Official wiki

Reflex Denial is a precept mod for Hounds that creates a shield that reflects a portion of the damage received, releasing pulses that deal radial DmgMagneticSmall64 Magnetic damage.


Rank Duration Damage Reflection Range Cost
0 5s 15% 2m 0
1 6s 30% 4m 1
2 7s 45% 6m 2
3 8s 60% 8m 3
4 9s 75% 10m 4
5 10s 90% 12m 5


Reflex Denial is automatically acquired upon obtaining a Hound built with the Cela Bracket.


  • Cooldown of 10s.
  • The shield has a 4m radius.
    • Allied damage is ignored, and will pass through the shield.
  • Less effective against melee Infested units, as they seem to prioritize attacking the player rather than the Hound.
  • Cannot be equipped with Mod TT 20px Diversified Denial and Mod TT 20px Evasive Denial.

Patch History[]

Update 37.0 (2024-10-02)

Changes to Companion Precepts

Many Companion Precept effects are currently too small or too brief to be really beneficial. We want your choice of companion to feel more meaningful and for your Companion to contribute in a more visible way, so there are a whole lot of buffs to get through.

  • Reflex Denial (Hounds):
    • The absorb bubble will now ignore projectiles and attacks of the Hound's own faction.
    • Known issue: This is currently only working for Host, we are investigating for a fix.

Update 34.0 (2023-10-18)

  • Fixed case where Reflex Denial’s pulse damage was greatly reduced after initial pulse.

Update 32.3 (2023-02-15)

  • Fixed crazy long decimal in the damage reflection percentage stat for the Reflex Denial Hound Precept Mod.

Hotfix 30.6.1 (2021-08-10)

  • Improved the Hound Reflex Denial Precept to be more similar to Nyx’s Absorb and capped the Damage per burst that can be directed back at you by Enemy Hounds; preventing self-damage or friendly fire. This also fixes player Hounds not redirecting the full amount of player Damage, only base.

Update 30.5 (2021-07-06)

  • Introduced.
