Spikemuth (Japanese: スパイクタウンSpike Town) is a small town located at the eastern end of the Galarregion, to the west is Route 9. It is Marnie's hometown and the home base of Team Yell.
This rocking town has a punk vibe and streets crammed with shops lined up cheek by jowl. (Japanese: 多くの 店が 雑然と 並ぶ どこか パンクな 雰囲気の 町A town with a punk vibe where the streets are crammed with many shops.)
Places of interest
Pokémon Center
Poké Mart
This Poké Mart is located inside the Pokémon Center.
Spikemuth is the only leg in the Gym Challenge without a stadium or a Power Spot to facilitate Dynamax. Instead, the player's Gym mission begins soon after passing the Pokémon Center, where they must fight a gauntlet of Team Yell Grunts, who reveal themselves to be the Gym Trainers of Spikemuth and formed Team Yell to support the Gym Leader's younger sister Marnie. Occasionally, a Kantonian Mr. Mime will block the path with an invisible wall, forcing the player to defeat a Grunt before they can proceed. The battle against the Gym Leader, Piers, takes place at the battlefield at the end of the town.
During the post-game, Marnie is revealed to have accepted her older brother's request to replace him as the Spikemuth Gym Leader, and can be challenged to an exhibition match at the Gym once per day.
A male Team Yell Grunt named Edmund in the booth at the Gym arena will offer to trade the player his Kantonian Mr. Mime nicknamed "Mymo" in exchange for an Obstagoon.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
Spikemuth first appeared in Battling Turned Up to Eleven!, where Ash and Goh arrived there, having been convinced by Team Yell that Ash and Marnie's World Coronation Series battle would be held there instead of at Wyndon. At the Spikemuth Gym, they encountered Piers, who introduced himself as the local Gym Leader and told Ash that the battle really was to be held at Wyndon, causing Ash to realize that he had been lied to. Piers agreed to take Ash to Wyndon by motorcycle, while Goh traveled there aboard a Flying Taxi.
Along the way to Wyndon, Piers revealed to Ash that Marnie had entered the World Coronation Series to attract more challengers to the Spikemuth Gym, which differed from other Galar Gyms in that it lacked a Power Spot and was thus unpopular. Although Ash and Marnie's battle ended in Ash's victory, Marnie's battle skills left such an impression on the audience that many people became interested in visiting Spikemuth, providing hope for revitalizing the town.
Spikemuth first appeared in Unbending!! Meet the Celebrities, when Henry and Casey entered it. Soon after entering, a Golisopod and a Bronzong came after them, with their Trainers using communication devices attached on them to demand they hand over the data card that held information about their plans. However, when they found out that the data had been too corrupted by their earlier attack on the card for the remaining information to be any threat to them, they started to leave, only for Casey to demand they return the Pokémon they had stolen from her a year earlier in Slumbering Weald. When they refused, Casey attacked the Pokémon with her Raboot and destroyed the communication devices on them, forcing their Trainers, Sordward and Shielbert, to talk to them directly and thus unwittingly reveal their location to Piers's accurate ears. They revealed that they had stolen Casey's Pokémon due to her full strength posing a threat to their plan, as Zacian and Zamazenta had taken an interest in her and Henry.
Spikemuth was introduced as a Stadium card in the Pokémon Trading Card Game during the English Sword & Shield Series (the Japanese Sword & Shield Era). It was first released in the Japanese Infinity Zone expansion and the English Darkness Ablaze expansion, with artwork by 5ban Graphics. It forces each player to put 2 damage counters on any Active Pokémon that moves to the Bench on their turn.
The Spikemuth Gym is the only known Gym to specialize in the Dark type.
Despite replacing Piers as the Gym Leader during the post-game, Marnie never uses the Gym Leader Trainer class or her Gym Leader outfit when battled here.
Name origin
スパイクタウン Spike Town
From spike (attack in volleyball) or spikes (racing shoes)
English, Polish Brazilian Portuguese
From spike and mouth (British toponym for river mouth or bay)
From Spike and ford (British toponym for shallow crossing)