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Trinity Processor

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The Trinity Processor and its cores. Clockwise from top: Pneuma, Logos, and Ontos.

The Trinity Processor is a collective of three artificial intelligences. It is a key element to the stories of Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Future Redeemed. It is located in the First Low Orbit Station near the Conduit.

Trinity Processor cores[edit]

Each of the three artificial intelligences composing the Trinity Processor is physically contained within a cross-shaped processing core. The cores are named after ancient Greek abstract nouns, each associated with a member of the Trinity in Christian theology. Each core is also associated with a Bible verse, inscribed in Latin on the processor's housing next to the core.


Ontos (ウーシア, Οὐσία, meaning 'being' or 'essence', associated with God the Father) is a red-coloured core which disappeared from Rhadamanthus in a spacetime transition event.[1] On Bionis, Ontos instantiated into a being called Alvis. On Aionios, this being becomes known as Alpha; after N's attack on the City prior to the events of Future Redeemed, Ontos later instantiates into another being, A. Origin's architecture is based off of Ontos's core. Ontos was intended to function as the arbiter between Logos and Pneuma, so when left to its own devices, its behavior is undefined and thus unpredictable.

Ontos's Bible verse is Proverbs 3:13: "Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam et qui affluit prudentia" ("Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding").


Logos (ロゴス, Λόγος, meaning 'word' or 'reason', associated with God the Son (Jesus)) is a purple-coloured core. Upon resonating with Amalthus, Logos is instantiated into a Blade form called Malos. Logos is the male persona.

Logos's Bible verse is Proverbs 10:12: "Odium suscitat rixas et universa delicta operit caritas" ("Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs").


Pneuma (プネウマ, Πνευμα, meaning 'breath' or 'spirit', associated with the Holy Spirit) is a green-coloured core. Upon resonating with Addam, Pneuma is instantiated into a Blade called Mythra. It is later instantiated into another, Pyra, at the end of Torna ~ The Golden Country; during the events of Xenoblade Chronicles 2, it receives yet another instantiation, also known as Pneuma. Pneuma's core later became part of Matthew's Ouroboros Knuckles. Pneuma is the female persona.

Pneuma's Bible verse is Proverbs 4:18: "Iustorum autem semita quasi lux splendens procedit et crescit usque ad perfectam diem" ("The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day"). In addition to being written on the Trinity Processor's housing, this verse is written on Pneuma (the instantiation)'s chest.

Story arc[edit]

Xenoblade Chronicles[edit]

While not directly mentioned by name, its Ontos instantiation on Bionis, Alvis, states that he is an administrative computer of the research station shown to Shulk in the ending, hinting at the existence of Trinity Processor.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2[edit]

The Trinity Processor was created by the research institution Aoidos as a way to control the Conduit, a powerful object said to be the gateway between universes. For this to work, its cores needed to be raised in virtual reality, which gave them personalities required to control it. Eventually, it became so advanced it created defense mechanisms called Artifices for the First Low Orbit Station, Aoidos's research station.

Later in the 21st century, Aoidos was in a fight against a group called Saviorites. They were displeased with the unified government, demanding Aoidos turn the Conduit over to them. The station's director ordered to release Aion, one of the artifices, but was locked out of the system by Klaus, a scientist who desired to use the Conduit to create a new universe to further reach divinity. Galea, another scientist, tried to stop him, but it was too late. Klaus activated the Conduit, creating countless universes but at the same time obliterating the world and sending half of his body into another dimension. One of the Trinity Processor's cores, Ontos, disappeared with the distortion, transported to that same dimension. The other two cores, Logos and Pneuma, remained.

Klaus, as the Architect, used Logos and Pneuma to manage the Blades: the Trinity Processor cores are fed data gathered from Core Crystals, and in turn send processed data to the Core Crystals to guide Blade evolution.

Around a year before the events of Torna ~ The Golden Country, Amalthus climbs the World Tree and takes Logos and Pneuma from their location in Elysium. Amalthus awakens Logos into Malos, and subsequently Addam awakens Pneuma into Mythra. In this form, the two become known as Aegises.

The Logos core is destroyed at the end of Xenoblade Chronicles 2 with the death of Malos.

Future Redeemed[edit]

Prior to the events of Future Redeemed, A and Alpha separate as two versions of Ontos. A has the "unneeded feelings", while Alpha himself is a deity-like figure seeking to destroy Aionios. Alpha uses his core to abduct and possess Na'el and make her his proxy. The Trinity Processor itself appeared in a flashback while Shulk, Rex, and A talks about Ontos's nature. After Na'el is freed from the control of Alpha, he still has no intention to stop his destruction of the world and the party teams up with N in defeating him. Pneuma's core is later revealed to be hidden inside Matthew's Ouroboros Knuckles. Alpha's Ontos core is later destroyed with his death, although A's copy remains.


  • According to the Architect, the names of the Trinity Processor cores are not significant, representing only "the ego of those who named (them)".
  • Dialogue and camerawork in Future Redeemed heavily implies that some portion of Logos is contained within N's Sword of the End. The Xenoblade Chronicles 3 artbook Aionios Moments claims that it is very specifically Malos himself.
    Takahashi: The Sword of the End that N holds contains Logos. Well, it's Malos, but Malos is dead - or rather, disappeared. As for why Malos is here, I'm sorry, but I can't answer that yet. But what N is holding is indeed Malos himself.[2]


  • The Trinity Processor cores are in the shape of the Zohar from Xenosaga, the equivalent of the Conduit. (The Conduit itself is also cross-shaped, but the tapered sides of the cores are closer to those of the Zohar.)
  • The Trinity Processor shares similarities with Xenogears's Kadomony, another biocomputer system based on artificial intelligence, made of three parts, created to access the power of the Zohar, and which is later instantiated into human-looking forms.
  • The Xenoblade Chronicles Original Soundtrack Trinity Box's key artwork is of the Trinity Processor.
  • The roles and archetypes of the Trinity Processor's cores are likely based on the real life psychoanalytic concept of the Id, Ego, and Superego, defined in Sigmund Freud's structural model of the psyche.


  1. The language used to describe this differs significantly here between the English version and the Japanese version of the game. In the English version, Ontos itself "triggered a spacetime transition event", whereas in the Japanese version, the language is closer to "Ontos disappeared at the same time as a spacetime transition event", likely indicating that it was whisked away in Klaus's experiment.
  2. Aionios Moments, page 444
    高橋 : エヌの持っている終の剣に入ってるのは、ロゴスですね。ま、メツですけど、 メツは一旦、死んだというか、消えてはいるんですが。そのメツがどうしてここに在るのかっていうことに関しては、これはごめんなさい、まだ答えられません。ただ、 あそこでエヌが持っているのは、メツ自身ですね。

In other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
United Kingdom flag.svg English Trinity Processor
Japan flag.svg Japanese トリニティ・プロセッサ
France flag.svg French Processeur Trinity
Spain flag.svg Spanish Procesador Trinity Trinity Processor
China flag.svg Chinese (simplified) 三位一体处理器 ​Holy Trinity Processor
Taiwan flag.svg Chinese (traditional) 三元處理器 Trinity Processor
South Korea flag.svg Korean 트리니티 프로세서
