Savior is a survivor of the outbreak mentioned in The Walking Dead: All-Stars.
Location Unknown[]
Nothing is known about this Raider's life prior to or as the outbreak began.
Dwight's Story - Sympathetic Gesture[]
Dwight is hanging out in Sanctuary rec room with five other Saviors. One Saviors asks Dwight if he known anything about the new prisoners. Another Savior says that the two prisoners should be separated, yet this Savior says it won't matter as they'll be separated soon enough. Another Savior talks about how he's sick of there being so many "wives" as it's distracting him from his drinking, something that makes everyone laugh. He also hopes that Dwight doesn't mind the joke given his history with the system, but Dwight seemingly brushes off the comment. The last Savior talks about how he's on guard duty for the prisoners that night.
Killed Victims[]
This list shows the victims the Savior has killed:
- Possibly numerous counts of zombies and unnamed people