The following is a transcript for the episode "The Tunnel of Friendship".
(At the Tunnel of Friendship, a yellow male Pop Troll and yellow male Funk Troll high-five and hug before sitting in their boat. Striped Smiley then starts the ride.)
Striped Smiley: Step right up, Trolls! (He jumps out of his booth.) Step right up to the Tunnel of Friendship! (Synth and Minuet appear.) Say, you two looking to celebrate, commemorate, cooperate, and articulate one of a kind special bond?
Synth: You know it, bro!
Minuet: Indeed!
Striped Smiley: (Taking out a book) Well, if that isn’t the cat’s pajamas, the cat’s meow, or a 3rd cat’s metaphor that stands for something better than average! (He looks through the book.) Oh, but hold the phone, friends. The tunnel’s booked solid till… (whistles) … tomorrow at noon.
Synth and Minuet: We’ll take it! (Striped Smiley holds out two tickets.)
Striped Smiley: Here you go, friends! (He gives the tickets to Synth and Minuet. Poppy and Holly then appear.)
Poppy: Synth? Minuet: Did I hear you right? You’re riding the tunnel together?
Minuet: You heard correctly.
Synth: Ha-ha! There’s some great eves dropping, Poppy!
Holly: Well, hot dang, y’all! Goin’ through the tunnel is a special moment in any friendship. (She huddles next to Poppy.) Oh, Poppy girl, remember our ride?
Poppy: The gentle rock of the boat.
Holly: Our BFF Zone playin’ on the loud speaker.
Poppy: Oh, seems like it was only yesterday.
Holly: Mm. ‘Cause it was.
Both: Ah…
Minuet: Oh, so enchanting! I only hope our ride is as special as all that.
Poppy: I know it will be. But, to be honest, I didn’t realize you two have gotten so close.
Synth: (As he and Minuet laugh) Yeah. We’re kind of an “unlikely” mashup.
Minuet: But we found that we open up one another to new experiences. (We go to the past where she and Synth are at a bakery having tea and pastries. A Classical Troll is seen in a waiter outfit.)
Past Synth: Au chantez? (He takes a sip and shows the Classical Troll hand symbol.)
Past Minuet: BACK AT YA, BRO!!! (She drinks her entire cup of tea and puts it hard on the table.) BAM!!! (We go to Techno Lagoon.) Hi, yo! Back me up on the mic! Make some noise for Synth! (Synth vocalizes very loudly, causing all the lights to go out. We then go back to the present.)
Minuet: (laughs) I’ve been waiting to ride the tunnel until I found a truly special friend with whom I could share it. And then along came Synth.
Synth: (As he and Minuet high-five) Ha! Man, that tunnel ride is gonna be a-meh-meh-meh-mazing! (That night at Poppy’s pod, Synth tells the truth.) I cannot go in that tunnel with Minuet!
Poppy and Holly: Huh?
Synth: Yeah! Check it out. I’m kind of embarrassed to admit this, but your boy Synth… is afraid of the dark.
Holly: Afraid of the dark?
Synth: Petrified, yo. Why do you think I always have so many glowsticks? (He takes out many glowsticks from his hair. He then shakes them, causing Poppy’s pod to be lit up very brightly. Holly and Poppy’s screaming is heard. They then turn them off with their hair.) You saw how excited Minuet is for this, right? But the second I go in the dark… (He falls onto Poppy’s bed.) … I’ll totally gonna flip out and ruin the special moment!
Holly: Aw, hush now. It won’t be as bad as all that, sugar. I mean, everyone gets a little uneasy in the dark.
Synth: Oh, yeah? When you’re in the dark, do you do this? (He turns off the light and screams while running around. Then he turns it back on. The camera zooms out and we see that Poppy’s pod is a wreck.)
Holly: Well, this here’s a pickle, y’all.
Synth: I know! Just when you think you’ve learned all there is about Synth, you uncover yet another faset of his personality! (He falls onto Poppy’s bed again.) Aah! Why must I be such a deep and complex character, yo?! (Soon, he is sitting on a stool.)
Poppy: It’ll be OK, Synth. I’m confident we will completely cure your fear of the dark by tomorrow.
Holly: That’s right. Sittin’ in a dark tunnel is no different than closin’ your eyes when you sleep.
Synth: Oh. I sleep with my eyes open. It’s deeply unsettling.
Poppy: OK, maybe we won’t completely cure your fear of the dark by tomorrow, but you only need to tolerate it long enough for the tunnel ride. Which is what? Three minutes?
Holly: At most. (She takes out a mint green sleep mask.) So, all you gotta do is practice with this sleep mask ‘till you can stand it for three minutes. (Synth puts on the sleep mask.)
Poppy: And when I was a little Troll, whenever I got scared of the dark, I’d squeeze my pillow and I felt better. (She takes a pillow out of her hair.)
Synth: Oh, a security whoopie?! (laughs) Noice!
Holly: (Taking out a timer) Well, let’s give it a shot, y’all. (Synth pulls the sleep mask over his eyes and squeezes the pillow very hard, causing its feathers to fly out. He then removes the sleep mask.) Three minutes?
Holly: Eight seconds.
Synth: (sighs) Yo, we’re gonna need more whoopies. (Next, he squeezes a piñata.)
Poppy: How about a security piñata? (Synth ends up squeezing it very hard and candy flies out.)
Holly 47 seconds. (Synth holds a melon.)
