List of permanently missable items

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This is a list of items in the Pokémon games that can be permanently missed.

This page does not include items that are missed by choosing another item (such as mutually exclusive Fossils), items missable due to exploiting glitches, nor event items. Furthermore, items that can no longer be obtained after the internal battery of Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald runs dry are also excluded.

In the core series games


Professor Oak's Laboratory

In the Generation I and III games, five Poké Balls can be obtained from Professor Oak after defeating the rival on Route 22 if the player has no Poké Balls in the bag and has added no caught data to the Pokédex aside from first partner Pokémon.

Item Location Games
Poké Ball Poké Ball ×5 Obtained from Professor Oak after defeating the rival on Route 22 if the player has no Poké Balls in the bag and has added no caught data to the Pokédex aside from first partner Pokémon  R  B  Y  FR  LG 

S.S. Anne


This item can only be obtained if Surf is used while the S.S. Anne is still in Vermilion Harbor. Once the S.S. Anne leaves, the player cannot access the area in which Surf must be used again.

Item Location Games
Lava Cookie Lava Cookie Far southeast of the truck, in the southeast corner, only accessible while the S.S. Anne is moored in Vermilion Harbor (requires Surf) (hidden)  FR  LG 

In the Generation I games, FireRed, LeafGreen, Let's Go, Pikachu!, and Let's Go, Eevee! after obtaining HM01 (Cut)RBYFRLG/learning Chop DownPE and leaving the S.S. Anne, it sets sail.

In the Generation I games, exploiting a glitch can allow the player to board the S.S. Anne after it has left. In Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!, the player can receive extra Poké Balls for defeating the Trainers on the ship, but if the player doesn't battle a Trainer before learning the Secret Technique from the captain, that Trainer will act as if already defeated and cannot be battled.

Item Location Games
Hyper Potion Hyper Potion B1F, on the trash can in the lower right corner (hidden)  FR  LG 
Max Potion Max Potion B1F, in the first room from the right  R  B  Y 
Super Potion Super Potion B1F, in the first room from the right  FR  LG 
Ether Ether B1F, in the third room from the right  R  B  Y  FR  LG 
Full Heal Full Heal B1F, in the third room from the right (item closer to the door)  P  E 
Elixir Elixir B1F, in the third room from the right (item further from the door)  P  E 
TM Psychic TM44 (Rest) B1F, in the fourth room from the right  R  B  Y  FR  LG 
Super Potion Super Potion B1F, in the fourth room from the right  P  E 
Hyper Potion Hyper Potion B1F, in the fifth room from the right, in the lower left cornerRG or on the bed's pillowRBY (hidden)  R  B  Y 
TM Normal TM08 (Body Slam) 1F, in the second room from the left  R  B  Y 
TM Fighting TM31 (Brick Break) 1F, in the second room from the left  FR  LG 
Paralyze Heal Paralyze Heal 1F, in the second room from the left  P  E 
Great Ball Great Ball Kitchen, in the lower left corner  FR  LG 
Super Repel Super Repel Kitchen, in the lower left corner  P  E 
Great Ball Great Ball Kitchen, on the lowest trash can (hidden)  R  B  Y 
Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Kitchen, on the lowest trash can (hidden)  FR  LG 
Tiny Mushroom Tiny Mushroom Kitchen, on the lowest trash can (hidden)  P  E 
Cheri Berry Cheri Berry Kitchen, on the middle trash can (hidden)  FR  LG 
Pecha Berry Pecha Berry Kitchen, on the on the uppermost trash can (hidden)  FR  LG 
Max Ether Max Ether 2F, in the second room from the left  R  B  Y 
Stardust Stardust 2F, in the second room from the left  FR  LG 
Revive Revive 2F, in the second room from the left  P  E 
Rare Candy Rare Candy 2F, in the fourth room from the left  R  B  Y 
X Attack X Attack 2F, in the fourth room from the left  FR  LG 
Nugget Nugget 2F, in the fourth room from the left  P  E 
Pinap Berry Pinap Berry ×3 Deck, under the lower left table (hidden)  P  E 
Poké Ball Poké Ball ×36 Reward for defeating Trainers on the ship  P  E 

Silph Co.

In Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!, if the player hasn't defeated Juggler Dalton before defeating Giovanni at the top floor of the Silph Co., he will disappear from the building, along with the rest of the Trainers associated with Team Rocket, and the three Poké Balls he hands out upon being beaten become unobtainable.

Item Location Games
Poké Ball Poké Ball ×3 Reward for defeating Juggler Dalton  P  E 


Mahogany Town

In the Generation II games, the Slowpoke Tail can be bought for $9800 in Just a Souvenir Shop prior to speaking to Lance at the Lake of Rage. Once Lance opens the secret entrance to the Team Rocket HQ, the salesman no longer sells anything, and once the player has cleared the HQ, the Slowpoke Tail is not a part of the new merchant's selection of buyable items. The tail isn't available for sale at the shop at any point during Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, even though it exists in the game's coding.

Just a Souvenir Shop


Trick House

After clearing a room, the Trick Master rebuilds the puzzle room into the next one. After clearing the final room, the Trick Master leaves and the player cannot access the puzzle room anymore.

Item Location Games
Orange Mail Orange Mail Puzzle 1, in middle area of the maze (requires Cut)  R  S 
Orange Mail Orange Mail Puzzle 1, in the north part of the maze, west of the exit (requires Cut)  E 
Lava Cookie Lava Cookie ×2
  • Puzzle 1, in middle-left area of the maze (requires Cut)
  • Puzzle 1, in top-left part of the maze (requires Cut)
 OR  AS 
Wave Mail Wave Mail Puzzle 2, near entrance  R  S  E 
Harbor Mail Harbor Mail Puzzle 2, far northeast corner of room  R  S 
Harbor Mail Harbor Mail Puzzle 2, middle area of room, past the second hole  E 
Rage Candy Bar Rage Candy Bar ×2
  • Puzzle 2, far southeast corner of the room, past Schoolkid Georgie (requires Rock Smash)
  • Puzzle 2, near Black Belt Yuji after defeating him in battle
 OR  AS 
Wood Mail Wood Mail Puzzle 3, near Picnicker Martha  R  S 
Wood Mail Wood Mail Puzzle 3, far northwest corner, past sliding door  E 
Shadow Mail Shadow Mail Puzzle 3, near Hiker Alan  R  S 
Shadow Mail Shadow Mail Puzzle 3, behind Picnicker Martha  E 
Lumiose Galette Lumiose Galette ×2
  • Puzzle 3, behind the wall beyond Ace Duo Pike & Shiel
  • Puzzle 3, north of the password scroll
 OR  AS 
Mech Mail Mech Mail Puzzle 4, near Black Belt Yuji  R  S 
Mech Mail Mech Mail Puzzle 4, near Battle Girl Cora  E 
Casteliacone Casteliacone ×2
  • Puzzle 4, north of the entrance (requires Strength)
  • Puzzle 4, south of the exit, next to a three-boulder Strength puzzle (requires Strength)
 OR  AS 
Old Gateau Old Gateau ×2
  • Puzzle 5, between Mechadoll 2 and Mechadoll 3
  • Puzzle 5, next to door to prize room
 OR  AS 
Glitter Mail Glitter Mail Puzzle 6, near exit of room  R  S 
Glitter Mail Glitter Mail Puzzle 6, in the southeast part of the maze  E 
Shalour Sable Shalour Sable ×2
  • Puzzle 6, northwestern corner of the room
  • Puzzle 6, southeastern corner of the room
 OR  AS 
Tropic Mail Tropic Mail Puzzle 7, to the right of Hex Maniac Patricia  R  S 
Tropic Mail Tropic Mail Puzzle 7, in center of room, via transport tile  E 
Bead Mail Bead Mail Puzzle 8, between the upper and lower area  R  S 
Bead Mail Bead Mail Puzzle 8, northwest area of room  E 
Nugget Nugget Prize room, under the Trick Master's cushion after completing Puzzle 8 (hidden)  R  S  E 
Big Nugget Big Nugget Prize room, under the Trick Master's cushion after completing Puzzle 6 (hidden)  OR  AS 

Magma and Aqua Hideouts

In Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, the entrance to the Magma HideoutR or the Aqua HideoutS is sealed after defeating Tate and Liza.

