Valkyrie Anatomia Wikia

Party Assist is one of the game systems which helps players improve their strength. It allows you to set assist characters and weapons which will add their stats to the main party. This system is available from player rank 10.

How It Works

Each party can have several characters and weapons set for assisting. The bonus stats will be evenly distributed between all characters in the party.

Additional Character and Weapon Assist slots can be unlocked via nodes on some character's Character Potential Boards, with a maximum of 24 characters and 48 weapons contributing to the main party's stats. Once that cap is reached, unlocking the corresponding node on a character potential board will increase the amount of stats contributed by assisting characters and weapons, rather than increasing the number of slots.

Characters set as assists give part of their stats to the party. If they match element and weapon type with characters in the party, the bonus stats are higher[1]:

1 character 2 characters 3 characters 4 characters
Not matching 7.5% 7.5% 7.5% 7.5%
Same element 8.75% 9.635% 10.25% 10.75%
Same weapon type 8.75% 9.635% 10.25% 10.75%
Same element and weapon 10.0% 11.75% 13.35% 14.0%

For weapons, it doesn't matter if they match the party's equipped weapons or not. All weapons add 5% of their stats as bonus by default.

Divine Transferred characters and weapons don't give any bonuses as assists. They need to be changed or returned from Divine Transfer.

Character Assist

Character Assist slots are unlocked with player's rank: player has 1 slot at rank 10, 2 slots at rank 20, 3 slots at level 30 and 4 at level 40.

Additional slots can be unlocked with special nodes on some characters' Character Potential Boards. Here is the list of characters who have Character Assist nodes:

The following list was cached on March 10, 21:47 UTC. If it is missing content, you can search the wiki or clear the cache.
Image Name Class How to Obtain
Ailyth the Shackled Sorcerer Artifact (Servant Tool)
Arbiter Hrist Valkyrie Artifact (Shield of Judgment)
Awakened Lenneth Valkyrie Artifact (Feather of Awakening)
Black Valkyrie Valkyrie Artifact (Black Valkyrie Equipment)
Creation Valkyrie Valkyrie Artifact (Spearsword Misteltein (AF))
Dark Formalwear Hel Deity Artifact (Underworld Ruler's Sword)
Destruction God Loki Deity Artifact (Indigo Dragon Orb)
Elegant Creation Valkyrie Valkyrie Artifact (Valkyrie's True Blade)
Ethereal Queen Deity Artifact (Ultimate Wand)
Eventide Hakurei Valkyrie Artifact (Eventide Plume (AF))
Fair Maiden Silmeria Guardian Artifact (Ornament Sword Ecold)
False God of Hatred Deity Artifact (False God Awakening Crystal)
False-Winged Lezard Necromancer Artifact (Tome of Dark Desire)
Fertility Witch Freya Deity Artifact (Magical Hat)
Griffith Swordfighter Artifact (Light Falcon's Blade (AF))
Halloween Ethereal Deity Artifact (Ultimate Tiara)
Heavenly Guardian Hakurei Valkyrie Artifact (White-Winged Sword)
Jessica Swordfighter Artifact (Noble Ornament)
Mercurius Swordfighter Artifact (Partida Ropera)
Obsidian Arbiter Hrist Valkyrie Artifact (Battlemaiden's Helm)
Ocean Pirate Frei Deity Artifact (Viking Hat)
Queen of Winter Hrist Valkyrie Artifact (Valkyrie Mules)
Sacred Light Valkyrie Valkyrie Artifact (Immaculate Trinity Wings)
Shakugan Valkyrie Artifact (Shakugan's Mask)
Silver-Haired Bride Valkyrie Artifact (Basket of Memories)
Snow Maiden Lenneth F Valkyrie Artifact (Maiden Hair Ornament)
Spring Goddess Norn Deity Artifact (Spring Goddess Hat)
Summer Alice Archer Artifact (Azura Water Gun)
Summer Valkyrie Alicia Valkyrie Artifact (Shore Guardian Sword)
Transcendental Dusktide Valkyrie Artifact (Sacred Sword & Shield)
Transcendental Lezard Necromancer Artifact (Heretic Spellbook)
Valkyrie Alice Godslayer Spear Artifact (Trachian Empire Banner)
Valkyrie Alicia Valkyrie Artifact (Guardian Greatsword (AF))
Valkyrie Ceryl Valkyrie Artifact (Mystery Shield)
Vermilion Winged Lenneth Valkyrie Artifact (Scorching Sacred Treasures)
Waraxe Kokuyō Valkyrie Artifact (Obsidian Wings of Resolve)

Weapon Assist

Weapon Assist slots are unlocked with player's rank: 2 slots at rank 10, 4 slots at rank 20, 6 slots at level 30, 8 at level 40.