Poppy: A security melon? (Synth squeezes the melon very hard and it causes it to break and juice falls all over Poppy and Holly.)
Holly: (Wiping her eyes) A minute 23. (Synth then holds a rock.)
Poppy: A security rock? (Synth squeezes the rock very hard.) 3, 2, 1… 3 minutes!
Both: You did it, Synth!
Synth: (Still squeezing the rock) I did?! (The rock bounces around Poppy’s pod and out the window. It then bounces off other pods. The next day, a female Rock Troll and a purple male Pop Troll get out of their boat. Synth and Minuet then get in.)
Minuet: Ooh! Here we go!
Synth: (chuckles nervously) Yep. Just you, me, and my lucky rock.
Striped Smiley: (Through the microphone) This is it, you fast friends! You bosing buddies, you cherish chumps, you most personal pals, you sister and brother from a different mister and mother, you- (He stops and looks at Synth and Minuet.) OK, I’ll stop. (He pulls the switch.) Enjoy your ride!
Minuet: (As the boat starts moving) Oh, this is it, Synth!
Synth: Yeah. (He gets scared.) This is it. (He picks up his rock. Poppy and Holly pop out of a bush. Holly turns on the timer on a watch.)
Holly: Come on, Synth. Just hold it together for three minutes.
Poppy: Oh, I can’t watch!
Holly: (whimpers) Neither can I! (They cover each other’s eyes with their hair. Synth whimpers in fear.)
Minuet: Synth, thank you so much for doing this with me.
Synth: Well, yeah, Minuet. I wouldn’t let anything stop you from being here with you. Like anything, yo. (The boat goes inside the tunnel. Troll statues are seen. Some Snug-A-Lugs are seen swimming. As Synth and Minuet go through the tunnel, they sing Me & You.)
Don’t it seem like you and me
Were made to be best of friends
Much the same in many ways
It overshines our difference
Come along, let’s sing a song
About the ways we are great
Sing along and celebrate
Yeah, I’m like the bread
And I am like the jam
Whenever you are
Is exactly where I am
Me and you cruising through
Yeah, we’re two of a kind
And wherever we are
Gonna be a good time
Me and you, getting lose
Not a thing on our mind
Yeah, whatever we do
Gonna be a good time
Me and you (Synth and Minuet see the exit.)
Synth: I… I made it!
Minuet: Yaaaay! (Suddenly, their boat shakes and comes to a stop. The lights then go out.) Oh, my. That’s odd.
Synth: Yeah. (chuckles) We’re so close to the light. (He shakes his head.) I mean, the end.
Striped Smiley: (From outside) Apologies, guys and gals. It appears there’s a monkey wrench in our get up and go. (He is heard grunting.) But have no fear. (grunts) Ol’ Stripe will have you moving likity- (A banging sound is heard.) Jeepers. Ol’ Stripey does not like that sound at all. What do you mean, they can still hear me? (Synth starts whimpering in fear.)
Minuet: Oh, this is delightful. It appears our special moment will last a few minutes more.
Synth: Minutes more?! (Outside, Holly’s watch runs out of time.)
Poppy and Holly: Uh-oh! (Synth starts to sweat and squeezes his rock. He then opens a wire cable.)
Synth: You know what? I bet I can get us moving again. (He connects a red wire together.) There. (Just then, the boat goes backwards very fast. Synth and Minuet scream in terror. The boat soon hits a wall in an area with a red light.)
Minuet: Synth, are you OK?
Synth: Who, me? What? When? Where? And sometimes why? (chuckles) Ooh, but I think I dropped my Hug Watch. Gonna grab a light real quick. (He takes out a light blue glowstick and sighs in relief. A yellow fish then grabs it and swims away.) Aw, come on! I thought we were ice cream buds, yo! (He squeezes his rock.)
Minuet: Synth, are you sure you’re all right? You seem a little-
Synth: Happy? ‘Cause that’s what I am. (laughs) Happy to share this once in a lifetime moment with you. (The rock flies out of his hand, bounces around the tunnel, and hits the red light and it goes pitch black. Synth then screams and runs away. A hole of himself in the wall is seen. Minuet gasps in shock. Outside, Synth pants to calm down.)
Minuet: Synth, why did you do all that?
Synth: (Getting up) Who, me? What? When? Where? And sometimes-
Minuet: Synth!
Synth: (sighs) Yeah, OK. The truth is, I did all that ‘cause… I’m afraid of the dark.
Minuet: Afraid of the dark? Of course. That explains all those glowsticks.
Synth: Yeah. I thought I could overcome it, but I came up short. And I ruined something that was really important to you.
Minuet: Oh, I see. Meh, no big deal.
Synth: Meh? But… but you were so excited.
Minuet: Yes. I was… excited to experience a very special moment. With you. (Synth smiles.) With you is the part that really matters to me, Synth. So if you don’t want to ride the tunnel, well, neither do I.
Synth: (sniffles) Yo! (He and Minuet hug.)
Poppy and Holly: Aw!
Minuet: Besides, I’m sure if there are any plenty other ways to celebrate friendship in TrollsTopia.
Synth: Mm? (Later, Striped Smiley is in charge of a gondola ride.)
Striped Smiley: Step right up! Step right up to the very well Illuminated open air Gondola comradery! (Synth and Minuet are seen riding on a gondola.)
Synth: Now this… this is something special.
Minuet: YEAH, BOY! (She and Synth hug as the ride continues.)