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A Captainless Squad is a downloadable content for Valkyria Chronicles 4, playable after Chapter 10 is unlocked.


Winter, 1935 EC

One day onboard the Centurion, members of Squad E noticed that the medic dog Ragnarok had gone missing. With Claude and the other sub-leaders away on reconnaissance, squad members who realized they had been negligent in their duties to the dog decide to go out and search. Little could they fathom that it was going to be the beginning of a "picnic"...



  • Included as part of the Season Pass available for purchase in the Japanese PSN store beginning March 21, 2018.
  • Available for direct purchase in the Japanese PSN store beginning April 5, 2018.
  • Worldwide release October 23rd, 2018.
  • The Complete Edition Update on November 6, 2019; gifted this DLC for free to all owners of the VC4 on Steam.


Victory Conditions

  • The enemy base camp is captured (False Condition)
  • 3 Infantry units reach the target (When the Vulcan is discovered)

Failure Conditions
  • 20 turns pass.
  • Any allied foot soldier is killed
  • The enemy occupies your base camp
  • All allied infantry fall in action
  • The Vulcan reaches the target (When the Vulcan is discovered)

DLC Missions in the Captainless Squad is exactly as the title says, you won't be having the captain for this mission and the game will force you to use the following Squad E members (Rosetta, Azusa, Zaiga, Simon, Hanna, Rita, Neige, and Connor).

Due to the mission objective, you cannot play recklessly for this mission, if any unit falls in critical condition it will be a game over. The good thing is that you have 5 turns to get an A rank. If you have happened to any of the units above promoted to a Leader it will make this mission much easier as you can use the Direct Command function.

Playing this mission is simply trying to clear out as much enemy shocktroopers to create a safe path to reach the southeast camp. When you reach there it will change the victory condition to have 3 units reach the southwest point.

Turn 1

Start the mission by moving your shocktrooper towards the northeast route. You will find an engineer hiding in the grass here, kill the engineer and go towards a little further, you will find a stationary gun here, blow it up from the side on the next action and continue northeast. Use the shocktrooper again and kill the shocktrooper nearby and then use the sandbags for cover while facing southwest. Switch over to Connor and have him move northeast near the grass. This is a perfect spot for Connor as he can target the two tanks. The northeast tank can be easily blown up by targeting the radiator as the tank is placed right next to a ragnabox. The southeast tank is much harder to blow up, and you will most likely need to 4 shots. If you run out of ammo, have Rita go near Connor to refill his ammo.

When the tanks are destroyed, you should be out of CP by now. If you still got CP to spare, snipe the scout on the northeast tower. On the enemy phase, they will send their shocktroopers at you if you're near them. These enemy shocktroopers are actually the elite type and can use flamethrowers.

Turn 2

On your next turn, switch back to the shocktrooper that is placed northeast, and have him continue northeast, the shocktrooper will find another a shocktrooper hiding in the grass, you can either use a flamethrower on him or move on, there will be a leader grenaider right here, kill the grenaider and have the shocktrooper stationed on the sandbags here. Make sure you have the shocktrooper heal himself as he will be a likely target on the enemy phase. Now use your Grenadier to shoot at the enemies on the east side of him. Also have your other units hide in the grass as well.

Turn 3

On the next turn, move your units from the camp and clear the units southeast. Have the these units move around the ledge as there is a barricade that will prevent you from going directly southwest. Have at least a shocktrooper, scout and an enginner station on the southwest side of the map.

There is also an enemy ace hiding in the northwest side of the map just behind the truck. You can either kill that ace now or wait till the next turn. Killing the ace will drop the ZM SG XD(e) rifle.

Turn 4

On the next turn the shocktrooper hiding on the northeast side of the map should try to reach to the enemy camp. This will trigger an event scene with Klaus and will change the mission objective to reach the southwest destination. The units that were placed at the southwest side of the map should try to get there, if you have the Direct Command function, using it now would be ideal. Just be careful of the enemy shocktroopers placed there, if you don't have Direct Command, then clear out the enemy units with a shocktrooper or a grenade, and take the three units to the destination point to complete the mission. With a 5 turn time limit for an A rank, it should be easy to reach even with a bit of mistakes performing this map.

