The Corpus ( ) is one of the major Factions of the Origin System. Corpus are first introduced during the Vor's Prize quest.
They are a conglomeration of plutocratic commercial and industrial interests unified by a single trade language and a common goal - the pursuit of financial Profit, which they elevate to the level of a quasi-religious sacrament. They enrich themselves through the development and sale of advanced technologies and through the rediscovery of lost artifacts from the Orokin Era, including Warframes themselves and Sentients. Their arsenal is a potent mix of energy weapons and robotic troops. Many Tenno have made the mistake of firing at a Corpus Crewman's head only to have the bullet deflected, and many more have fallen to the close-in charge of a MOA's plasma barrage.
Corpus take increased damage from Puncture and Magnetic. Their specialized Corpus Amalgam on the Corpus Gas City tileset on Jupiter are vulnerable to Electricity and Magnetic, but resist Blast.
The Corpus are a group of corporations, businesses, and other legal entities that were led by Parvos Granum, the descendant of generations of peasant farmers who engaged in backbreaking labor for the Orokin. Initially, the group stood for idea that anyone, regardless of social status, could pursue their own "desire" whether it be physical wealth or other abstract dreams.
However, Granum was betrayed by the Corpus Board of Directors, and would disappear for millennia. In his absence, the Corpus fell into both disunity and into idleness, opting to have others labor for them and coming to value profit over the original concept of "desire."
Once Granum escaped his patch of Void that he was trapped in however, he retook control of the Corpus and has been leading them in other endeavors since.
Lore & History[]
- Main article: Fragments/The Tenets
The Corpus were founded by Parvos Granum, the son of a humble family of farmers who lived during the Orokin Era. According to his own telling of events, he was enraged by the huge disparity between his masters and the ones who worked under them, and believed that anyone, no matter their social status, had the right to pursue wealth profit, so he began a journey to follow his desires. After stealing from the Orokin and obtaining a financial loan, Parvos loaned parts of his newfound wealth to others. With each new investment or associate, he spread his philosophy of the evils of contentment and idleness as well as the gift of Desire, while his partners themselves went on to further loan their money to others and spread his teachings, gathering more followers with each transaction, in what amounts to a pyramid loan-sharking scheme. Convincing his fellow farmers to follow his new doctrine, Parvos Granum erected the city of Corposium, where even the smallest of men would be welcome to apply his wit and desire to attempt to make his own wealth, and became the leader of the Corpus Board of Directors of the newly founded Corpus.
At first the Orokin accepted the Corpus (see the Detron Crewman Synthesis Imprint) and during the Old War, even gave Granum a Warframe bodyguard as part of some unspecified deal.
Later the Orokin became distrustful of the Corpus. Parvos Granum himself stoked the discord, prompting the Orokin to send a Warframe assault team to the laboratory where Granum's Archimedians were developing Specter technology. Granum, however, had planted an eighty mega-therm warhead in the lab, which he detonated destroying the laboratory and the assault team with it.
Granum's reasons for bringing the Corpus into direct conflict with the Orokin are unclear, but the Orokin condemned the Corpus as a merchant cult.
The biggest threat to Parvos, however, came from the Board itself, where jealousy sprouted. A Board member betrayed Parvos and dispatched assassins to sabotage his transport's Void drive, causing everyone to believe that the Founder was gone for good.
After the fall of the Orokin Empire, the Corpus sought to take over what was left of the Origin System, with its upper echelons claiming to have Orokin blood, frequently coming into conflict with the Grineer. An external observer might believe the Corpus to be a united organization, but that is far from the truth. The Board is constantly plagued by infights and discord, with the Tenno often forced to take a side in order not to let a Board member obtain too much power and influence.
Aside from the lack of strong central leadership, the Corpus became very different from how Parvos Granum envisioned them to be: the most influential members rely on the labor of others, growing self-indulgent and lazy, now prioritizing and valuing Profit over the broader fulfillment of Desire. The Crewmen are brainwashed since their birth in order to worship Profit and money (and Parvos Granum himself as an almost mythical figure), while any sign of personality and individuality is erased by their helmets, which turn their voices into a robotic sound, making them barely distinguishable from their proxies.
Despite being more technologically advanced than the Grineer, the Taxmen employ many of the same attrition and ambush tactics of the Grineer; however, they supplement these with automated 'security proxies' such as MOAs and Ospreys, and very advanced security systems. In addition, their experimentation and integration of Orokin and Warframe technology have allowed them to create highly dangerous robotic creatures such as Alad V's Zanuka proxy, which can easily capture unwary Tenno.
MOAs are bipedal turrets, some of which carry rapidly firing plasma guns or high-power railguns. Rather than taking cover, which would be impractical given the in-line mounting of their weapons, these screeching killers will simply close the distance, continuously laying out a barrage of fire whilst letting their shields take the brunt of the beating. Fortunately, their personal defense shielding is relatively fragile, as is their physical frame. Some facilities have also scanners at doors, activating various traps and hazards should a Tenno pass unknowingly over them.
The strongest Corpus units are the ones creating by merging together Corpus and Sentient technology: in the Orb Vallis a gigantic, seemingly invincible combat platform was created by recreating the same form of adaptation to damage the Sentients have, while on Jupiter Corpus Crewmen and proxies have been fused with Tau technology to create Amalgams, with the specific purpose of creating units capable of facing even the Tenno.
