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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Ivonne, attend to Don Berto, por favor?
―Alejandro asking Ivonne to take care of Berto.[src]

Berto is a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's Fear the Walking Dead. He is a resident of La Colonia.


Tijuana, Baja California[]

Nothing is known about Berto's life prior to or as the outbreak began, except that he lived in Tijuana, Baja California.


Season 2[]

"Pablo & Jessica"[]

Berto sits in the marketplace and watches as Nick and Luciana play soccer with the children.


As Berto sleeps on the second floor of the infirmary, Nick and Reynaldo sneak drugs out of the medicine cabinet. Sometime the next morning, Berto dies of his illness and reanimates, attacking Nick. Alejandro steps in and removes Berto off of Nick but is bitten in the process. During the scuffle, Nick and Berto fall over the balcony onto the beds below. The zombified Berto then bites the nose off of another man and bites a finger off of a nurse. Finally, the zombified Berto is killed by Nick as he drives his fingers through his eyes and into his brain as the other residents watch in horror.


Killed By
  • Unknown Illness (Alive)

Berto dies of an unknown illness and reanimates.

An unnamed La Colonia Resident holds the zombified Berto down as Nick drives his fingers trough his eye sockets and into his brain.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Berto has killed:





Fear the Walking Dead[]

Season 2[]


  • While this character was not credited, Alejandro refers to him as Don Berto in "Pillar of Salt" when speaking to Ivonne.
  • Berto is one of three characters to have lost both of his eyes, the others being Terry and Beta.