in the game post-launch to inflict sleep status conditions.
  • Before Darkrai was released, it was classified as having Physical attack damage and ranged basic attacks in the Public Test Server, though this was likely due to Cinderace's data being used as placeholder data at the time.

In other languages

Worst Nightmare

Language Title
Japanese 深き悪夢へのいざない Fukaiki Akumu e no Izanai (Invitation to the Deep Nightmare)
Chinese Cantonese 深淵惡夢之誘惑 Sāmyūn Okmuhng jī Yáuhwaahk (Allure of the Abyssal Dream)
Mandarin 深淵惡夢之誘惑 / 深渊恶梦之诱惑 Shēnyuān Èmèng zhī Yòuhuò (Allure of the Abyssal Dream)
French Pire Cauchemar (Worst Nightmare)
German Finsterer Alptraum (Dark Nightmare)
Hindi सपनों की दुनिया Sapnõ kī Duniyā (World of Dreams)
Indonesian Undangan Mimpi Buruk (Nightmare Invitation)
Italian Incubo Peggiore (Worst Nightmare)
Korean 깊은악몽으로의유인 Gipeun Angmong'euro Uiyuin (Invitation to the Deep Nightmare)
Brazilian Portuguese Pior Pesadelo (Worst Nightmare)
Russian Худший Кошмар Xudšij Košmar (Worst Nightmare)
Spanish Tu Peor Pesadilla (Your Worst Nightmare)
Thai เล่ห์ลวงสู่ฝันร้ายห้วงลึก Le Luang su Fanrai Luek (Tricky Deception to Vast Deep Nightmare)
Turkish Karabasan (Nightmare)

Related articles

For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Darkrai.

Playable characters in Pokémon UNITE
Attacker Alolan NinetalesAlolan RaichuArmarougeChandelureCinderaceCramorantDecidueyeDelphoxDragapultDuraludonEspeonGardevoirGlaceonGreninjaInteleonMewMewtwo (Y)MiraidonPikachuSylveonVenusaur
All‑Rounder AegislashAzumarillBlazikenBuzzwoleCeruledgeCharizardDragoniteFalinksGarchompGyaradosLucarioMachampMetagrossMewtwo (X)MimikyuScizorSuicuneTinkatonTsareenaTyranitarUrshifuZacian
Speedster AbsolDarkraiDodrioGalarian RapidashGengarLeafeonMeowscaradaTalonflameZeraoraZoroark
Defender BlastoiseCrustleGoodraGreedentHo-OhLaprasMamoswineSlowbroSnorlaxTrevenantUmbreon
Supporter BlisseyClefableComfeyEldegossHoopaMr. MimePsyduckSableyeWigglytuff
This article is part of Project Sidegames, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Sidegames.