Tech and Weaponry[]
- Main article: Category:Corpus Weapons
The Corpus are one of the most prolific creators of weapons in the Warframe universe, selling enormous amounts of weaponry and munitions even to the Grineer themselves. Whereas Tenno weapons trend towards the ritualized and symbolic and Grineer weapons are simple and industrial, the Corpus combine economy, market variety, and advanced technologies; their weapons range from simple stun rods and basic energy assault rifles, to self defense weapons based on ancient designs, and powerful energy sniper rifles and energy machine guns. The Corpus often design many exotic weapons to cater to a niche market or role: Ingenious R&D teams have created miniature swarm missile launchers, chaining arc weapons, shattering crystal shotguns, freezing beam guns, bows with implosive arrows, wrist-mounted sidearm, and even a portable laser cannon. The Corpus manufacture many power tools and some of them, beam, laser, or mining and blasting cutters, found their way into the Corpus arsenal, perhaps by their manufacturers, or perhaps by rebels.
Corpus-made weapons designed purely for export are traditionally low in quality, but are both cheap and accessible, while their more powerful weapons are often only made exclusive to themselves.
Corpus weapons tend to be compact in appearance, with a focus on geometric block-like shapes, right angles, small components, and a general disregard for the operator's ergonomics. This points to a design process that is largely—if not fully—automated, putting the emphasis on making a weapon that is economic to create and operates reliably instead of comfortably.
A majority of Corpus weapons aim towards dealing with highly armored targets, which are common among the Grineer, as evidenced by Corpus weapons' typically high Puncture damage.
Within the Enrichment labs at the Orb Vallis on Venus, the R&D teams under Nef Anyo's Director has made weapons integrated with Sentient technology, such as the Ocucor or the Battacor through salvaged Sentient bodies or fragments and bringing them for testing to make sure the results are perfect for carrying to combat.
The Corpus R&D teams stationed on Jupiter under Alad V command have created weapons amalgamated with Tau tech such as high-capacity bi-modal sniper weapons and homing ricochet sidearms.
Old research of Parvos Granum regarding the Specter Particle Theory were not abandoned: a glaive capable of being charged Specter particles is proof of how Corpus truly try to develop technologies to face any kind of threat.
- Main article: Corpus Language
The Corpus Language uses a set of Roman-number-like alphabets and grammar that is largely similar to conventional English. The language is spoken by Crewmen type enemies and its writing can be seen around Corpus Tilesets.
Corpus as a whole mainly speak normal English, however, their helmets contain built-in vocal modulators, which cause their voice and any words spoken sound garbled and scrambled.[1] These helmets also provide protection and identity-masking requirements.
Corpus Divisions[]
Similarly to the Grineer, the Corpus are divided into divisions depending on their location and purpose. It is worth noting however that differences between these divisions can be very notable, with units who behave very differently despite having the same classification. A noteworthy example is the Nullifier Crewman: while the normal version is a sniper unit who attacks from distance, its Vapos counterpart is a melee fighter who rushes against the enemy. It is very important to remember these differences in order not to be caught unprepared and overwhelmed while facing a mission.
Some units are also unique to a specific division, such as the Juno MOAs or the Vapos Rangers.
Basic | The standard Corpus division. They are mainly found in Corpus Outposts. | |
Juno | The crew of Corpus Ships. They possess several new versions of Moa Proxies. | |
Terra | A division employed by Nef Anyo that is dispatched on the Orb Vallis on Venus. They have special cold-weather equipment and gear to adapt to the environment. | |
Vapos | Alad V's Crewmen, can be met in any Corpus Gas City on Jupiter. Some of these units are equipped with jetpacks in order to flutter over the big open spaces between facilities. | |
Taro/Axio/Vorac/Orm | Divisions of Corpus stationed in the Railjack regions of Venus Proxima, Neptune Proxima, Pluto Proxima, and Veil Proxima, respectively. | |
Aurax | Aurax is an elite sub-division of the Corpus space division, and appears to be geared more towards offense and fighting. They are sent to protect and defend other Corpus troops and assets in Corpus proximas. |
Corpus Guilds[]
- Main article: Corpus Guilds
The Corpus Guilds are companies and corporations ran by several Corpus merchants and the Corpus Board of Directors. Their symbols, emblems and writing can be seen printed, stamped and displayed in many locations of Corpus Tile Sets. However, they are not referenced in dialogue by any character.
Luxor Nanocomposites Foundry Forge | Luxor is the prime manufacturer of Corpus weaponry, equipment and construction materials. | |
Beecloud Hivemind | Beecloud is the company responsible for the artificial intelligence of Corpus Proxies. | |
Chiltot Hivemind Manufacturing | Chiltot is a minor producer of vault-like doors present in Corpus Outpost and Corpus Ice Planet Tile Sets | |
Fortunate Dawn Security Systems | Fortunate Dawn is responsible for the development of software and hardware of Corpus security systems. | |
OKLU Technical, Inc | OKLU is a database management company that analyzes and catalogs information used in Corpus systems. | |
Anyo Corp. | Anyo Corp. is the corporation owned by Corpus magnate Nef Anyo and represents all of his scientific developments and ownings. | |
Index Brokers | The Brokers are members of Anyo Corp. that are employed in The Index, a gambling activity organized by Nef Anyo, to face off against any rival investors for the sake of their own lives. |
The basic infantry of the Corpus, Crewmen are light armored units who can use a wide range of different weapons. A Crewman's head is their weak point but is also very well armored. When being shot in the head, their helmets will detach.
- Main article: Crewman
The basic Corpus Crewman wields a Dera rifle, and wears a light brown suit. These Crewmen are weak and easy to kill when encountered in small groups, but in numbers, they can easily bring down a Tenno with combined fire. The Dera weapon used by this crewman is significantly weaker than the Dera available to Tenno. They are the Corpus equivalent of the Lancer.
- Main article: Detron Crewman
The Detron Crewman is a Crewman that wields a Puncture-based Detron shotgun and wears a grey-white suit. These shotgun-wielders are mainly encountered on Corpus-controlled nodes. They behave similarly to standard Crewmen, but deal much higher damage at short range. It is best to take them out before they get close.
