Valkyrie Anatomia Wikia

Yumei is one of the playable characters in the game. She is acquired by offering the artifact Fragment of Lapis Gem to Odin. It can be acquired from limited-time gachas.

Her stats on GL were buffed after her release at the same time as release of her related event, Summer Island Mermaid.


A young girl from Yamato born the daughter of a human and a mermaid. When and where she came from is uncertain.
~ In-game profile


One of Yumei's best traits is the ability to Freeze with all her normal attacks. Her skill Mother's Ocean increases both physical and magical defense along with status resistance of all party members.

Wonder Arts
Greatly increase Magic (~12/24/36/48/60%) and increase damage dealt by Ice attacks (~2/4/6/8/10%).
Chilled Package
Deal increased Ice damage and increase Crystal drop rate.
Mother's Ocean
[All] Increase Defense and Mind for all allies and gain increased resistance to all status ailments, excluding special status ailments.
Party Skill I.Dance

Crystal Strike
Limited Skill: Lapis Lazuli
Sacrifice 1 level of Purification Gauge to activate. For 3 turns, increase Magic of all allies.
Recharge: 5
Enchant Skill: Ice Blessing
For 1 turn, increase normal attack damage of user's Ice attacks by 30%. Can only be used twice per battle.
Recharge: 1Scrolls: Silver

Name Type Ele. Dir. Hits
Icicle Edge 4
Frigid Damsel 2
Icicle Edge 4
Frigid Damsel 2
Icicle Edge 4
Default Attacks 3

Exclusive Orb: Lapis Gem Orb
Level 99 stats
HP Phys. Atk. Mag. Atk. Phys. Def. Mag. Def.
5450 680 1690 785 1100
Stone Resist Vigor
Lowers the chance to get Petrified.