Additional slots can be unlocked with special nodes on some characters' Character Potential Boards. Here is the list of characters who have Weapon Assist nodes:

The following list was cached on March 10, 21:47 UTC. If it is missing content, you can search the wiki or clear the cache.
Image Name Class How to Obtain
Aelia Heavy Warrior Artifact (Dragonian Halberd (AF))
Agnès Sorcerer Artifact (Wind Crystal)
Ais Wallenstein Swordfighter Artifact (Desperate (AF))
Amelia Sorcerer Artifact (Rose Corsage)
Awakened Valkyrie Alice Valkyrie Artifact (Obsidian Shield)
Bayonetta Swordfighter Artifact (Umbran Watch)
Belenus Swordfighter Artifact (Flower of Destiny)
Blessed Silmeria Valkyrie Artifact (Divine Scripture)
Bride Alicia Valkyrie Artifact (Bride Bouquet)
Calamity God Lezard Swordfighter Artifact (Usurped Treasure Sword)
Celestial Armor Wylfred Heavy Warrior Artifact (Holy Shield Celestia)
Christmas Frei Swordfighter Artifact (Red Santa Hat)
Christmas Freya Deity Artifact (Deep-Red Corsage)
Christmas Norn Deity Artifact (Laurel Crown)
Cliff Heavy Warrior Artifact (Quark Girder)
Cress Swordfighter Artifact (Eternal Sword (AF))
Crimson Dragon Aelia Heavy Warrior Artifact (Crimson Dragon Orb)
Curseblade Dragon Aelia Swordfighter Artifact (Dragonscale Gauntlets)
Dark Flower Sennah Swordfighter Artifact (Sinful Flower Eyepatch)
Darkness Mystina Sorcerer Artifact (Klastos Rubini)
Delusional Ailyth Sorcerer Artifact (Treacherous Servant's Uniform)
Demon Alphio Archer Artifact (Red Stake)
Destruction Angel Iseria Deity Artifact (Luna Ultima (AF))
Diane Heavy Warrior Artifact (Envious Coat of Arms)
Divine Archer Marge Archer Artifact (Thief's Feathered Hat)
Divine Knight Alicia Valkyrie Artifact (Divine Princess Shield)
Elle Swordfighter Artifact (Shield of the Gods)
False Ashen God Deity Artifact (False God Nucleus)
Fang Warrior Arngrim Heavy Warrior Artifact (Abyssal Slayer)
Fenrir Heavy Warrior Artifact (Wolf Lance)
Frosty Sorcerer Artifact (Assassin's Wand)
Gandar Sorcerer Artifact (Sorcerer Strategist's Staff)
Garm Ailyth Archer Artifact (Cerberus Brooch)
Gilbert Swordfighter Artifact (Inherited Bracers)
Goblin Slayer Swordfighter Artifact (Worn Iron Helmet)
Golden Thunder Fist Brahms Heavy Warrior Artifact (Golden Crest of the Undead King)
Golden-Garbed Leny Swordfighter Artifact (Famed Sword Altamila)
Groom Lucian Swordfighter Artifact (Fabulous Tuxedo)
Groom Rufus Archer Artifact (Pistol of Determination)
Guts Heavy Warrior Artifact (Dragon Slayer (AF))
Halloween Altveer Archer Artifact (Retainer of the Dark Prince)
Hawkeye Bedelia Archer Artifact (Steel Bow Badlas)
Hestia Deity Artifact (Hestia's Cord)
High Handed Jelanda Sorcerer Artifact (Queenly Supper)
Jade Silk Mystina Sorcerer Artifact (Wand of Transcendent Knowledge)
Jayle Swordfighter Artifact (Blade of Resolve and Deceit)
Jun Heavy Warrior Artifact (Emotion Charm)