- Main article: Sniper Crewman
Sniper Crewmen are special Crewmen that carry Lanka sniper rifles and wear bright yellow suits. They are less common than normal crewmen and usually accompany a group of normal Crewmen into battle, providing ranged fire support. As of Update 20.0 (2017-03-24), Sniper Crewmen gained the ability to deploy Ratel to attack players.
- Main article: Elite Crewman
The Elite Crewmen are a more powerful version of the regular Corpus Crewmen. They wield the Flux Rifle, which fires a sustained laser beam capable of dealing extremely high DPS at medium range, and has the tendency to inflict Slash procs against their foes frequently.
- Main article: Corpus Tech
Corpus Techs are large crewmen in red suits and light orange visors wielding the Corpus-produced Supra. They have a dangerously powerful burst fire which is only amplified with their high fire rate and short spin-up.
- Main article: Prod Crewman
Prod Crewmen are the melee troops of the Corpus. Clad in green uniforms they wield the Prova shock baton. While they deal less damage than Grineer light units, they can still be dangerous in numbers.
- Main article: Machinist
Machinists are specialized Corpus Techs wielding a modified Ambassador that functions similarly to the Ignis, but can also deploy patches of napalm. They can also deploy a Mine Osprey when damaged.
- Main article: Nullifier Crewman
The Nullifier Crewman is a Corpus Sniper Crewman that carries a power pack on its back. When alerted to a hostile presence, a Projector Drone is deployed from the pack that generates an energy field beneath it. The spherical field not only prevents projectiles from entering (similar to Frost's Snow Globe), but also dispels any present buffs as soon as players enter it. The field also prevents any abilities from being cast within its radius and destroys most powers in its radius.
Firing at the globe causes it to gradually shrink and eventually dissipate altogether, forcing the drone back into the pack, from where it will re-emerge after a brief period. The Projector Drone itself resides at all times outside the field, orbiting above the Crewman, and destroying it permanently removes the Crewman's ability to project the barrier.
- Main article: Terra Manker
Terra Manker is a Corpus enemy unit encountered in the Orb Vallis on Venus during the Profit-Taker Orb boss fight. They wield the Fluctus energy weapon to deliver heavy blows to their enemies, and are guaranteed to drop Heavy Weapon Ammo pickups on death for Atmospheric Archguns that are required for the Profit-Taker Orb fight.
- Main article: Terra Overtaker
Terra Overtaker is a Corpus enemy unit encountered in the Orb Vallis on Venus. Wielding a modified Convectrix, they are capable of shooting homing energy bolts that explode on hit.
Terra Plasmor Crewman are a special Crewman variant deployed by the Corpus on the Orb Vallis, Venus. They are armed with the Arca Plasmor shotgun, able to deal massive damage at medium-short range, and can easily overwhelm unwary Tenno in groups.
- Main article: Comba
The Comba is a special Corpus infantry unit. Like the Scrambus, the Comba is capable of projecting an aura from their helmet that disrupts Warframe abilities. The nullification aura also disrupts the player's HUD.
- Main article: Scrambus
Scrambus are Corpus infantry units which utilize special hover shoes to move quickly around the battlefield. Like the Comba, the Scrambus is capable of projecting aura from their helmet that disrupts certain classes of Warframe abilities. The nullification aura also disrupts the player's HUD.
Equipped with jetpacks, these special units can support the frontlines by keeping their distance and sniping their target, or engage them by moving at high speed. Not to be confused with the Archwing Rangers.
- Main article: Terra Trencher
Terra Trenchers are Corpus enemy units encountered in the Orb Vallis on Venus, wielding a Kreska in each hand to engage the Tenno in close combat.
- Main article: Terra Provisor
Terra Provisors are Corpus enemy units encountered in the Orb Vallis on Venus, equipped with a Tetra rifle and utilizing jetpacks to engage in aerial combat.
- Main article: Vapos Detron Ranger
Vapos Detron Rangers are Detron Crewmen equipped with an Arca Plasmor shotgun who utilize jetpacks to engage in aerial combat.
- Main article: Vapos Elite Ranger
Vapos Elite Rangers are Elite Crewmen equipped with an Exergis or Tetra and utilize jetpacks to engage in aerial combat.
- Main article: Vapos Nullifier Ranger
Vapos Nullifier Rangers are Nullifier Crewmen equipped with a Tetra and utilize jetpacks to engage in aerial combat.
- Main article: Vapos Sniper Ranger
Vapos Sniper Rangers are Sniper Crewmen equipped with an Ambassador who utilize jetpacks to engage in aerial combat.
- Main article: Vapos Tech Ranger
Vapos Tech Rangers are Corpus Techs equipped with a Supra laser rifle who utilize jetpacks to engage in aerial combat.
They are robotic bipedal walkers used by the Corpus as a form of support. Essentially, they are walking turrets that will run towards players, firing at them once within range. MOAs cannot be stunned if hit by a melee attack and rarely take cover. MOAs can be spawned by "cabinets" found in Corpus tilesets. There seems to be a special variant of a regular MOA on Eris in the Infested Ship tileset, called the Corpus Walker. The Lotus often references Corpus Walkers in missions but they never actually appear. They can be scanned but do not have a Codex entry, nor do the scans contribute to the MOA requirement. They seem to feature the Shockwave ability and increased fire rate/accuracy.
- Main article: MOA
The MOA (alternative spelling Moa) is a Corpus robotic proxy that serves as the backbone of their automated combat forces. Appearing as a tall, armless, bipedal walker, these are the most ubiquitous combat machines seen in the Origin System.
Standard MOAs are identified by their green color and are the weakest, most common type of MOA. They will often attempt to overwhelm players with sheer numbers.
- Main article: Minima MOA
Minima MOA is a miniature version of the MOA spawned from Juno Sniper Crewman's electrical spawn pads. They will attempt to get close to the player and self-destruct to deal heavy damage to them.
