Valkyria Wiki
Blackwell Down
Terrain Grass
Time of day Day
Number of units 3: Curtis, Eileen, Laurent
CP 4 per turn + 1 leader
SP 1 (if progressed past Chapter 4b)
Turn limit 20
Turns for A rank 4
Objectives Curtis, Eileen, and Laurent reach the target
Failure conditions Any allied foot soldier is killed

All allied infantry fall in action 20 turns pass

Enemy vehicles Light Tank x 3

Medium Tank x 1

Enemy officers Scout x 1
Enemy ace(s) Field Agent Mors
Ace drop(s) ZM Kar 2(e)

Like Old Times is the squad story focusing on Curtis, Eileen, and Laurent. Blackwell Down is the combat mission for it.



This map takes place at the outskirts of Milt, like the prologue mission. Curtis, Eileen, and Laurent will start in the northeast corner of the map, and will have to make their way to the escape point in the south.

There is one enemy camp along the west most path, just northwest of the stable.



  • Kane's Farmhouse
  • Kane's Field
  • Windmill
  • Stable
  • Milt Suburbs

Allow me to brief you on your mission[]

"Our task is to eliminate the enemy forces advancing on the outskirts of Milt. They've spread out their formation, so we'll need to split up into two teams. Take care not to advance too far. I'd hate to see you isolated from the main force."

Location: Milt Outskirts

Description: Get Curtis, Eileen, and Laurent to their destination in one piece. The operation will end in failure if any of them are killed in action.

"That will be all. Commence operations!"



Base Reward
1240 1490
Enemy Ace Reward
Field Agent Mors - ZM Kar 2(e)
Ranking Bonus
Turns Rank EXP DCT
1-4 A 2480 2980
5 B 1860 2235
6 C 1240 1490
7+ D 0 0
Unit Rewards
Unit Count EXP DCT
Leader 1 124 149
Ace 1 148 178
Tank 4 496 596
Heavy Tank
Special Tank
Stationary Gun
Total 6 768 923
Other Rewards
Curtis, Eileen, and Laurent gain a positive fourth potential or replace a negative one with a positive one at the conclusion of the squad story.


  • The mission name is a reference to the movie Blackhawk Down.
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Valkyria Chronicles 4 Mission List
Chapter 00 | 01 | 02 | i1 | 03a | 03b | 04a | 04b | 04c | 05 | 06 | 07a | 07b | i2 | 08a | 08b | i3 | 09 | 10 | 11 | i4 | 12 | 13 | i5 | 14 | 15a | 15b | 16 | 17a | 17b | 18a | 18b | E
Squad Stories Like Old Times (Curtis, Laurent, Eileen) | A Prayer for the Broken (Godwin, Nico, Rosetta) | The Price of Skill (Neige, Aladdin, Leonhardt) | Mischief Makers (Emmy, Viola, Simon) | Reluctant Solitude (Louffe, Stahlschrott) | Honor, Pride, and Regret (Rebecca, Fleuret, Mabel) | Worlds Apart (Zaiga, Vancey, Gertrude) | All the Single Ladies (Millenia, Brittany, Rita) | To Live Unbound (Scott, Norid, Azusa) | Treading New Ground (Aulard, Miles, Dan) | Legacies Left (Keigel, Ryan, Ronald) | Girl in the Iron Mask (Ferrier, Jean, Stanley) | Love and Logic (Aoife, Jascha, Hanna) | Unfortunate Souls (Jimmy, Lily, Odin) | Gambler's Ruin (Jester, Teresa, Connor) | Soul of the Navy (Brian, André, Sergio) | A Chivalrous Heart (Minerva, Christel)
Skirmish Normal: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10
Hard: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09
Challenge: 01 | 02 | 03
Expert: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06
DLC 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05