Kaede Swordfighter Artifact (Fan of Spring)
Koharu Swordfighter Artifact (Revenge Mask and Katana of Determination)
Kokuyō Valkyrie Artifact (Dusk Labrys)
Leone Swordfighter Artifact (Jewel-Encrusted Sword (AF))
Lina Sorcerer Artifact (Genius Mage's Shoulderguards)
Little Match Girl Alice Sorcerer Artifact (Matchstick Prop)
Lloyd Archer Artifact (Trachian Books)
Lorenta Sorcerer Artifact (Headmistress's Staff)
Lumille Heavy Warrior Artifact (Special Division Gloves)
Master Loki Archer Artifact (Emperor Fire Hood)
Meliodas Swordfighter Artifact (Judgment of Fury)
Mercenary Caradoc Swordfighter Artifact (Mercenary's Twin Blades)
Milla Sorcerer Artifact (Fair Sword)
Myuria Sorcerer Artifact (Widow Longstaff)
Naga Sorcerer Artifact (Keepsake Necklace)
Nephele Sorcerer Artifact (Angel Poof)
Olberic Swordfighter Artifact (Olberic's Pledgesword (AF))
Pale Moon Siegfried Swordfighter Artifact (Pale Moon Knight's Ritual Armaments)
Peppo Archer Artifact (Clumsy Stole)
Priestess Sorcerer Artifact (Priestess's Crosier)
Primrose Swordfighter Artifact (Primrose's Fan (AF))
Progenitor God Sephiroth Deity Artifact (Rhinegold)
Queen of Niflheim Hel Deity Artifact (Death-Alluring Flame)
Raindrop Shiho Sorcerer Artifact (Song Maiden's Umbrella)
Reimi Archer Artifact (First Mate Bow)
Ringabel Swordfighter Artifact (D's Notebook)
Rudolph Heavy Warrior Artifact (Genius Assassin's Tools)
Schierke Sorcerer Artifact (Apprentice Witch's Staff)
Scholar Mystina Sorcerer Artifact (Scholarly Woman's Cap)
Shiho Sorcerer Artifact (Songstress's Necklace)
Sinful Wylfred Archer Artifact (Vengeance-Infused Weaponry)
Skuld Heavy Warrior Artifact (Valkyrie Blade (AF))
Snow Fairy Alice Heavy Warrior Artifact (Fairy Diamonds)
Summer Ailyth Heavy Warrior Artifact (Servant Bracelet)
Summer Angel Iseria Deity Artifact (Queen's Summer Equipment)
Summer Freya Deity Artifact (Vacation Umbrella)
Summer Hakurei Sorcerer Artifact (Hibiscus Hair Ornament)
Summer Leny Swordfighter Artifact (Teacher's Cardigan)
Summer Thaila Heavy Warrior Artifact (Azure Earrings)
Suo Heavy Warrior Artifact (Demon Blade)
Supreme Deity Odin Deity Artifact (Ice Spear Gungnir)
Tide Sailor Yumei Sorcerer Artifact (Sailor's Cap)
Trickster Cat Alice Heavy Warrior Artifact (Alice O'Lantern)
Underworld Liu Archer Artifact (Knife of Loss and Hope)
Valentine Rebecca Heavy Warrior Artifact (Student Bag)
Valentine Sennah Archer Artifact (Valentine Chocolate)
Valkyrie Aurora Valkyrie Artifact (Violet Star Shield)
Velvet Heavy Warrior Artifact (Unnamed Blade)
Victory Goddess Freya Deity Artifact (Harvest Goddess Hat)
Wylfred Swordfighter Artifact (Avenger Sword (AF))
YoRHa No.2 Type B Swordfighter Artifact (Virtuous Contract)
Yukata Maya Archer Artifact (Commander's Finest)
Yuki Archer Artifact (Caprice Gear)
Yumei Sorcerer Artifact (Fragment of Lapis Gem)


  1. Stats are according to game8.