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Endo Sakura (Sakura Endo) (née unknown) is a survivor of the outbreak mentioned in The Walking Dead: All-Stars.


Kyoto, Japan[]

Before the apocalypse, Miho and her family lived just outside of Kyoto, Japan. Her parents were also close to get divorced due to the fact that her mother had cheated on her father with a Host Club Worker.


Miho's Story - Essentials[]

Miho watched her mansion burn down and thinks about everything she's lost to the apocalypse at this point. She thinks about how her parents died after having been eaten by the dead.

Survival Records - A Shot In The Dark[]

Miho tells Ryohei why her parents almost divorced each other before the apocalypse and why she's distrustful off Host Club Workers.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims they have killed:

  • Possibly numerous counts of zombies


Killed by

At some point, they were eaten alive by the undead.


  • Given standard marital Asian naming traditions, it's likely that she didn't take on her husband's family name of "Endo" and instead kept her family name.