A town nestled within the nurturing bowl of our many terraced farming fields. (Japanese: 段々畑の あいまに 家が 並ぶ すりばち状の 町 A town with houses lined up like a mortar within the terraced fields.)
On a hillside to the west of town is a massive geoglyph that depicts a gigantic Pokémon beneath a swirling cloud of darkness. It also depicts figures fleeing from the Pokémon. The geoglyph can be observed from a hilltop, where a Stonjournerface board can also be found and interacted with.
Pokémon Center
Poké Mart
This Poké Mart is located inside the Pokémon Center.
Automatically obtained after reading the Grass, Water, and Fire standing stones in the said order, after being told about the legend by the girl at the hilltop
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
In Watch Out!! Strong Rivals, Professor Magnolia mentioned that she had been given permission to investigate the Turffield geoglyph, but as she was unable to arrange enough time to visit it, she asked Henry, Casey, and Sonia to investigate it in her stead.