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Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

Number 86: Heroic Champion - Rhongomyniad
No. (ナンバーズ) 86 (ヒロイック) (チャンピオン) ロンゴミアント
English Number 86: Heroic Champion - Rhongomyniad
French Numéro 86 : Champion Héroïque - Rhongomyniad
German Nummer 86: Heroischer Champion - Rhongomyniad
Italian Numero 86: Campione Eroico - Rhongomyniad
Korean No.86 H (히로익) C (챔피언) 론고미언트
Portuguese Número 86: Campeão Heroico - Rhongomyniad
Spanish Número 86: Campeón Heroico - Rhongomyniad
Japanese (kana) ナンバーズ86 ヒロイック-チャンピオン ロンゴミアント
Japanese (base) No.86 H-C ロンゴミアント
Japanese (rōmaji) Nanbāzu Hachijūroku Hiroikku Chanpion Rongomianto
Japanese (translated) Numbers 86: Heroic Champion - Rhongomiant
Card type Monster
Attribute DARK
Types Warrior / Xyz / Effect
Rank 4
ATK / DEF 1500 / 1500
Passcode 63504681
Materials 2 or more (max. 5) Level 4 Warrior-Type monsters
Card effect types

StatusesForbidden (OCG)
Forbidden (TCG Advanced)
Limited (TCG Traditional)
Card descriptions
TCG sets
OCG sets
Card search categories
Other card information
External links