- Main article: Shockwave MOA
Shockwave MOAs are identified by their yellow-orange bodies and are a larger, less common variant of MOA. Initially, they do not fire at players; they will run towards one and release a shockwave once close enough. This shockwave slowly expands and knocks down any player who fails to jump over it; these MOAs will slow to a near-stop and raise a leg seconds before releasing a shockwave. Afterwards, they will fire at players until another shockwave can be released.
- Main article: Railgun MOA
Railgun MOAs are a larger variant of the standard MOAs, they are colored blue and are rarer. They fire at a much slower rate, but their attacks cause significantly more damage and as of Update 8.3 (2013-07-04) knock players to the ground upon being hit by the shot. They must charge their primary weapon before firing and are vulnerable during this time. Their shots have little travel time, and can pierce walls and objects, including Frost's Snow Globe, while their secondary weapon can in fact damage the player if they are standing too close.
- Main article: Fusion MOA
The Fusion MOA is a MOA variant that has been infused with Orokin technology and was first introduced in the Fusion MOA Event. Identified by its white, ornate armor the Fusion MOA is armed with a laser that deals Heat damage and may occasionally proc, igniting its target. It also has the ability to deploy an Attack Drone or Leech Osprey once its health drops below 50%, providing additional fire. Coupled with its high health and shields, the Fusion MOA is effective in short-range combat.
- Main article: Anti MOA
The Anti Moa is a MOA variant that was released on Update 11, initially limited to the Corpus Gas City, it is now present in any Corpus-themed tileset.
Having the same design as the Fusion MOA without a Fusion Drone, its primary weapon fires a projectile that ricochets off surfaces and other entities roughly up to four bounces, where the fifth bounce dissipates the projectile into a blue, slow-expanding shockwave similar to the Rippling Shockwave, knocking down players that come in contact with it.
Because it is prone to missing its target (due to its low rate of fire and the projectile's travel speed), it primarily serves as a support unit, incapacitating players so that other Corpus personnel can attack them without retaliation.
- Main article: Test MOA
Test MOA are MOA designed as test dummies for the Jackal. It also appears during Part One of The New War, under the name Breacher MOA (Veso's first ability).
- Main article: Juno Disc MOA
Disc MOAs are a variant of the MOA initially released on Update 28.0 (2020-06-11) with the Corpus Ship remaster. As of Update 29.10 (2021-03-19), each of the Corpus Proxima regions have their own models.
The Juno models fire small energy orbs that can ricochet off of surfaces once. The projectiles will dissipate on either the second collision or on contact with a target.
The Taro, Axio, Vorac, and Orm models fire simple fast moving disc projectiles.
- Main article: Isolator Bursa
The Isolator Bursa is one of the three types of Bursa introduced in Operation False Profit, armed with a variety of close combat and ability-denial powers. While most of it is protected by heavy armor, the back panel of the Isolator Bursa represents its weakest point and holds a hackable console, which can only be accessed after the Bursa is incapacitated. Hacking the Bursa allows Tenno to turn it against the enemy for a short duration before expiring.
- Main article: Drover Bursa
The Drover Bursa is one of the three types of Bursa introduced in Operation: False Profit, geared toward heavy artillery. While most of it is protected by heavy armor, the back panel of the Drover Bursa represents its weakest point and holds a hackable console, which can only be accessed after the Bursa is incapacitated. Hacking the Bursa allows Tenno to turn it against the enemy for a short duration before expiring.
- Main article: Denial Bursa
The Denial Bursa is one of the three types of Bursa introduced in Operation False Profit, specializing in crowd-control and area-denial attacks. While most of it is protected by heavy armor, the back panel of the Denial Bursa represents its weakest point and holds a hackable console, which can only be accessed after the Bursa is incapacitated. Hacking the Bursa allows Tenno to turn it against the enemy for a short duration before expiring.
- Main article: Terra Embattor MOA
Terra Embattor MOAs are a Bursa variant deployed by the Corpus on the Orb Vallis, Venus.
Ospreys are flying robotic units used by the Corpus. Relatively fragile, they usually provide support with buffs and debuffs instead of blunt firepower. The Ospreys' ability to hover makes them difficult to strike with melee attacks.
- Main article: Leech Osprey
Identified by their light green bodies, Leech Ospreys deploy small mechanical parasites that drain players' shields. Although the leeches cannot kill players themselves, they can leave the player vulnerable to Corpus attacks. Leeches can be removed with a melee attack or by rolling. While the leeches will home in on targets, they are still avoidable by making them fly into walls, which will stop them.
- Main article: Mine Osprey
Yellow-orange Mine Ospreys deploy energy orbs that will explode after a short period of time, or if a player steps on them. They will continue to deploy mines as long as there are players nearby. It is possible for mines to attach themselves to other units if they land on them and potentially killing them. Mines can also be destroyed by shooting them before the osprey deploys them.
- Main article: Oxium Osprey
The Oxium Osprey is a Corpus Osprey introduced in the Operation: Oxium Espionage event. Although armed with a laser repeater similar to those equipped on Scavenger Drones, its primary means of attack involves charging at players once it takes damage, detonating itself if it gets close enough to them. As their name suggests, they are the only enemies in the game that drop Oxium (7-12 units per Osprey) but only if they were destroyed by the player; they do not drop Oxium if they self-destruct.
- Main article: Shield Osprey
Shield Ospreys are small teal Ospreys that project constantly regenerating shields to surrounding allies.
- Main article: Sapping Osprey
Sapping Ospreys are Corpus Ospreys that deploy an orb which generates an AoE damage field. The orb releases pulses of damage over several seconds, then floats approximately 2 meters into the air for a final detonation.
- Main article: Remech Osprey
Remech Ospreys only appear in Ambulas missions to repair disabled Ambulas. If they succeed the Ambulas is unhacked again and will continue to attack players (if repaired Ambulas is captured by the dropship it will count towards failure counter).
