Valkyria Wiki
Notorious Bastards
Terrain Dirt
Time of day Day
Number of units 3: Simon, Viola, Emmy
CP 4 per turn + 1 leader
SP 1
Turn limit 20
Turns for A rank 5
Objectives All enemies are defeated
Failure conditions Any allied soldier is forced to retreat

All allied infantry fall in action 20 turns pass

Enemy vehicles Gatling Turret x 2
Enemy officers None
Enemy ace(s) None
Ace drop(s) None

Mischief Makers is the squad story focused on Viola, Simon, and Emmy. The combat mission is Mischief Makers.



This takes place on the same map as the second part of Chapter 3: Rangers in the Storm, with the differences of it being in daytime, and the northeast starting corner being inaccessible. In addition, there's grenadier shelters placed in the west part of the map, wooden walls placed around the southern most part of the map, and additional sandbags placed throughout.

Simon, Emmy, and Viola will start in the northeast part of the map and will work their way counterclockwise to defeat the opposing Federation team.


We will now begin the mock battle to rehabilitate your insubordinate troops[]

"Simon, Viola, and Emmy are to engage an opposing team, led by the squad leader. The program will be considered a success when all three of you work together to win."

Location: Forest

Description: Defeat all enemy units to get the troublemakers through "rehabilitation" safely. The program will be deemed a failure if Simon, Viola, or Emmy is eliminated.

"That concludes the briefing. Now it's time for rehab."



Base Reward
3500 4570
Ranking Bonus
Turns Rank EXP DCT
1-5 A 7000 9140
6-7 B 5250 6855
8-9 C 3500 4570
10+ D 0 0
Unit Rewards
Unit Count EXP DCT
Heavy Tank
Special Tank
Stationary Gun 2 350 457
Total ' '
Other Rewards
Emmy, Viola, and Simon gain a positive fourth potential or replace a negative one with a positive one at the conclusion of the squad story.



  • The mission name is a reference to the movie Inglorious Basterds.
  • Ironically, Simon's replacement potential may be considered worse than his original fourth potential as it is much more situational whereas his original could raise his accuracy at any time.
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Valkyria Chronicles 4 Mission List
Chapter 00 | 01 | 02 | i1 | 03a | 03b | 04a | 04b | 04c | 05 | 06 | 07a | 07b | i2 | 08a | 08b | i3 | 09 | 10 | 11 | i4 | 12 | 13 | i5 | 14 | 15a | 15b | 16 | 17a | 17b | 18a | 18b | E
Squad Stories Like Old Times (Curtis, Laurent, Eileen) | A Prayer for the Broken (Godwin, Nico, Rosetta) | The Price of Skill (Neige, Aladdin, Leonhardt) | Mischief Makers (Emmy, Viola, Simon) | Reluctant Solitude (Louffe, Stahlschrott) | Honor, Pride, and Regret (Rebecca, Fleuret, Mabel) | Worlds Apart (Zaiga, Vancey, Gertrude) | All the Single Ladies (Millenia, Brittany, Rita) | To Live Unbound (Scott, Norid, Azusa) | Treading New Ground (Aulard, Miles, Dan) | Legacies Left (Keigel, Ryan, Ronald) | Girl in the Iron Mask (Ferrier, Jean, Stanley) | Love and Logic (Aoife, Jascha, Hanna) | Unfortunate Souls (Jimmy, Lily, Odin) | Gambler's Ruin (Jester, Teresa, Connor) | Soul of the Navy (Brian, André, Sergio) | A Chivalrous Heart (Minerva, Christel)
Skirmish Normal: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10
Hard: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09
Challenge: 01 | 02 | 03
Expert: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06
DLC 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05