This Raider is a survivor of the outbreak in The Walking Dead: All-Stars.
Location Unknown[]
Nothing is known about this Raider's life prior to or as the outbreak began.
Andrew's Story - Simulation[]
Andrew and his two Raider friends attack a group of five. Eventually the woman in the group shoots at Andrew and his two friends. During the battle, this man manages to grab the son, however the son bites him and is let go. Towards the end of the conflict, one of the Raiders comes up from behind the last remaining survivor of the other group and kills him.
It's unknown if they were present during Crane and David's infiltration of the State University of New York at Buffalo where they killed every raider that was living there.
Killed Victims[]
This list shows the victims they have killed:
- Man (Possibly)
- Numerous counts of zombies and people
- He is one of twelve All-Stars characters to only be seen in promo material for the game.
- The other eleven characters to have this distinction are Mark, Gary, Paul, Mike, Carson, Martin, Renee, the Cannibal Leader, and three unnamed raiders.