- Main article: Attack Drone
Attack Drones are deployed by Fusion MOAs when they reach about 50% health, but can be avoided if you destroy the MOA during its short deploying period.
Due to their fast-firing weapon, hovering nature, and immunity to crowd control status (e.g.: ragdoll, stun), they pose a big threat.
- Main article: Scavenger Drone
Scavenger Drones appear as large yellow-green Ospreys. Aside from being able to fire lasers akin to the Fusion Drone (though with less damage), these drones are able to vacuum up dropped items nearby such as ammo or materials, and then release a bright-yellow Rippling Shockwave thereafter. Destroying this Osprey will not always drop loot that was confiscated.
- Main article: Terra Attack Drone
Terra Attack Drones are different from their normal counterpart because they are not ejected by a Fusion MOA and attack in autonomy.
Corpus Amalgams[]
Created by Alad V by hybridizing Corpus units with Sentients, these special units are desiged to perfectly neutralize and counter any Tenno inside of a Corpus Gas City.
- Main article: Amalgam Alkonost
The Amalgam Alkonost is a Corpus Amalgam. Fully converted into a Sentient, this unit can latch onto their organic allies and inject enhancers directly into their brain, boosting their offense and defense prowess.
- Main article: Amalgam Heqet
The Amalgam Heqet is a Corpus Amalgam hybridized with Sentient technology. Wielding the Komorex with incredible accuracy, they can also create Spectralyst clones of their enemies, including the Tenno.
- Main article: Amalgam Kucumatz
The Amalgam Kucumatz is a Corpus Amalgam hybridized with Sentient technology. Designed from a sentry turret, this unit shoots rapid fire projectiles and can switch to a massive concentrated laser.
- Main article: Amalgam Machinist
The Amalgam Machinist is a Corpus Amalgam hybridized with Sentient technology. Armed with a Cyanex, it can deploy healing auras and launch Amalgam Ospreys into battle.
- Main article: Amalgam MOA
The Amalgam MOA is a Corpus Amalgam hybridized with Sentient technology. This MOA has the unusual ability to shift itself out-of-phase to heal rapidly.
- Main article: Amalgam Osprey
The Amalgam Osprey is a Corpus Amalgam hybridized with Sentient technology. This Osprey has the ability to create Spectralysts out of their allies. They are often deployed by Amalgam Machinists.
- Main article: Amalgam Satyr
The Amalgam Satyr is a Corpus Amalgam hybridized with Sentient technology. Possessing three pairs of legs, with one pair also doubling as blasters, it is a fast unit that alternates between melee and ranged attacks.
- Main article: Spectralyst
Spectralyst clones are entities created by Amalgam Heqets, Amalgam Arca Heqets, Amalgam Ospreys and Sisters of Parvos of level 4+. Amalgam Heqets will generate Spectralysts of enemies, including Tenno, while Amalgam Ospreys will generate spectral Amalgam Machinists. Sisters will only generate Tenno Spectralysts.
Tenno Spectralysts will copy the target's Warframe and loadout, and behave similarly to Specters. Spectralysts will remain active until they or their creator is killed.
Sisters generated Spectralysts will also copy the Warframe and weapons skins and colors. They do not spawn while the Sister is downed, but will keep spawning until the Sister retreat/despawn either by a Mercy attack or by being downed three times.
Found in the Orb Vallis only, these proxies are armoured and can perform special attacks.
- Main article: Coolant Raknoid
Coolant Raknoid is a medium sized Raknoid creature found in the Orb Vallis. It drops a refined coolant canister on death which can be used to seal Thermia Fractures located around Orb Vallis during the Operation: Buried Debts Event.
Coolant Raknoids will actively prevent Tenno from destroying Exploiter Orb by delivering refined coolant to the Orb during Operation: Buried Debts.
- Main article: Kyta Raknoid
Kyta Raknoid is a yellow medium-sized Raknoid creature found in the Orb Vallis that only spawns at Alert Level 4 via Reinforcement Beacons.
- Main article: Mite Raknoid
The Mite Raknoid is a small green Raknoid Corpus proxy found in the Orb Vallis in groups of three. It spawns randomly, being initially buried underground or dangling from the ceiling of a cave or under the parasol of giant Vallis fungi from a web-like tether, before ambushing the players while out in the open or by descending from the ceiling in caves.
They will attack at long to medium ranges by either directly jumping at their target or by trying to slice into them by spreading their legs, propelling themselves like a throwing star, being able to cover quite a distance very fast and guaranteeing a Slash proc. At short distances, they will also shock their enemy like a Ratel.
- Main article: Scyto Raknoid
Scyto Raknoid is a medium-sized Raknoid creature found in the Orb Vallis that only spawns at Alert Level 4 via Reinforcement Beacons. The sac on its back stores a glue-like fluid, which it uses for a variety of attacks. Aside from a basic ranged stream, it is capable of covering a large area, slowing enemies. Further, it can use a grappling hook to pull enemies close, whereupon it deploys a tethermine that immediately attaches to the target. It can also detect invisible players via a white radial ring that emits whenever an invisible player is nearby, allowing it to attack invisible players.
Once its health is reduced to half, its glue sac will explode, and it will temporarily shut down; during this animation it is invulnerable. It will then quickly recover and resume attacking.
The Anyo Corp, tasked by Nef Anyo to defeat any foe investor in The Index for the sake of their own lives. They have advanced weaponry and equipment.
- Main article: John Prodman
John Prodman is a rarely-encountered enemy in The Index. Similar to Clem, Prodman has his roots as an Internet meme within the WARFRAME community.
According to the description of his autograph, he is an employee of Anyo Corp, and was recently awarded "Employee of the Month".
The Corpus faction employs security measures around their bases that can lock unsuspecting players in a room full of turrets or even block them from leaving rooms with laser barriers that can completely drain shields.
