Silver Trench

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← Stormy Sea
Silver Trench
Meteor Cave →
Silver Trench 海溝
Silver Trench
Basic info
Floors: 99
Rest stops: No
Traps: Yes
Monster Houses: Yes
Main type: Water
Boss: Lugia
Recruiting: Yes
Items: Allowed
Money: Allowed
Starting level: Current
Team members: 3

Silver Trench (Japanese: 海溝 Silver Trench) is a dungeon in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX. It consists of 99 floors and is home to various Water-type Pokémon. The final floor is inhabited by Lugia.

Once all the legendary birds have been recruited, and Pitfall Valley and Stormy Sea have been cleared, this dungeon will be unlocked for exploration after speaking to Alakazam and visiting Legendary Island. Once Lugia has been recruited, the dungeon Meteor Cave will be unlocked.


Generation III

In the original games, a Water Pokémon, and a Pokémon with the move Dive or the HM Dive is required to initially enter the dungeon.

Darkness shrouds floor 31 to 70, limiting field of view in hallways to 2 tiles. On floors 71 to 98, the field is limited further. to just a single tile.

Floor-wide Monster Houses will always occur on floors 15, 35, 55 and 75, a feature otherwise seen only in Fantasy Strait.

Generation VIII

Teaching a Water Pokémon Dive or having the HM Dive in the inventory is no longer necessary to enter the dungeon.

Pokémon encountered

Generation III

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
Wingull (Pokémon) Wingull 1-5 23 12.5%
Tentacool (Pokémon) Tentacool 1-8 25 8.3%
Shellder (Pokémon) Shellder 1-9 20 12.2%
Omanyte (Pokémon) Omanyte 1-9 25 8.0%
Qwilfish (Pokémon) Qwilfish 1-9 30 6.9%
Kabuto (Pokémon) Kabuto 5-13 28 7.2%
Corsola (Pokémon) Corsola 5-13 27 8.3%
Slowpoke (Pokémon) Slowpoke 6-14 25 12%
Seel (Pokémon) Seel 6-14 30 3.9%
Spheal (Pokémon) Spheal 10-19 18 8.8%
Horsea (Pokémon) Horsea 10-20 29 12.4%
Anorith (Pokémon) Anorith 14-23 21 8.7%
Krabby (Pokémon) Krabby 15-24 32 8.0%
Staryu (Pokémon) Staryu 15-25 28 8.9%
Grimer (Pokémon) Grimer 20-29 32 12.2%
Omastar (Pokémon) Omastar 20-29 35 Unrecruitable
Vaporeon (Pokémon) Vaporeon 20, 30, 40, 50,
60, 70, 80
22 Unrecruitable
Kabutops (Pokémon) Kabutops 24-34 28 Unrecruitable
Sealeo (Pokémon) Sealeo 26-33 22 -19.0%
Kingler (Pokémon) Kingler 26-35 35 Unrecruitable
Slowbro (Pokémon) Slowbro 30-36 27 Unrecruitable
Seadra (Pokémon) Seadra 30-39 20 -19.0%
Carvanha (Pokémon) Carvanha 30-39 27 8.9%
Tentacruel (Pokémon) Tentacruel 35-44 33 -30.0%
Starmie (Pokémon) Starmie 35-44 22 Unrecruitable
Armaldo (Pokémon) Armaldo 35-44 28 Unrecruitable
Wailmer (Pokémon) Wailmer 41-50 35 8.2%
Luvdisc (Pokémon) Luvdisc 45-54 30 8.6%
Dratini (Pokémon) Dratini 50-59 30 11.0%
Slowking (Pokémon) Slowking 50-59 38 Unrecruitable
Remoraid (Pokémon) Remoraid 50-59 21 8.8%
Dewgong (Pokémon) Dewgong 55-64 35 Unrecruitable
Muk (Pokémon) Muk 60-69 36 Unrecruitable
Octillery (Pokémon) Octillery 60-69 30 -30.0%
Sharpedo (Pokémon) Sharpedo 60-69 35 Unrecruitable
Walrein (Pokémon) Walrein 60-69 28 Unrecruitable
Clamperl (Pokémon) Clamperl 65-79 35 8.5%
Chinchou (Pokémon) Chinchou 70-79 35 8.7%
Kingdra (Pokémon) Kingdra 70-79 40 Unrecruitable
Gorebyss (Pokémon) Gorebyss 71-79 36 Unrecruitable
Cloyster (Pokémon) Cloyster 80-89 35 Unrecruitable
Lileep (Pokémon) Lileep 80-89 40 7.3%
Relicanth (Pokémon) Relicanth 80-89 35 7.9%
Lanturn (Pokémon) Lanturn 90-98 45 Unrecruitable
Cradily (Pokémon) Cradily 90-98 45 -30.0%
Huntail (Pokémon) Huntail 90-98 30 Unrecruitable
Lugia (Pokémon) Lugia 99 30 99.9% Boss