Base Reward
8000 20000
Enemy Ace Reward
Solitary Zahl - ZM SG XD(e)
Ranking Bonus
Turns Rank EXP DCT
1-5 A 16000 30000
6 B 12000 24000
7 C 8000 20000
8+ D 0 0
Unit Rewards
Unit Count EXP DCT
Leader 2 320 800
Ace 1 320 800
Tank 2 320 800
Heavy Tank
Special Tank
Stationary Gun 1 160 400
Total 6 1120 2800

Victory Conditions

  • 4 Infantry units reach the target

Failure Conditions
  • All allied infantry fall in action
  • 20 turns pass.
  • Any allied foot soldier is killed

For this mission, you will be using the same units you have from the previous mission. If any of the scouts can be promoted to a leader unit (i.e. Azusa, Rosetta) it will be extremely helpful for this mission.

Equipping a Lancer or Shocktrooper unit with high defense accessory for the unit to act as bait can make this mission really easy.

The objective of this mission is to bring 4 people to the southeast corner of the map. This task isn't that difficult, the biggest obstacle would be actually trying to kill the enemy ace located at the northeast corner of the map. Due to the area loaded with a ton of enemy units on the northeast corner of the map, it's pretty hard to get there safely.

Turn 1

Start the mission with your leader scout and bring two other units if you have "Direct Command", a shocktrooper or a lancer. A sniper can work too, if Neige is equipped with an anti-tank sniper rifle. Proceed to the bottom side of the map, there is a tank located there and a shocktrooper. Head for the tank first and destroy it, then have your scout or your shocktrooper kill the enemy shocktrooper from behind. Use your CP to kill the scout placed on the south side of the plateau, and any enemy forces near the eastern plateau; this area can be used as cover from Crymaria. Have the rest of your assault team hide here.

Now on the main base, have Connor aim for the enemy grenadier on the east side of the map. Once the grenadier is dead, have Connor retreat. You should also leave one person at your base. This is bait unit, recommended for someone with fairly high defense. Either your lancer unit or one of shocktroopers. Then send your engineer unit north, there will be an enemy shocktrooper hiding in the northwest corner of the map. Kill this shocktrooper. Have your second scout head to the bottom side of the map along with the rest of your team.

During the enemy phase, Crymaria will be targeting whoever that is stationed at your base camp. This diversion allows the assault forces on the south side of the map to get through and kill the enemy forces there. You will need to be careful here, as there are enemy shocktroopers nearby, you can either use your scout to kill them from behind, or have your shocktrooper kill them.

Turn 2

If you want to complete the mission right now, then try to have all four assault units move to the destination area east of the plateau.

If you're after the ace unit, have the engineer on the northwest side of the map move towards the northeast side of the map. Killing the ace will drop the ZM MP XD(e), machine gun. Then have the rest of your team return back to the destination area to complete the mission.

Base Reward
9000 21000
Enemy Ace Reward
Valiant Condor - ZM MP XD(e)
Ranking Bonus
Turns Rank EXP DCT
1-5 A 18000 31500
6 B 13500 25200
7 C 9000 21000
8+ D 0 0
Unit Rewards
Unit Count EXP DCT
Ace 1 360 840
Tank 4 720 1680
Heavy Tank
Special Tank
Stationary Gun 2 360 840
Total 7 1440 3360
Other Rewards
Receive Gallian-X5D, Reising M9A5D, SB9-5D

Victory Conditions

  • The enemy base camp is captured.

Failure Conditions
  • The enemy occupies your base camp.
  • All allied infantry fall in action
  • 20 turns pass.

On this mission, you will be fighting Claude and his teammates with Zaiga's group of friends. This mission takes place in the exact same location as the Moutainous Retreat battle from Chapter 7.

Due to the large scale of this map, you are given 7 turns to get an A rank. Deploy half of the units you need, as you will need to deploy them from other camps you will capture. If Azusa or Rosetta has been promoted to a leader it will be ideal for this map. If you don't have any of them promoted to leader, then you will need to play to play this mission at a slower pace and have your lower AP units deploy from the later camps.

Turn 1

Start with using the Leader scout and use Direct Command to bring a shocktrooper. Head to the west side of the map, there is a path covered completely in snow, look for the Ragna-Crate on the edge of it, destroy the crate to remove the snow. Follow the path until you find a ladder it will take to the southwest side of the map.

Now switch to Connor and have him blow up the enemies hiding on the southeast corner. Then once you're done, have him retreat back to base. Then switch to the shocktrooper you brought, and have clear the shocktrooper at the nearby camp. Then use the same shocktrooper to capture the camp. If the shocktrooper is still alive in the corner, you can blow up the nearby Ragna-crate to take care of that.

Use the newly captured camp to deploy another shocktrooper. Then bring the leader scout to the new camp location, you will find there a Ragna-crate on the path south, shoot the crate to remove the pile of snow. End your turn.