- Main article: Security Camera
Security Cameras are mounted on ceilings. They used to have a distinctive beeping sound, but are now fairly silent and possess a glowing green light. If a camera detects a player, the light will glow red and a short alarm sound will play. Upon detection, cameras will activate any nearby Turrets and Laser Barriers. Players should prioritize cameras as they may activate Laser Barriers and Turrets at the worst of times if left alone. Destroying the cameras will render both Turrets and Laser Barriers null, deactivating them.
- Main article: Laser Barrier
Laser Barriers are found inside the frame of Corpus doors. They are activated by nearby Security Cameras that detect any hostile targets. They are avoided/deactivated by staying out of the camera's line of sight, or destroying the camera. Laser barriers can only damage shields, never health.
- Main article: Turret
Turrets are mounted on ceilings and will shoot the player upon being triggered by a nearby Security Camera. They deactivate if damaged sufficiently, if the controlling camera is destroyed, or if the camera stops detecting hostiles. If they deactivate before destroyed, they will be completely repaired.
- Main article: Domestik Drone
The Domestik Drone is an autonomous Corpus vacuum cleaner that appears quite commonly in Corpus Ship and Corpus Gas City Tile Sets, moving around unharmfully.
- Main article: Coildrive
The Coildrive is a Corpus ground vehicle that can be found in the Orb Vallis. Serving as a combat capable transport, it can be found patrolling the roads, or lying inactive inside one of the Corpus' maintenance sheds. If you get near one of these vehicles, the occupants will hop out and proceed to engage.
- Main article: Condor Dropship
The Condor Dropship is a Corpus ship that brings reinforcements on open aired Corpus tilesets, most notably during Defense missions.
- Main article: Scout
The Corpus Scout is a special unit introduced in Operation: Arid Fear. Resembling capture targets but with black clothing and a Spectra, they are found in Corpus Void ships and must be defeated and captured like in normal Capture missions.
- Main article: Corpus Target
The cowardly Corpus Target is the objective of Corpus Capture missions. They resemble Crewmen, but their uniforms, weapons and abilities can vary depending on the level of the mission. Corpus Targets receive +300% damage from Stealth attacks, making it an effective 4.0x multiplier. They are however, automatically alerted when the Lotus announces you have found them, making stealth attacks difficult.
- Main article: Warden
Wardens are special units that appear in Rescue missions, tasked with protecting prison complexes where hostages are kept. They appear as Heavy Gunners or Ballistas for Grineer missions, Corrupted Heavy Gunner for Orokin Moon missions, and Sniper Crewman and Corpus Tech for Corpus missions, and are more durable than normal units. They are however highly vulnerable to stealth attacks and takedowns.
- Main article: Terra Jailer
Terra Jailer is a special Corpus unit encountered during Rescue Bounties on Orb Vallis, Venus. The Terra Jailer wields a modified Convectrix that shoots out homing energy bolts that explode on hit.
- Main article: Treasurer
The Treasurer is a unique Corpus enemy only found on the Corpus Ship tileset (or missions with the same enemies as one). They were introduced in Update 28.0 (2020-06-11) and are the only source for Granum Crowns.
Crowns will only drop after the player has completed The Deadlock Protocol quest.
- Main article: Power Carrier
Power Carriers are special units found only on Excavation and Defection missions. These units are mostly identical to their standard base units, but visibly carry Power Cells on their backs. Killing these units will make them drop the Power Cells they carry, allowing Tenno to recover them for use in powering their Excavation machines or Med Towers. The Grineer unit is based on the Lancer, the Corpus on the Crewman, and the Infested on the Mutalist Osprey.
- Main article: Vapos Bioengineer
Vapos Bioengineers are Corpus special units found exclusively within the Sentient research secret laboratories, placed in the Corpus Gas City tileset. They resemble Comba units without their distinctive nullifying helmets.
- Main article: Errant Specter
Errant Specter is an enemy first introduced in Update 28.0 (2020-06-11). Specters mimicking the appearance of Treasurers, they constantly multiply in the Granum Void.
Troops deployed in Archwing game mode.
- Main article: Attack Drone (Archwing Enemy)
The Attack Drone is a Corpus proxy resembling an Osprey, though larger and tougher using a more powerful rapid-fire pulse cannon that grants it incredible firepower.
Two versions of the Attack Drone exist, one as a smaller auxiliary Drone deployed by Fusion MOAs, and the other a much larger standalone version found in Archwing Missions. Apart from the size difference, both versions act identically.
- Main article: Corvette
Corvettes are large, dark brown Corpus proxies resembling Ospreys, found only in Archwing missions. They are equipped with a grenade launcher that fires multiple Electricity grenades in a scatter-shot pattern that detonate all at once when in the vicinity of their target. Multiple Corvettes can saturate an entire area with grenades, making fighting them in close quarters hazardous.
- Main article: Frigate
Frigates are large, light-green Corpus proxies resembling Ospreys. Their primary weapon is a laser cannon that can hit players at long range. This laser cannon, while not particularly powerful, cannot be dodged, making it difficult to determine the location of the attacker.
- Main article: Carrier (Enemy)
Carriers are large, purple Corpus proxies that resemble Ospreys. While the Carriers themselves are armed only with a weak laser cannon, they can deploy multiple Locust Drones to attack players from range in all directions.
- Main article: Locust Drone
Locust Drones are small robots deployed by Carriers, and by Gox upon self-destructing. While physically weak, Locust drones carry highly accurate lasers that cannot be dodged, constantly dealing damage on player shields and health.
- Main article: Gox
Gox is a large Corpus spacecraft with a multi-beam Mining Laser and Explosive Launcher attached to it from its neck. It is the first Corpus heavy space unit. Upon death it will explode harmlessly and spawn 4 Locust Drones upon self-destruction. (see below)
- Main article: Ranger
Rangers are Corpus Crewmen that use jetpacks to engage in aerial combat. Apart from their enhanced mobility, and that they cannot come in the form of a Prod Crewman, they are otherwise identical to standard Crewmen. Rangers spawn during Corpus Archwing missions.