Generation VIII

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
Wingull (Pokémon) Wingull 1-5 60 8.2%
Shellder (Pokémon) Shellder 1-8 60 8.2%
Tentacool (Pokémon) Tentacool 1-9 60 8.2%
Omanyte (Pokémon) Omanyte 1-9 60 8.2%
Qwilfish (Pokémon) Qwilfish 1-9 60 8.2%
Kabuto (Pokémon) Kabuto 5-13 60 8.2%
Corsola (Pokémon) Corsola 5-13 60 8.2%
Slowpoke (Pokémon) Slowpoke 6-14 60 8.2%
Seel (Pokémon) Seel 6-14 60 10.8%
Remoraid (Pokémon) Remoraid 10-19 60 8.2%
Spheal (Pokémon) Spheal 10-19 60 8.2%
Horsea (Pokémon) Horsea 10-20 60 8.2%
Anorith (Pokémon) Anorith 14-23 60 8.2%
Krabby (Pokémon) Krabby 15-24 60 8.2%
Staryu (Pokémon) Staryu 15-25 60 8.2%
Grimer (Pokémon) Grimer 20-29 60 10.8%
Omastar (Pokémon) Omastar 20-29 60 8.2%
Vaporeon (Pokémon) Vaporeon 20, 30, 50,
60, 70, 80
60 8.2%
Kabutops (Pokémon) Kabutops 25-34 60 8.2%
Kingler (Pokémon) Kingler 26-35 60 8.2%
Slowbro (Pokémon) Slowbro 30-36 60 8.2%
Seadra (Pokémon) Seadra 30-39 60 8.2%
Carvanha (Pokémon) Carvanha 30-39 60 8.2%
Tentacruel (Pokémon) Tentacruel 35-44 60 8.2%
Starmie (Pokémon) Starmie 35-44 60 8.2%
Armaldo (Pokémon) Armaldo 35-44 60 8.2%
Sealeo (Pokémon) Sealeo 35-44 60 8.2%
Wailmer (Pokémon) Wailmer 41-50 60 8.2%
Luvdisc (Pokémon) Luvdisc 45-54 60 8.2%
Dratini (Pokémon) Dratini 50-59 60 8.2%
Slowking (Pokémon) Slowking 50-59 60 8.2%
Dewgong (Pokémon) Dewgong 55-64 60 8.2%
Octillery (Pokémon) Octillery 55-64 60 8.2%
Muk (Pokémon) Muk 60-69 60 8.2%
Sharpedo (Pokémon) Sharpedo 60-69 60 8.2%
Walrein (Pokémon) Walrein 60-69 60 8.2%
Clamperl (Pokémon) Clamperl 65-79 60 8.2%
Chinchou (Pokémon) Chinchou 70-79 60 1.6%
Kingdra (Pokémon) Kingdra 70-79 60 8.2%
Gorebyss (Pokémon) Gorebyss 71-79 60 1.6%
Cloyster (Pokémon) Cloyster 80-89 60 1.6%
Lileep (Pokémon) Lileep 80-89 60 1.6%
Relicanth (Pokémon) Relicanth 80-89 60 1.6%
Lanturn (Pokémon) Lanturn 90-98 60 1.6%
Cradily (Pokémon) Cradily 90-98 60 1.6%
Huntail (Pokémon) Huntail 90-98 60 1.6%
Lugia (Pokémon) Lugia 99 65 100% Boss
Fainted Pokémon
Bulbasaur (Pokémon) Bulbasaur 2-98 62 100%
Charmander (Pokémon) Charmander 2-98 62 100%
Squirtle (Pokémon) Squirtle 2-98 62 100%
Weedle (Pokémon) Weedle 2-98 62 100%
Pidgey (Pokémon) Pidgey 2-98 62 100%
Ekans (Pokémon) Ekans 2-98 62 100%
Venonat (Pokémon) Venonat 2-98 62 100%
Meowth (Pokémon) Meowth 2-98 64 100%
Psyduck (Pokémon) Psyduck 2-98 62 100%
Mankey (Pokémon) Mankey 2-98 ? 100%
