This map takes place at the outskirts of Milt, like the prologue mission. Curtis, Eileen, and Laurent will start in the northeast corner of the map, and will have to make their way to the escape point in the south.
There is one enemy camp along the west most path, just northwest of the stable.
Kane's Farmhouse
Kane's Field
Milt Suburbs
Allow me to brief you on your mission[]
"Our task is to eliminate the enemy forces advancing on the outskirts of Milt. They've spread out their formation, so we'll need to split up into two teams. Take care not to advance too far. I'd hate to see you isolated from the main force."
Location: Milt Outskirts
Description: Get Curtis, Eileen, and Laurent to their destination in one piece. The operation will end in failure if any of them are killed in action.