- Main article: Penta Ranger
The Penta Ranger is a variant of the Ranger, equipped with a Penta grenade launcher that can deal powerful explosive damage against their enemies. Coupled with the lack of gravity, this allows the Penta Ranger's shots to travel farther distances. Like the Ranger and Quanta Ranger, the Penta Ranger spawns in Corpus Archwing missions.
- Main article: Quanta Ranger
A variant of the Ranger, the Quanta Ranger wields a Quanta beam weapon, allowing it to fire highly accurate lasers against enemies. Just like the Ranger and the Penta Ranger, the Quanta Ranger only spawns in Archwing missions.
- Main article: Bosses
Bosses are officers within the Corpus faction or experimental proxies. It is worth noting that all Star Chart Corpus boss proxies have a Terra counterpart which can be encountered in the Orb Vallis, although they do not count as bosses themselves.
- Main article: Alad V
Alad V was a high ranking Corpus member, seated on the Corpus Board of Directors and the head of Grineer Relations. He is the most recurring Corpus boss in terms of his involvements with various Events.
Originally the creator of the ambitious Zanuka Project, an initiative to create advanced robotics by using Warframe components, its eventual failure saw him removed from the Board of Directors and replaced with his longtime rival, Frohd Bek. He would later form unlikely alliances with his enemies, namely the Infested, the Tenno, and even the Sentients, to produce new schemes or ensure his survival while on the run from his former Corpus backers and the Stalker's Acolytes.
On the Star Chart, Alad V is first encountered on Themisto, Jupiter as a Corpus boss, where he is accompanied by his robotic pet and guardian, Zanuka, which he built from parts of Warframes that he captured. Upon completion of this assassination mission, the player will receive Valkyr component blueprints. He also has a high drop rate for Neural Sensors.
- Main article: Ambulas
Ambulas is the Corpus boss of Pluto, possessing a highly intelligent AI called Animo that allows it to learn and adapt from previous combat experiences to ensure that the proxy cannot be defeated by the same strategy twice. Animo was created by Ergo Glast during his time with the Corpus as a means of resolving conflict, only for Frohd Bek to misuse and weaponize it as part of Operation: Ambulas Reborn; fearing that Animo's learning may result in a repetition of the catastrophe which occurred when the Orokin made similar strides with advanced AI, Glast seeks the Tenno's aid to destroy the Animo processor.
Ambulas units are dispatched by Condor Dropships on any Corpus Outpost mission on Pluto; disabling and hacking into these units award Animo Nav Beacons which are required to initiate the Ambulas boss on the mission Hades, Pluto. After defeating it finishing the mission, the player will receive a Trinity component blueprint.
- Main article: Exploiter Orb
Exploiter is a large Raknoid creature that can be found patrolling around the Temple of Profit within the Orb Vallis, acting as one of the Grand Bosses of the landscape. She is the one responsible for the destruction of Deck 12 which left many of its Solaris United survivors traumatized. The Exploiter Orb is battled in the ruins of Deck 12 located in a cave northeast of Harindi Crater, requiring a single Diluted Thermia from the recurring Thermia Fractures event.
Unlike the Profit-Taker Orb, the Exploiter Orb lacks Sentient adaptive shielding, but her carapace remains impervious to all gunfire. To defend herself, the Exploiter Orb can surround herself with a winter storm on command and has four vents across her lower body which spray jets of ice and an underbelly turret. Her main weakness of overheating is kept in check by her numerous exhaust vents as well as the small squad of Coolant Raknoids accompanying her.
- Main article: Hyena Pack
The Hyena Pack are the Corpus bosses of Neptune, made up of four unique and deadly variants of the Hyena proxy. Functioning like a pack, each Hyena is equipped with a plasma repeater, high agility, and can wall cling.
The Hyena Pack are fought in the mission Psamathe, Neptune, and after defeating them and finishing the mission, the player will receive Loki component blueprints. They can also be found during Razorback Armada missions, and a completely different set of Hyena proxies exist on the Orb Vallis. Upon death, all the Hyenas have a chance of dropping Orokin Cells or Control Modules.
- Main article: Jackal
Jackal is the Corpus boss of the Venus system. Although a more bulky and old model compared to more recent Corpus robotics, the Jackal possesses invulnerable shields, a giant shockwave ability to knock players down, and one of the most powerful Corpus weapons, the Plasma Grenade Cluster. Dissected models of the Jackal can be found in some Grineer tilesets, either showing that the Grineer have an interest in utilizing Corpus tech, or that they have simply purchased merchandise. The Jackal is fought on the mission Fossa, Venus. After defeating it and finishing the mission, the player will receive Rhino component blueprints, as well as a chance to get a Stahlta or Stropha blueprint.
A Terra variant may spawn in Orb Vallis during high alert state, which is considered a common enemy and will neither drop blueprints nor anger the Stalker. A Corrupted variant appears in The Circuit Assassination as a boss with some alteration to its mechanics.
- Main article: Lynx
The Lynx is a Corpus Field Boss. It is encountered in Orokin Sabotage (The Archwing or Marduk) where Corpus are the dominant enemy, guarding a Void Key necessary to close the Void Portal. It is also encountered in Grineer Spy, either purchased or stolen from the Corpus, detailing as one of the Spy room's centerpiece and becomes active if the room's alarm was tripped. It can also appear in Clem's weekly Survival mission in Corpus-controlled environments after five minutes.
It resembles a smaller Jackal with blue armor, and has the ability to deploy Lynx Osprey drones and Lynx Turrets to assist it in combat.