Machop (Pokémon) Machop 2-98 62 100%
Bellsprout (Pokémon) Bellsprout 2-98 62 100%
Tentacool (Pokémon) Tentacool 2-98 62 100%
Cubone (Pokémon) Cubone 2-98 62 100%
Eevee (Pokémon) Eevee 2-98 ? 100%
Chikorita (Pokémon) Chikorita 2-98 62 100%
Cyndaquil (Pokémon) Cyndaquil 2-98 62 100%
Totodile (Pokémon) Totodile 2-98 62 100%
Pichu (Pokémon) Pichu 2-98 62 100%
Marill (Pokémon) Marill 2-98 62 100%
Girafarig (Pokémon) Girafarig 2-98 64 100%
Snubbull (Pokémon) Snubbull 2-98 62 100%
Houndour (Pokémon) Houndour 2-98 62 100%
Miltank (Pokémon) Miltank 2-98 62 100%
Treecko (Pokémon) Treecko 2-98 62 100%
Torchic (Pokémon) Torchic 2-98 62 100%
Mudkip (Pokémon) Mudkip 2-98 62 100%
Linoone (Pokémon) Linoone 2-98 62 100%
Nosepass (Pokémon) Nosepass 2-98 62 100%
Skitty (Pokémon) Skitty 2-98 62 100%
Spinda (Pokémon) Spinda 2-98 62 100%
Flygon (Pokémon) Flygon 2-98 62 100%
Anorith (Pokémon) Anorith 2-98 62 100%
Bagon (Pokémon) Bagon 2-98 62 100%
Metang (Pokémon) Metang 2-98 64 100%
Budew (Pokémon) Budew 2-98 62 100%
Happiny (Pokémon) Happiny 2-98 62 100%
Mantyke (Pokémon) Mantyke 2-98 ? 100%
Rhyperior (Pokémon) Rhyperior 2-98 64 100%
Dusknoir (Pokémon) Dusknoir 2-98 64 100%
Mystery House
Beedrill (Pokémon) Beedrill 2-98 60 100%
Nidoqueen (Pokémon) Nidoqueen 2-98 60 100%
Nidoking (Pokémon) Nidoking 2-98 60 100%
Alakazam (Pokémon) Alakazam 2-98 60 100%
Mr. Mime (Pokémon) Mr. Mime 2-98 60 100%
Crobat (Pokémon) Crobat 2-98 60 100%
Bellossom (Pokémon) Bellossom 2-98 60 100%
Sudowoodo (Pokémon) Sudowoodo 2-98 60 100%
Politoed (Pokémon) Politoed 2-98 60 100%
Slowking (Pokémon) Slowking 2-98 60 100%
Sneasel (Pokémon) Sneasel 2-98 60 100%
Kingdra (Pokémon) Kingdra 2-98 60 100%
Tyranitar (Pokémon) Tyranitar 2-98 60 100%
Ludicolo (Pokémon) Ludicolo 2-98 60 100%
Shiftry (Pokémon) Shiftry 2-98 60 100%
Slaking (Pokémon) Slaking 2-98 60 100%
Aggron (Pokémon) Aggron 2-98 60 100%
Metagross (Pokémon) Metagross 2-98 60 100%
Bonsly (Pokémon) Bonsly 2-98 60 100%
Mime Jr. (Pokémon) Mime Jr. 2-98 60 100%
Munchlax (Pokémon) Munchlax 2-98 60 100%
Riolu (Pokémon) Riolu 2-98 60 100%
Lucario (Pokémon) Lucario 2-98 60 100%
Weavile (Pokémon) Weavile 2-98 60 100%
Porygon-Z (Pokémon) Porygon-Z 2-98 60 100%


Generation III

Silver Trench

Poké appears at groups of 4-74 on first floors. The maximum increases to 194, 278 and 478 on floors 24, 60 and 87, respectively. No food items will spawn after floor 30.

