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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

This horse is an animal that appears in The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about this horse prior to or as the outbreak began. It is possible that she was born after the outbreak.


The Final Season[]

"Suffer The Children"[]

This horse first appears in Clementine's nightmare. She looks at her and walks away, and then later lies down.

"Take Us Back"[]

Later, this horse appears again in the McCarroll Ranch flashback. She was ridden by Clementine to arrive to the McCarroll Ranch. As Clementine approaches the ranch, her horse is suddenly shot and collapses. She dies a few seconds later.


Killed By

This horse is suddenly shot by Rodney. It is unknown if Rodney shot her accidentally or deliberately.


The Telltale Series[]

The Final Season[]


  • This horse only appears in a dream and flashback.
  • Kent Mudle jokingly called Clementine's horse "Peanut 2", the name after Clementine's goldfish.[1]
    • Also this horse's gender was confirmed by Kent Mudle while he says "Why don't we call her Peanut 2".[1]