- Main article: Profit-Taker Orb
Profit-Taker Orb is a large Raknoid creature found atop the Enrichment Labs in the Orb Vallis, acting as one of the Grand Bosses of the landscape. The gargantuan creature can only be engaged during the Heist with Vox Solaris, requiring the rank of Old Mate within Solaris United.
The orb incorporates Sentient technology within its shields that are put into overcharge by satellites and is protected by an extremely durable carapace reserved for Corpus Ships, making it seemingly invulnerable.
- Main article: Raptors
The Raptors are Corpus Bosses found in the Europa system, with an underground factory working to mass produce these proxies. They are essentially modified Ospreys that boast increased power and defenses, and appear in three different types each armed with unique weaponry.
Raptors are fought in the mission Naamah, Europa. After defeating them and finishing the mission, players will receive a Nova component blueprint.
- Main article: Razorback
The Razorback is a Corpus boss introduced in the Divine Will Tactical Alert in Hotfix 18.4.10 (2016-02-11). A creation of Nef Anyo, the Razorback is essentially a much larger Jackal and is boastfully claimed to be "impervious to evil," but possesses a vulnerability to Nef Anyo's previous creations, the Bursas.
The Razorback is fought during a limited-time event called Razorback Armada, once the construction status in the Invasion menu is completed by supporting the Corpus, which appears as a node next to any active Relay. Completing the Razorback Armada mission three times per event awards 200,000 and a built Orokin Catalyst.
- Main article: Zanuka Hunter
The Zanuka Hunter, formerly known as the Harvester, is a gray-colored Zanuka proxy controlled by Alad V. During missions, it will attack one targeted Tenno until either the Tenno or Zanuka Hunter dies. It appears rarely, in a manner similar to the Stalker. Triggering a Zanuka Hunter attack requires a player to have a Death Mark, acquired by fighting against the Corpus across five Invasion missions, or it can be summoned by using a Zanuka Hunter Beacon. Active Death Marks can be seen on a player's profile.
- The Latin translation of Corpus is "a frame, body, system, structure, community, corporation".
- Unlike the Grineer, the Corpus is dominantly capable of speaking English. This was unknown before, as the Corpus Crewmen are only heard through their robotic voices given by their helmets.
- As of Update 12.4 (2014-03-05), the Corpus now have their own language, possibly implying that their written language is different from the one they speak.
- After Hotfix 11.5.5 (2013-12-31) and Devstream 20, the Corpus's territory had been greatly reduced due to the mass farming of Detron components which were only dropped by the Zanuka Hunter which could only be done by completing Invasion missions supporting the Grineer. To aid in restoring the loss of Corpus ground, they introduced The Grustrag Three, a trio that drop the components for the Brakk and which can only be summoned by fighting against the Grineer in invasion missions.
- Before Damage 2.0, the Corpus had the ironic trait of having many of their weapons be most effective against themselves whereas the Grineer were highly resistant to the reverse-engineered versions of their own bullets.
- The official website states that the Corpus are "rarely seen by others and are better known for the robot proxies that serve for them." Despite this, there are often more Crewmen seen in combat than combat proxies.
- This probably implies that when the Corpus deal with trades with other factions, their robotic proxies are usually doing the dealing rather than the Corpus themselves. It is only when fighting them that they will fight alongside their machines.
- While visually, weapons designed by the Corpus resemble lasers or plasma weapons, a large amount of their weaponry tends to deal physical damage, such as Puncture damage. This may be explained somewhat by how lasers can slice through armor and flesh in real life, and while their railgun technology fires physical projectiles, they are ultimately powered by advanced, compact electromagnetic technology.
Patch History[]
Update 36.1 (2024-08-21)
- Made the following changes to lower-level missions to offer more engaging combat. Our goal is to strike a balance between not being too punishing, but also encouraging players to adopt behaviors that will help them take on harder content -- ie. not just standing still and shooting folks.
- Increased enemy spawns on Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Phobos, Ceres, and Jupiter (base version only, Steel Path remains the same).
- Increased accuracy of Corpus enemies below level 55.
- Increased base damage multiplier for Corpus, but amended how it scales to compensate. The goal is to make them hit harder at lower levels, but keep things the same for higher difficulty content.
Hotfix 36.0.5 (2024-07-20)
- Made visual updates to Corpus control booth structures.
Update 35.5 (2024-03-27)
- Fixed certain Corpus models being stretched weirdly upon death.
Update 33.0 (2023-04-26)
- Fixed Corpus enemies appearing as if they are immune to Mercy kills in the UI due to the indicator overlapping with their Shields in their Health bar.
Update 32.3 (2023-02-15)
- Added a new react animation to several Corpus units when Warframes vanish in front of them (using Abilities or other mechanics).
- Fixed Osprey radius FX being green instead of blue.
Update 32.0 (2022-09-07)
- Fixed issue with Corpus helmets popping off on spawn.
Update 31.6 (2022-06-09)
- Slightly increased the Shield recharge delay on most Corpus and Narmer enemy types.
Update 28.0 (2020-06-11)
- Added new Juno units to reworked Corpus Ship tilesets
Update 25.0 (2019-05-22)
- Vapos units introduced in the remastered Corpus Gas City tileset on Jupiter.
Hotfix 24.0.10 (2018-11-21)
- Reduced the Corpus Ospreys dodging frequency.
Update 24.0 (2018-11-08)
- Terra units introduced in the Orb Vallis.
Update 23.10 (2018-10-12)
- Corpus enemies now have a consistent FX color (common blue/teal) instead of various shades (e.g. Shockwave MOA will emit a blue shockwave upon attack).
Vanilla (2012-10-25)
- Introduced.
See Also[]
- ↑ Nightwave: Series 3 - The Glassmaker Ep:2 Corpus Crystal. When inspecting a Corpus helmet: "No accident their hoods look like this. Built-in voice modulator does the rest. Just another robot to the Corpus." - Nora Night