Item Floors
Poké 1-98F
Def. Scarf 1-98F
Detect Band 1-98F
Gold Ribbon 1-98F
Heal Ribbon 1-98F
Pass Scarf 1-98F
Patsy Band 1-98F
Pecha Scarf 1-98F
Persim Band 1-98F
Power Band 1-98F
Stamina Band 1-98F
Twist Band 1-98F
Warp Scarf 1-98F
Insomniscope 1-98F
Scope Lens 1-98F
X-Ray Specs 1-98F
3-4 Gravelerock 10-70F
5-7 Iron Thorn 41-98F
5-7 Silver Spike 41-98F
Grimy Food 1-30F
Blue Gummi 1-30F
Cheri Berry 1-20F
Oran Berry 1-20F
Pecha Berry 1-20F
Rawst Berry 1-20F
Heal Seed 1-20F
Sleep Seed 1-20F
Totter Seed 1-20F
Warp Seed 1-20F
Max Elixir 1-20F
Aerial Ace 1-98F
Attract 1-98F
Brick Break 1-98F
Bullet Seed 1-98F
Calm Mind 1-98F
Dig 1-98F
Earthquake 1-98F
Facade 1-98F
Focus Punch 1-98F
Frustration 1-98F
Giga Drain 1-98F
Hidden Power 1-98F
Ice Beam 1-98F
Light Screen 1-98F
Psychic 1-98F
Reflect 1-98F
Rest 1-98F
Return 1-98F
Roar 1-98F
Safeguard 1-98F
Secret Power 1-98F
Shadow Ball 1-98F
Shock Wave 1-98F
Solarbeam 1-98F
Taunt 1-98F
Thief 1-98F
Thunderbolt 1-98F
Torment 1-98F
Toxic 1-98F
Blowback Orb 1-98F
Cleanse Orb 1-98F
Escape Orb 1-98F
Evasion Orb 1-98F
Hurl Orb 1-98F
Petrify Orb 1-98F
Pounce Orb 1-98F
Radar Orb 1-98F
Rebound Orb 1-98F
Rollcall Orb 1-98F
Scanner Orb 1-98F
Switcher Orb 1-98F
Trapbust Orb 1-98F
Trawl Orb 1-98F
Warp Orb 1-98F

Monster House

Item Floors
Poké 1-98F
Aerial Ace 1-98F
Attract 1-98F
Brick Break 1-98F
Bullet Seed 1-98F
Calm Mind 1-98F
Dig 1-98F
Earthquake 1-98F
Facade 1-98F
Fire Blast 1-98F
Flamethrower 1-98F
Focus Punch 1-98F
Frustration 1-98F
Giga Drain 1-98F
Hidden Power 1-98F
Ice Beam 1-98F
Light Screen 1-98F
Psychic 1-98F
Reflect 1-98F
Rest 1-98F
Return 1-98F
Roar 1-98F
Safeguard 1-98F
Secret Power 1-98F
Shadow Ball 1-98F
Shock Wave 1-98F
Solarbeam 1-98F
Taunt 1-98F
Thief 1-98F
Thunderbolt 1-98F
Torment 1-98F
Toxic 1-98F
Blowback Orb 1-98F
Cleanse Orb 1-98F
Escape Orb 1-98F
Evasion Orb 1-98F
Hurl Orb 1-98F
Petrify Orb 1-98F
Pounce Orb 1-98F
Radar Orb 1-98F
Rebound Orb 1-98F
Rollcall Orb 1-98F
Scanner Orb 1-98F
Switcher Orb 1-98F
Trawl Orb 1-98F
Warp Orb 1-98F

Generation VIII

Silver Trench

Item Floors
50-190 Poké 1-98F
Big Eater Belt 1-98F
Cover Band 1-98F
Efficient Bandanna 1-98F
Heal Ribbon 1-98F
Joy Ribbon 1-98F
Munch Belt 1-98F
Nullify Bandanna 1-98F
Pecha Scarf 1-98F
Persim Band 1-98F
Recovery Scarf 1-98F
Sneak Scarf 1-98F
Stamina Band 1-98F
Weather Band 1-98F
Gold Ribbon 1-98F
Goggle Specs 1-98F
Insomniscope 1-98F
Scope Lens 1-98F
X-Ray Specs 1-98F
Max Ether 1-98F
All Dodge Orb 1-98F
All Power-Up Orb 1-98F
All Protect Orb 1-98F
Decoy Orb 1-98F
Drought Orb 1-98F
Escape Orb 1-98F
Foe-Hold Orb 1-98F
Foe-Seal Orb 1-98F
Health Orb 1-98F
Helper Orb 1-98F
Inviting Orb 1-98F
Lasso Orb 1-98F
Nullify Orb 1-98F
One-Room Orb 1-98F
Petrify Orb 1-98F
Quick Orb 1-98F
Rare Quality Orb 1-98F
Reset Orb 1-98F
Revive All Orb 1-98F
Rollcall Orb 1-98F
Slow Orb 1-98F
Slumber Orb 1-98F
Storage Orb 1-98F
Totter Orb 1-98F
Trawl Orb 1-98F
Weather Lock Orb 1-98F

