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Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

ZW - Lightning Blade
ZW (ゼアル・ウェポン) 雷神猛虎剣 (ライトニング・ブレード)
English ZW - Lightning Blade
Chinese ZW-雷神猛虎劍
French ZW - Lame Foudroyante
German ZW - Blitzklinge
Italian ZW - Lama Fulmine
Korean ZW (제알 웨폰) -라이트닝 블레이드
Portuguese ZW - Lâmina Relâmpago
Spanish ZW - Hoja Veloz
Japanese (kana) ゼアル・ウェポン-ライトニング・ブレード
Japanese (base) ZW-雷神猛虎剣
Japanese (rōmaji) Zearu Wepon - Raitoningu Burēdo
Japanese (translated) ZEXAL Weapon - Lightning Blade
Card type Monster
Attribute LIGHT
Types Beast / Effect
Level 5
ATK / DEF 1200 / 2000
Passcode 45082499
Card effect types

Card descriptions
TCG sets
OCG sets
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Other card information
External links
