“ | Her melody moves the soul, her silence sunders the body. | „ |
Sona is Demacia’s foremost virtuoso of the stringed etwahl, speaking only through her graceful chords and vibrant arias. This genteel manner has endeared her to the highborn, though others suspect her spellbinding melodies to actually emanate magic—a Demacian taboo. Silent to outsiders but somehow understood by close companions, Sona plucks her harmonies not only to soothe injured allies, but also to strike down unsuspecting enemies.“ | Shall we resolve this dissonance? | „ |
Being forcefully transported from the real world to fight an army of evil video game bosses is no sweat for Sona. She was the first person to beat Keyboard Solo 4's ultra solo mode on nightmare difficulty—a feat that, by the developers' own admission, should not have been possible.“ | ...! | „ |
Never tell Sona of PENTAKILL that keyboards aren't metal. Her instrument is filled with living barbed wire and a sonic scream loud enough to bring other, lesser musical genres crashing to their knees.“ | A symphony of justice. | „ |
Once a member of the Templar Order, Sona was born with the ability to commune directly with ora, and the creatures from which it is harvested. More recently, she has sought out Yasuo, troubled captain of the Morning Star, and joined his ragtag crew—hoping to avert a disaster that could destroy the entire galaxy.Powers and Stats
Tier: Low 7-C | 4-B | High 6-A | 5-C
Key: Base | Arcade Sona | Pentakill Sona | Odyssey Sona
Name: Sona Buvelle, Maven of the Strings, Demacian Virtuoso
Origin: League of Legends
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Classification: Human, Musician | Arcade Warrior | Keyboardist for Pentakill | Former Seer of the Templar Order
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Senses (Has an enhanced sense of hearing), Magic, Telepathy, Flight, Telekinesis, Sound Manipulation, Vibration Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation (Her music is able to manipulate people's emotions), Psychometry, Illusion Creation, Mind Manipulation, and Memory Manipulation (Her Etwahl is able to read the minds and memories of those who hear it and can create illusory projections of their memories through its sound), Sleep Manipulation (Can utilize a chord capable of instantly rendering opponents unconscious), Damage Boost (Via Power Chord and Hymn of Valor), Empowerment (Via Power Chord), Aura, Healing (Low-Mid Via Aria of Perseverance, Healed Ryze from being stabbed in the stomach), Forcefield Creation (Via Aria of Perseverance), Statistics Amplification (Speed Amplification Via Song of Celerity), Size Manipulation (Via Diminuendo), Statistics Reduction (AP Reduction Via Diminuendo, Speed Reduction Via Tempo), Body Puppetry (Via Crescendo)
All powers as base plus Data Manipulation (All Arcade champions are capable of directly damaging and destroying the coding that makes up everything)
All powers as base plus Chain Manipulation, Broadway Force, Intangibility, Dimensional Travel (Able to travel from the physical realm to the spirit realm), and Non-Physical Interaction (Able to affect Yordles and destroy Bandle City which, due to existing solely in the Spirit Realm, are both inherently non-corporeal)
All powers as base plus Life Manipulation/Energy Manipulation (Able to freely manipulate Ora), Clairvoyance (Able to receive visions of the suture from the Ora Megafauna), Teleportation (Via Warp), Intangibility (Via Warp), Statistics Reduction (Speed Reduction Via Retrograde), Transmutation (Can turn projectile attacks used against her into healing sound waves)
Attack Potency: Small Town level+ (Her magic was able to incapacitate people that could physically contend with Ryze and affected Mageseekers beyond their capacity to nullify magic.) | Solar System level (Can fight on par with the Battle Bosses, Comparable to Arcade Miss Fortune) | Multi-Continent level (Capable of sinking multiple continents with her sound waves) | Moon level (Comparable to the rest of the Odyssey Crew, Capable of harming Odyssey Kayn)
Speed: Subsonic reactions and combat speed, Higher with Song of Celerity, (Able to fight a comparable speed to Ryze), Supersonic Attack Speed (Uses sound waves as attacks) | Subsonic reactions and combat speed, Higher with Song of Celerity, Supersonic Attack Speed | Subsonic reactions and combat speed, Higher with Song of Celerity, Massively FTL+ Attack Speed (Her sound waves are capable of traveling to other life-bearing planets in a short period of time) | Subsonic reactions and combat speed, Higher with Song of Celerity, Supersonic Attack Speed
Lifting Strength: Unknown
Striking Strength: Unknown | Solar System level | Multi-Continent level | Moon level
Durability: Unknown, Small Town level+ with Barriers | Solar System level | Multi-Continent level | Moon level
Stamina: Superhuman
Range: Tens of Meters | Tens of Meters | Interstellar | Planetary
Standard Equipment: Etwahl
Intelligence: Gifted (Sona is a veritable master in regards to music, having gone from never playing an instrument to headlining for sold out audiences in concert halls and performing for royalty in the span of a few months, as well as mastering multiple genres of music with little to no prior practice or preparation beforehand, and doing all of this without ever reading or writing a single note. She also developed a method of using her signature instrument, the Etwahl, as a lethal weapon, using the vibrations given off by the instrument to slice objects from a distance, as well as creating multiple combat applications of her music including healing, physical augmentation, magical augmentation, and several offensive debuffs.)