Turn 2

When you regain your turn, the shocktrooper you have should go to the east side of the map. There he will find a shocktrooper and the path will eventually lead to Raz. You can easily take care of Raz by shooting him in the back of the head. Now switch to the Leader Scout and have her use Direct Command to bring the shocktooper with her, then go down the same path where Raz was and pick up your other shocktrooper, you should run out of AP as you make it near the next camp. Use the trooper that is low on AP to capture the nearby camp. Then switch to the trooper will full AP and head to the west side of the map. This trooper will be a target for Riley. Take the small passage on the center, once you get through that, you will end up on the camp where Minerva and Riley is. Use this shocktrooper to capture the camp. Then use this camp to deploy Hanna.

Turn 3

On the next turn, you Kai should show up to hit the scout that is camping on the second base you have captured. Once you have survived the enemy phase. You can use the Hanna to destroy the pile of snow on the southwest corner, she will eventually find a ladder that will her to path behind the Hafen. Destroy the Hafen. Now with the remaining CP to spare, you can try to use Hanna to capture the camp if you can take out the enemy shocktrooper here. If not then you can use the leader scout to bring a shocktrooper with her and then have the shocktrooper capture the last base to complete the mission.

Base Reward
10000 22000
Ranking Bonus
Turns Rank EXP DCT
1-7 A 20000 33000
8 B 15000 26400
9 C 10000 22000
10+ D 0 0
Unit Rewards
Unit Count EXP DCT
Heavy Tank 1 200 440
Special Tank
Stationary Gun
Total ' '
Other Rewards
Receive Hartmann MS5D and Brondel M105XD

Receive Witch's Knight tank decal (+6 defense, +3 accuracy)


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Valkyria Chronicles 4
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Valkyria Chronicles 4 Characters
Federation Edinburgh Army
101st Division,
1st Battle Brigade