Sparkling Floor

Item Floors
Deluxe Ribbon 1-98F
Gold Ribbon 1-98F
Sitrus Berry 1-98F
Heal Seed 1-98F
Joy Seed 1-98F
Life Seed 1-98F
Reviver Seed 1-98F
Calcium 1-98F
Carbos 1-98F
Iron 1-98F
Protein 1-98F
Zinc 1-98F

Monster House

Item Floors
52-184 Poké 1-98F
Big Eater Belt 1-98F
Cover Band 1-98F
Efficient Bandanna 1-98F
Munch Belt 1-98F
Pecha Scarf 1-98F
Persim Band 1-98F
Recovery Scarf 1-98F
Sneak Scarf 1-98F
Stamina Band 1-98F
Weather Band 1-98F
Goggle Specs 1-98F
Insomniscope 1-98F
Max Ether 1-98F
All Dodge Orb 1-98F
All Power-Up Orb 1-98F
All Protect Orb 1-98F
Decoy Orb 1-98F
Drought Orb 1-98F
Escape Orb 1-98F
Foe-Hold Orb 1-98F
Foe-Seal Orb 1-98F
Health Orb 1-98F
Helper Orb 1-98F
Inviting Orb 1-98F
Lasso Orb 1-98F
Nullify Orb 1-98F
Petrify Orb 1-98F
Quick Orb 1-98F
Rare Quality Orb 1-98F
Revive All Orb 1-98F
Rollcall Orb 1-98F
Slow Orb 1-98F
Slumber Orb 1-98F
Storage Orb 1-98F
Totter Orb 1-98F
Trawl Orb 1-98F
Weather Lock Orb 1-98F

Traps encountered

Generation III

Note: The % are approximations.

Image Trap Floor 1-98
Grimy Trap 16.67%
Mud Trap 16.67%
PP-Zero Trap 22.22%
Seal Trap 22.22%
Sticky Trap 16.66%
Summon Trap 5.56%

Generation VIII

This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: needs percentages

Note: The % are rough estimates.

Image Trap Floor 1-98
Apple Trap ? %
Big Blast Trap ? %
Blast Trap ? %
Grimy Trap ? %
Grudge Trap ? %
Hunger Trap ? %
Poison Trap ? %
PP Leech Trap ? %
Random Trap ? %
Seal Trap ? %
Sticky Trap ? %
Summon Trap ? %
Trip Trap ? %
Warp Trap ? %

Other encounters

Generation III

Image Tile Floor 15, 35, 55, 75 Floor 9, 27, 42, 54, 56, 73 and 84 Floor 63 Other floors
Monster House 100% (special) 10% 20% 7%


Generation III

Psychic Flying
Held item:
Lugia Lv.30
HP: 800

Generation VIII

Psychic Flying
Held item:
Lugia Lv.65
HP: 1597
Dragon Rush
Dragon Physical
Psychic Special
Flying Special
Flying Special


Interior Bottom


In other languages

Language Title
French Fosse d'Argent
German Silbergraben
Italian Fossa Argento
Korean 은의 해구 Eun-ui Haegu
Spanish Fosa ArgénteaRTDX
Zanja ArgénteaRB

Related articles

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Tiny WoodsThunderwave CaveMt. SteelSinister WoodsSilent Chasm
Mt. ThunderGreat CanyonLapis CaveRock PathMt. BlazeSnow Path
Frosty ForestMt. FreezeMagma CavernSky TowerUproar Forest
Howling ForestStormy SeaSilver TrenchMeteor CaveFiery Field
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Waterfall PondUnown RelicJoyous TowerFar-Off SeaPurity Forest
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Illusory GrottoRTDX
This article is part of both Project Locations and Project Sidegames, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Locations and Sidegames, respectively.