Item Location Games
Master Ball Master Ball Middle room on 2nd floor, the top-left item a cluster of two real and two fake items, just after a maze of teleports  R  S 
Nugget Nugget The bottom-left item in the same cluster as the Master Ball  R  S 
Max Elixir Max Elixir Near generator-like thing on 2nd floor, accessible with right teleport near stairs  R  S 
Nest Ball Nest Ball West-middle room on 3rd floor  R  S 

Sky Pillar

In Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, when Rayquaza has appeared and wants to battle the player, Zinnia will give the player an Ultra Ball if they have no Poké Balls (of any kind) in their Bag.

Item Location Games
Ultra Ball Ultra Ball Top floor, from Zinnia if the player has no Poké Balls in their Bag (repeatable)  OR  AS 


Lake Valor

In Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Brilliant Diamond, and Shining Pearl, Lake Valor is initially drained by a Galactic Bomb, allowing the player to walk across the lakebed. After Dialga, Palkia, or Giratina has been caught or defeated, the lake is refilled and the player can no longer access the HP Up on the lakebed.

Item Location Games
HP Up BDSP HP Up In the northwest while the lake is dry (hidden)  D  P  Pt  BD  SP 


N's Castle

In Pokémon Black and White, the player cannot access N's Castle after defeating Ghetsis.

Item Location Games
Max Potion Max Potion In the right room on the second floor  B  W 
Max Revive Max Revive In the center room on the third floor  B  W 
Ultra Ball Ultra Ball Gift from a Team Plasma Grunt in the left room on the third floor (repeatable if the player has no Poké Balls in their Bag)  B  W 
Rare Candy Rare Candy Inside N's room  B  W 
Full Restore Full Restore In the center room on the fourth floor  B  W 


Altar of the Sunne/Moone

In Pokémon Sun and Moon, when battling SolgaleoS/LunalaM at the Altar of the SunneS/Altar of the MooneM, if the player has no Poké Balls (of any kind) in their Bag after defeating or running from Solgaleo/Lunala, Lillie will give the player 10 standard Poké Balls.

Item Location Games
Poké Ball Poké Ball ×10 From Lillie if the player has no Poké Balls in their Bag after defeating or running from SolgaleoS/LunalaM (repeatable)  S  M 



In Pokémon Sword and Shield, the player can accept a request from a boy near the northwest Pokémon Center to find a lost Minccino. If the player heads to Motostoke Stadium and checks around the fountain to the right of the building, they will find a man who will give them a Fresh Water. Once the Minccino is found and returned, the player is unable to obtain the Fresh Water.

Item Location Games
Fresh Water Fresh Water Obtainable from a man in the Motostoke Stadium fountain to the right of the entrance after accepting to look for the lost Minccino  Sw  Sh 

In the side series games

Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness


At ONBS, if the player returns a girl named Kandee on 2F to her mother on 3F before Cipher invades the building, they will receive a Soothe Bell from her mother. If the invasion has already happened, Kandee will have already been reunited with her mother and the Soothe Bell cannot be obtained. This is the only way to obtain a Soothe Bell in Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness without trading.

Item Location Games
Soothe Bell Soothe Bell 3F, from Kandee's mother for bringing her daughter back from 2F  XD 

Trainers' Pokémon's held items

In Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness, during the post-game battle with Eagun at the Pokémon HQ Lab, both of his Pikachu are each holding a Light Ball. Eagun cannot be rematched, so if it they are not stolen with Thief, Covet, or Trick when he is battled, it is impossible to obtain them later. This is the only way to obtain a Light Ball in Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness without trading.

Item Location Games
Light Ball Light Ball ×2 Pokémon HQ Lab: Held by Eagun's two Pikachu during the post-game battle  XD 

In the spin-off games

Trading Card Game series

In Pokémon Trading Card Game, a Lad in the west room of the Fire Club asks the player to give him all his unused Energy cards. If the player complies, he receives a Slowpoke card. If the player refuses, the Lad goes away without giving him the Slowpoke card.

In Pokémon Trading Card Game 2: The Invasion of Team GR!, it is possible to delete mail from the Minicom without reading it or getting any attached booster packs. The mail and attached booster packs cannot be recovered if deleted.

Related articles

This item article is part of Project ItemDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all items.