32nd Armored Ranger Corps,
2nd Regiment
Platoon E
Squad E

Main Characters Claude (s✦q✦g) | Miles (s✦q✦g) | Dan (s✦q✦g) | Riley (s✦q✦g) | Raz (s✦q✦g)
Kai (s✦q✦g) | Angelica (s✦q✦g) | Minerva (s✦q✦g) | Ronald (s✦q✦g)
Tanks Cactus (s✦q✦g) | Glory (s✦q✦g) | Hafen (s✦q✦g)
Scout Curtis (s✦q✦g) | Godwin (s✦q✦g) | Jester (s✦q✦g)
Thomas (s✦q✦g) | Rosetta (s✦q✦g) | Teresa (s✦q✦g)
Azusa (s✦q✦g) | Christel (s✦q✦g) | Nico (s✦q✦g)
Millenia (s✦q✦g) | Brian (s✦q✦g)
Shocktrooper Zaiga (s✦b✦q✦g) | Simon (s✦b✦q✦g) | Scott (s✦b✦q✦g)
Stanley (s✦b✦q✦g) | Ryan (s✦b✦q✦g) | Vancey (s✦b✦q✦g)
Viola (s✦b✦q✦g) | Emmy (s✦b✦q✦g) | Fleuret (s✦b✦q✦g)
Ferrier (s✦b✦q✦g) | Lily (s✦b✦q✦g)
Lancer Laurent (s✦b✦q✦g) | Keigel (s✦b✦q✦g) | Jimmy (s✦b✦q✦g)
Sergio (s✦b✦q✦g) | Gertrude (s✦b✦q✦g) | Jean (s✦b✦q✦g)
Hanna (s✦b✦q✦g) | Brittany (s✦b✦q✦g)
Engineer André (s✦b✦q✦g) | Aulard (s✦b✦q✦g) | Rebecca (s✦b✦q✦g)
Rita (s✦b✦q✦g) | Eileen (s✦b✦q✦g)
Sniper Aladdin (s✦b✦q✦g) | Norid (s✦b✦q✦g) | Leonhardt (s✦b✦q✦g)
Neige (s✦b✦q✦g) | Mabel (s✦b✦q✦g)
Grenadier Ben (s✦b✦q✦g) | Jascha (s✦b✦q✦g) | Connor (s✦b✦q✦g)
Aoife (s✦b✦q✦g) | Louffe (s✦b✦q✦g)
Support Karen (s✦b✦q✦g) | Ragnarok (s✦b✦q✦g) | Roland (s✦b✦q✦g)
Marie (s✦b✦q✦g)
Empire Crymaria (s✦b✦q✦g) | Klaus (s✦b✦q✦g) | Forseti (s✦b✦q✦g)
Belgar (s✦b✦q✦g) | Chiara (s✦b✦q✦g) | Nikola (s✦b✦q✦g)
Downloadable Content Alicia (s✦b✦q✦g) | Welkin (s✦b✦q✦g) | Isara (s✦b✦q✦g) | Rosie (s✦b✦q✦g)
Largo (s✦b✦q✦g) | Edy (s✦b✦q✦g) | Selvaria (s✦b✦q✦g)
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Valkyria Chronicles 4 Mission List
Chapter 00 | 01 | 02 | i1 | 03a | 03b | 04a | 04b | 04c | 05 | 06 | 07a | 07b | i2 | 08a | 08b | i3 | 09 | 10 | 11 | i4 | 12 | 13 | i5 | 14 | 15a | 15b | 16 | 17a | 17b | 18a | 18b | E
Squad Stories Like Old Times (Curtis, Laurent, Eileen) | A Prayer for the Broken (Godwin, Nico, Rosetta) | The Price of Skill (Neige, Aladdin, Leonhardt) | Mischief Makers (Emmy, Viola, Simon) | Reluctant Solitude (Louffe, Stahlschrott) | Honor, Pride, and Regret (Rebecca, Fleuret, Mabel) | Worlds Apart (Zaiga, Vancey, Gertrude) | All the Single Ladies (Millenia, Brittany, Rita) | To Live Unbound (Scott, Norid, Azusa) | Treading New Ground (Aulard, Miles, Dan) | Legacies Left (Keigel, Ryan, Ronald) | Girl in the Iron Mask (Ferrier, Jean, Stanley) | Love and Logic (Aoife, Jascha, Hanna) | Unfortunate Souls (Jimmy, Lily, Odin) | Gambler's Ruin (Jester, Teresa, Connor) | Soul of the Navy (Brian, André, Sergio) | A Chivalrous Heart (Minerva, Christel)
Skirmish Normal: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10
Hard: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09
Challenge: 01 | 02 | 03
Expert: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06
DLC 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05
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Valkyria Chronicles 4 Gameplay
System CANVAS | BLiTZ | Book Mode | Briefing | Command Mode | CP | Action Mode | AP | Incapacitation | Last Stands | Camps | Decorations
Headquarters Command Room | Training Field | R&D Facility | Infirmary | Mess Hall | Cenotaph |Private Quarters
Classes Scout | Shocktrooper | Lancer | Sniper | Engineer | Grenadier
Weapons Artillery Rifles | Machine Guns | Lances | Sniper Rifles | Mortars | Grenades | Flamethrowers
Combat Vehicles Hafen | Cactus | Glory | Federation Tank | Light Tank
Glossary Europa | Atlantic Federation | East Europan Imperial Alliance | Principality of Gallia
United Kingdom of Edinburgh | Hafen | Fort Krest | Lindbergh Base | Europan Calendar (EC)
First Europan War | Second Europan War | War of the Valkyrur | Federate Forces | Imperial Forces
Squad E | Squad F | Tank | Paradrop | Balloon Net | Valkyrur | Darcsen | Starchild Festival | Valkyria | Valkyrian Experiments | Valkyria Bomb | Ragnite | Ragnite Industry | Ragnite Implosion | Ragnite Implosion Turbine | Ceasefire Treaty
News History's Greatest Comeback | Best Invention Since Tanks! | "Unbreakable" Krest Broken!
Imperial Comms Hub Taken | Closer to the Siegval Line | New Imperial Tanks Afield
Iron Wall Abandoned! | Bad Weather Slows Federation | First Snowfall Hits
The Imperial Counterattack | Federation Forced to Retreat | Imperial Supply Base Falls
Plight of the Islanders | The Wonders of Ragnite | Ghost Ship of the Ice
Tales of the Winter Witch | Treasure of the Crystal Sea | Clash at Fort Garsbruck?
Interview: Paratroopers | Theft at Port Kosvall | Loweholm Grasps at Freedom
Heroes of Northern Cross | Icefield Explosion | Environmental Crisis?
Victory on the Horizon? | Ceasefire! Empire Remains | Heroes of Operation Cygnus
The Road to Peace
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Valkyria Chronicles 4 Vehicles
Federation Vehicles Cactus | Glory | Federation Tank | Hafen | Snow Cruiser
Imperial Vehicles Assault Tank | Heavy Imperial Tank | Light Imperial Tank | Medium Imperial Tank | Ultimate Tank
Boss Vehicles Lophius | Orcinus Magnus | Vulcan / Vulcan Procus
Valkyria Chronicles 4 Weapons
Main Weapons Lances | Machine Guns | Rifles | Sniper Rifles | Mortars
Others Accessories | Engineer Tool | Flamethrowers | Grenades | Mines | Ragnaid