Gorgom is an ancient and mysterious cult group serving as the main antagonists of the 1987-1988 Kamen Rider series installment Kamen Rider BLACK. They are mainly based in Japan and have members in various positions of high social standing, which helps enable them to carry out various criminal and terrorist activities in the name of world domination and mutant superiority over humanity. Their main foe is Kamen Rider Black, a rogue Gorgom Century King.
Ideology and Practices[]
Gorgom members consist of both human and non-humans. Gorgom promotes the belief that mutants, animal-themed monsters created from remodeling humans, are inherently superior to humankind due to their special abilities and thus preordained to rule over them. Despite this, Gorgom is not hostile to humans themselves and uses the promise of mutant superpowers to attract various wealthy and influential figures in society to join their cult, with the promise of transformation into a mutant should they serve the cult well. Gorgom's ideology is thus primarily supremacist in a Darwinian sense and concerned with rooting out the weak in society, that being people who are elderly, mentally ill or physically disabled and thus unfit to become mutants.
The leader of Gorgom is called the "Creation King" and typically reigns for a period of around 50,000 years, the average length of a Creation King's lifespan. When the current Creation King nears the end of his lifespan, a new Creation King is decided upon in a ritual that first involves selecting two "Century Kings", humans who have both been born on the day of a solar eclipse. Once two candidates are chosen and approved of by the current Creation King, they are both given a special artifact called a "Kingstone" and remodeled into different superpowered identities, with one becoming "Black Sun" and the other "Shadow Moon". The two Century Kings are then made to duel each other to the death, with the winner becoming the Creation King of Gorgom upon slaying his rival. Although Century Kings candidates are usually willing, if they refuse to participate in the ritual they may be forcibly remodeled and then brainwashed so they'll go along with it.
Creation King[]
The Creation King, also called the "King Genesis", sits at the top of Gorgom and is the ultimate authority over the cult. They are seldom seen by anyone in the cult other than the High Priests and others within Gorgom's inner circle, although most of the time it communicates with the High Priests via telepathy. Although the Creation King starts out with a full body, as it nears the end of its lifespan its body withers away until all that is left is a giant living heart, which houses the Creation King's consciousness.
Century King[]
The Century Kings are the chosen successors of the Creation King, both of which must be approved of by the Creation King. Once one slays the other in ritual combat, they become the heir apparent to the Creation King and begin directly ruling the cult, although they are still outranked by the previous Creation King and do not graduate to fully leading the cult until their predecessor reaches the end of its lifespan.
Handmaiden Mutants[]
The Handmaiden Mutants are a pair of female mutants colored gold and silver who directly serve the anointed Century King of Gorgom and as such, are technically ranked above the High Priests.
High Priests[]
The Three High Priests act as the representatives of Gorgom and are responsible for directly managing the cult. Their responsibilities include meeting with new members and remodeling select humans into Gorgom Mutants. Each also has a "Grand Mutant" form that is stronger than that of a typical Mutant.
- Main article: Gorgom Mutants
Gorgom Mutants are humans, willing or unwilling, who have been transformed into animal-themed monsters by the cult. Most prominent humans who join Gorgom do so with the desire to eventually be rewarded with a mutant form and extended lifespan. Mutants who were loyal followers of Gorgom prior to undergoing the remodeling procedure into a mutant are typically treated with respect and reverence by the Three High Priests. Gorgom also keeps a reserve of mutants to act as muscle for the cult, either being created from lower level human members or humans who have been unwillingly kidnapped and remodeled. Where these mutants are ranked varies, with some answering directly to the High Priests while others are ranked below even some of Gorgom's more prominent human members and serve as helpers to them in their schemes.
Human Members and Collaborators[]
Humans who join Gorgom typically do so in pursuit of elevating their social standing or with the desire of obtaining a superpowered mutant form and a long-lasting lifespan. Several of Gorgom's members are influential figures in Japanese society, like politicians or businesspeople, who use their standing to bolster or provide cover for Gorgom's more illicit activities. Others include well respected figures like Nobel Prize winning scientists, who use their special talents to serve Gorgom's goals. Some are simply humans who join Gorgom to receive financial support for their projects, like archaeologist Soichiro Akizuki, although Gorgom will only admit them if they prove useful to their goals in some way.
