Sporty Trolls were a group of Trolls part of the Trolls-era family grouping and were a sub-Tribe within the Pop Trolls. The archtype model of this family was Aspen Heitz. Aspen Heitz made in an appearance in Trolls and Trolls: The Beat Goes On! but has not appeared in any other media outside of Trolls making the group currently retired.
They tend to dress in an attire best suited for their sports.
Known Members[]
Trolls: Crazy Party Forest![]
Similar to the Maker Trolls, other Trolls may partake in sports, but the "Sporty" family excel in it. For example, Aspen is a natural at the Critterboard and Rudy at baseball.
- Cookie and Aspen were both named as Rainbow Trolls in Top Trumps Trolls. This was because the family name "Sporty" was not quite in use at the time; its first notable use was in Trolls: Crazy Party Forest!.
- It's likely that Ripley Wisp from Trolls: The Beat Goes On! was also a member of this family, but this is unconfirmed.
- †: retired lore