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If you were looking for the glitch move, see HM01 (move).
Secret Machine 01
Pokémon Global Link artwork
Introduced in Generation I
Generation I Items
Generation II TMs and HMs
Generation III TMs and HMs (RSE)
Generation III TM Case (FRLG)
Generation IV TMs and HMs
Generation V TMs and HMs
Generation VI TMs and HMs

HM01 (Japanese: ひでんマシン01 Secret Machine 01) is an HM introduced in Generation I. It teaches a compatible Pokémon a move that can also be used in the field; but using an HM in the field requires that the player have a certain Badge (except in Generation V). HM01 has always been Cut. For compatibility, refer to the move's page. HMs can be used to teach moves without limit.

In the player's Bag from Generation II games, this is identified as H1 (Japanese: ひ1).

In the core series games

Generation I

Location Required Badge
RBY S.S. Anne Cascade Badge

Generation II

Location Required Badge
GSC Ilex Forest Hive Badge

Generation III

Location Required Badge
RSE Rustboro City Stone Badge
FRLG S.S. Anne Cascade Badge

Generation IV

Location Required Badge
DPPt Eterna City Forest Badge
HGSS Ilex Forest Hive Badge

Generation V

No Badge is required to use HM moves in the field in Generation V.

Location Required Badge
BW Striaton City N/A
B2W2 Virbank City N/A

Generation VI

Location Required Badge
XY Parfum Palace Bug Badge
ORAS Rustboro City Stone Badge

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series

HMs in the Mystery Dungeon series are named only by the move they teach. For example, Cut is the item that teaches the move Cut. Most HMs, however, correspond to an HM in the core series' contemporaneous games.

HMs in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games prior to Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon can be used any number of times. In Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, "HMs" are treated like TMs and only usable once. However, if an "HM" is dropped on the ground, it has a different color than a TM.

Location Purchase price Sell price
MDRB Buried Relic (80F) 2 1
MDTDS Final Maze
Kecleon Shops (Destiny TowerS)
Spinda's Café (Silver Ticket big win; Gold Ticket win)S
Sometimes received as a reward from Numel found on Sky Peak Mountain PathS
7500 250
SMD Kecleon Shops
Glorious Gold

In animation

HM01 in Pokémon Origins

Pokémon Origins

HM01 (Cut) appeared in File 2: Cubone. Much like in Pokémon Red and Blue, it was given to Red by the captain of the S.S. Anne after helping him recover from his seasickness.

In the manga

HM01 in Pokémon Zensho

Pokémon Adventures

Red, Green & Blue arc

In What a Dragonite, Red was revealed to have already obtained HM01 (Cut) for his Ivysaur.

Pokémon Zensho

In Vermilion City, after defeating Lt. Surge, Satoshi received the HM for Cut from the captain of the S.S. Anne, whom he had met earlier.

Hidden Machines
This item article is part of Project ItemDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all items.