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The Dax Gladius is Duviri Dax that wields the Syam.
A rank-and-file soldier who uses the Syam Nikana. Preferring to fight up close, their special attacks consist of dashing a short distance forward, standing in place and launching a flurry of three energy waves, and plunging their blade into the ground to create an explosion. All are interruptible and will knock them back, opening them to a ground finisher. If empowered by a Dax Herald, these special attacks gain new properties:
- Sorrow (Cold): The dash now also causes 6 Cold procs if hit as well as doing damage, the ground slam creates an ice crystal which freezes the player in place if caught in the AoE, and will now throw 5-6 homing ice shards.
- Anger (Heat): Throws 5-6 fireballs with guaranteed Heat proc on hit, ground slam causes DoT in the AoE around the Gladius, and the dash leaves behind a short lived trail of fire that causes Heat procs as well as damage.
- Envy (Toxin): Ground slam causes energy pillars to shoot from the ground around the Dax, which do damage and cause 6 Toxin procs if walked into, and finishes the special attack with a Toxin explosion that also procs if hit by it. Dash functions similar to Lavos' Vial Rush, tossing out poison blobs behind the Gladius as it dashes forward, causing Toxin procs if hit by them, and throws out 5-6 poison blobs that cause 6 Toxin procs if hit.
- Fear (Electric): Dash attack immediately teleports the Gladius to the end point, or to the Drifter if caught in its path, charged slam attack sends out 5 moving patches that seek the Drifter in the AoE, then erupt upwards into spectral blades that do damage on hit, then explode for 6 Electric procs. Energy waves are replaced by explosive electric spikes that teleport to the Drifter, causing damage if hit and exploding for 6 Electric procs.
- Joy (Lifesteal): Throws out 3 energy waves at a time instead of just one and slam creates a growing AoE that causes life steal pulses which spawn slow moving pink energy motes on hit which heal the Gladius. Getting hit by the energy waves and its dash move does the same.
- As with all Duviri Daxes, Dax Gladius takes guaranteed Critical Hit on headshot. This critical hit is independent from the weapon's own critical chance, allowing it to occasionally dip into orange crit.
Patch History[]
Update 37.0 (2024-10-02)
- Fixed cases of the Dax Gladius fight showing “|Input|” instead of the correct input for parrying.
- Fixed cases of the Dax Gladius not attacking players if they get too close.
Update 34.0 (2023-10-18)
- Operator Amps can now interrupt Dax abilities in the Undercroft similar to how weapon fire can.
Hotfix 33.5.2 (2023-06-21)
- Fixed a script error caused by the Dax Gladius leaping.
Update 33.5 (2023-06-21)
- Dax Eximus and Heavy units can now be Mercy killed in the Undercroft!
- Dax enemies can now be affected by multiple stacks of Status Effects!
- Dax Gladius can now be knocked out of their blocking stance a little quicker now!
- They were previously immune from being knocked out for 3 seconds at the start of blocking. That has been reduced by half!
- Fixed projectiles shot from Dax enemies in Duviri applying Status Effects to the player even if they had successfully parried it.
Hotfix 33.0.8 (2023-05-11)
- Fixed being unable to open a Hidden Chest with a Dax patrol if you move far away from it and trigger another objective - causing a halt in Spiral stage progression.
Hotfix 33.0.2 (2023-04-27)
- Fixed completing any side objective in The Duviri Experience defeating a Dax enemy patrol forcing your main Story objective waypoints to disappear, leaving you unaware of where to progress.
Hotfix 33.0.1 (2023-04-27)
- Reduced the window of time that Dax enemies can be stunlocked after perfect parrying.
- Fixed Dax enemies not following their patrol paths and wandering off.
- Fixed the radius of the Dax enemies’ AOE attack during Envy Spiral not making contact when it looked like it should.
Update 33.0 (2023-04-26)
- Introduced.