Gorgom has existed for at least 50 millennia since the choosing of their previous Creation King, although it is unknown how many Creation Kings existed before it.
20,000 years into its reign, Bilgenia was born on the day of a solar eclipse and set up as a possible candidate to succeed the current Creation King, but the Creation King did not find Bilgenia to be a worthy successor and had the High Priests seal him in a coffin.
In the year 1968, Kotaro Minami and Nobuhiko Akizuki were both born on the same day during a solar eclipse, setting them both up as ideal successors to the Creation King. After his parents died in an accident, Kotaro would be adopted by Nobuhiko's father Soichiro, who was coerced into joining Gorgom in exchange for his financial support for his archaeological projects so Gorgom could have access to his two sons. By the day of their 19th birthday in 1987, the Century King's lifespan was nearing its end. Kotaro and Nobuhiko were kidnapped by Gorgom's Three High Priests to be converted into Century Kings Black Sun and Shadow Moon for the ritualistic duel to decide the next Creation King, but before both could be brainwashed Soichiro disrupted the procedure, giving Kotaro a chance to escape and resulting in Nobuhiko needed to stay in an extended slumber before he was ready to arise as a Century King. Kotaro would subsequently use his new Century King powers to become Kamen Rider Black and fight to defend humanity against Gorgom's nefarious activities.
World of Black[]
Gorgom was also present in the A.R. World of Black, where it fought an alternate Kamen Rider Black who never became RX. They were recruited into Dai-Shocker by Apollo Geist after he arrived in their world. Gorgom's Sai Mutant was later summoned by Apollo Geist to convince Schwarian of the Crisis Empire to join Dai-Shocker. He would be called upon again to fight Black RX, only to be quickly destroyed by Black's Rider Punch.
OOO, Den-O, All Riders: Let's Go Kamen Riders[]
In the alternate timeline which emerged after Shocker Greeed defeated the Kamen Riders, Gorgom was one of the various organizations which joined Shocker after they took over the world, with High Priest Darom being granted a spot on Shocker's high council as a representative.
Three High Priests[]
- High Priest Darom - High Priest of Wisdom
- High Priest Baraom - High Priest of Strength
- High Priestess Bishum - High Priest of Prophecy
- Ryuzaburo Sakata
- Koichi Omiya
- Soichiro Akizuki
- Yoichi Daimon
- Hideomi Kuromatsu
- Yukari Tsukikage
- Shigeru Sugiyama
- Sword Master Bilgenia
- Dr. Takuya Ishida
Gorgom Mutants[]
- Bat Mutant
- Spider Mutant
- Leopard Mutant
- Silkworm Mutant
- Flea Mutant
- Goat Mutant
- Eagle Mutant
- Rhinoceros Mutant
- Cicada Mutant
- Bee Mutant
- Lizard Mutant
- Cactus Mutant
- Longhorn Beetle Mutant
- Crab Mutant
- Mammoth Mutant
- Tortoise Mutant
- Earwig Mutant
- Tapir Mutant
- Black Cat Mutant
- Aye-aye Mutant
- Anemone Mutant
- Jewel Beetle Mutant
- Wasp Mutant
- Chameleon Mutant
- Ammonite Mutant
- Coelacanth Mutant
- Mantis Mutant
- Buffalo Mutant
- Slug Moth Mutant
- Scarab Beetle Mutant
- Armadillo Mutant
- Squid Mutant
- Porcupine Mutant
- Mushroom Mutant
- Red Salmon Mutant
- Mole Cricket Mutant
- Rat Mutant
- Dogfish Mutant
- Phantom Mutants
- Centipede Mutant
- Salamander Mutant
- Cobra Mutant
- Fly Mutant
- Stag Beetle Mutant
- Whale Mutant
- Stickleback Mutant
Allied Organizations[]
- Shocker
- Government of Darkness
- Geddon
- Delza Army
- Crisis Empire
- Gurongi
- Lords
- Undead
- Imagin
- Fangire
- Dai-Shocker
- Museum
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Gorgom |
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