Weaknesses: None notable
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Power Chord: After casting 3 basic abilities, Sona's next basic attack deals bonus magic damage, with an additional effect depending on the last basic ability cast.
- Aura: Sona's basic abilities each generate a unique aura that empowers her and all allied champions who enter its radius.
- Hymn of Valor: Sona sends out bolts of sound that deal magic damage to the two nearest visible enemies.
- Aura: Sona and tagged allied champions deal bonus magic damage on their next basic attack.
- Power Chord – Staccato: Power Chord deals increased magic damage.
- Aria of Perseverance: Sona heals herself and the most wounded nearby allied champion.
- Aura: Sona and tagged allied champions receive a shield.
- Power Chord – Diminuendo: Power Chord reduces its target's size and damage output.
- Song of Celerity: Sona gains bonus movement speed.
- Aura: Tagged allied champions gain bonus movement speed.
- Power Chord – Tempo: Power Chord slows its target.
- Crescendo: Sona plays an irresistible chord in the target direction, dealing magic damage to all enemy champions struck and forcing them to dance. As shown in her lore, this ability is extremely painful to those affected, causing their bodies to twist and contort against their will, often breaking bones and snapping joints in the process.
- Aura: Sona's basic abilities each generate a unique aura that empowers her and all allied champions who enter its radius.
- Aura: Sona and tagged allied champions deal bonus magic damage on their next basic attack.
- Rouse: Allies buffed by Hymn of Valor's aura deal increased damage with their next basic attack.
- Power Chord – Staccato: Power Chord deals increased magic damage.
- Cadence: Sona gains Power Chord after casting 2 basic abilities.
- Boisterous: Power Chord now affects all enemies in an area around its target.
- Rhythm: Hymn of Valor's can be used instantly when Sona casts another ability.
- Rowdy: If Hymn of Valor's active damages its maximum number of targets, its next cast hits an additional target and gains bonus damage.
- Aura: Sona and tagged allied champions receive a shield.
- Oasis: Aria of Perseverance's aura continually pulses to heal all allies inside.
- Clutch: Aria of Perseverance's shield is increased based on the target's missing health.
- Power Chord – Diminuendo: Power Chord reduces its target's size and damage output.
- Benediction: Aria of Perseverance's active heals one additional ally.
- Aura: Tagged allied champions gain bonus movement speed.
- Hyped: Song of Celerity's aura cleanses allies of crowd-control, and its bonus movement speed is tripled.
- Retrograde: Song of Celerity's aura additionally pulses to slow nearby and deal magic damage per second.
- Power Chord – Tempo: Power Chord slows its target.
- Flurry: Song of Celerity's active blocks all nearby projectiles, turning them into healing missiles that seek out nearby allies.
- Cascade: Hitting an enemy with Crescendo recasts the ability behind them.
- Concerto: Crescendo now fires in 8 directions around Sona. Multiple hits on a target deal reduced damage.
Notable Matchups
Discussion threads involving Sona Buvelle |